You sound like a flerf, not gonna lie
Just because you and many others overestimated your knowledge when it comes to this subject doesn’t negate my commanding victory. Winning a steep uphill race against guys in manual wheelchairs is still a win.
Are you about done tolling the forums?
This thread has kinda lost its entertainment value.
–Gadget has been out of popcorn for nearly a week
I love the spider tank and logistic ships for that very reason, unless your in solo then sometimes dual repairs plus strong tank are necessary
I’ve thoroughly defeated all my opponents. All of them, the trolls you are addressing, have retreated with their tails betwixt their legs. Gadget can move on now.
But, you’re still here, so this statement is factually incorrect
That illusion is only true in your head. I know exactly what you mean with the “steep uphill race”, it was Mt. Stupidity you were climbing. Now you are on top and you are alone. While the others watch you from the distance and shake heads. It’s really well explained in this picture:
Danth’s Law : If you have to insist that you’ve won an Internet argument, you probably lost it, badly.
I don’t have to insist. The proof is in the pudding. All your poor arguments were objectively refuted and you were incapable of countering basic math (no surprise there) and simple logic. You literally had to frame the discussion into a strawman about fitting choices, when it was about a simple statement of fact regarding skill level in relation to a module’s GJ/s used.
Such sore losers. The sheer amount of salt you guys are swallowing is going to give you hypertension, high blood pressure and diabetes. So sad to see.
You really need to check your ego sir, it’s writing cheques that you have no hope of being able to honour.
stop feeding the troll and let this abomination of a thread die.
No ego necessary. Just objective empirical facts.
I pay for everything in cash, friend. Go get that diabetes checked out.
Considering there has been no patch to change the skill like you wanted, I’d say you havent defeated any of your opponents since CCP is still siding with them by not making changes.
But please, continue being the pigeon on the chessboard.
CCP doesn’t even read these posts. They don’t even listen to tester feedback. Even if they did, that they’d want to keep the drawback on Repair Systems doesn’t negate the existence of the drawback itself. By your ‘illogic’, if someone says armor plates have a weight drawback that should not exist in space and CCP doesn’t remove the weight penalty, that means there is no weight penalty and anyone claiming there is is wrong.
What a desperate argument from a desperate salty individual who can’t win for losing. Thank you for giving me yet another victory. You guys really are gluttons for punishment. Keep getting back up and I’ll keep knocking you back down.
If navigated properly a kiting battleship can easily benefit from a medium sized armor repairer, extremely cap efficient for a hull of this size and eventually gets the job done, albeit a bit slowly.
Even if CCP read this post, their only response would be
So many tears. So much salt. The Dead Sea is jealous.
Keep it coming. I love owning you guys.
I love owning you guys.
Would love to know what fantasy world you live in there
I’m not too sure about that 3rd wheel as I recall my bike having 4 wheels (two large and two small)