- Murasame Masamune: “Holding everything constant, if I run reppers forever and increase this one skill, I run out of capacitor quicker and my fits become less cap stable”
- Everyone: “Yes, so don’t do that, theres half a dozen ways to not run out of cap”
- M.M: “It’s a downside!”
- Everyone: “No, it isn’t”
- M.M: “It objectively lets you consume more capacitor in the same amount of time!”
- Everyone: “Yes”
- M.M: “That is literally a downside/punishment/negative!”
- Everyone: “No”
- M.M: “It objectively is a downside!” (repeat as necessary)
- Everyone: “No, as you can always decide to run the repper intermittently to match the slower speed before”
- M.M: “I wish I had some way to raise the skill but choose to run the repper with longer duration”
- Everyone:
“That’s precisely what we just said…”
- M.M: “You’re ignoring me: it literally consumes more capacitor and therefore it is literally a downside”
- Everyone: “It can consume more capacitor in the same amount of time but that alone is not a downside. It’s only a downside for fits and piloting styles where you run modules turned on forever.”
- M.M: “You keep ignoring it consumes more capacitor in the same amount of time! You all have an ego!”
The dude is staring at one tree and the rest of us are trying to show him the forest.