Yes, you’re either being disingenuous or - how do I word this nicely? - you lack the capacity to understand the question. If the answer does not fit the question, outright ignoring the question, scenario or the topic, it is reasonable, assuming you are of sound mind, for me to assume you are being intentionally daft. It’s not a matter of not liking the answer, but the answer having nothing to do with the topic and/or point it’s supposed to address.
Fitting or ship is irrelevant to the point I’m making. “Get a bigger stuff” is not some mind blowing sage advice. The point is this represents a scenario in which having Repair System at a lower level is preferrable than having it at a higher level. Avoiding the situation does not negate the fundamental fact that you can be in said situation. As I stated previously, even if cap stable with reps that outpace incoming DPS, the fundamental drawback still exists. The very possibility of a lower skill level being better in a situation exists. Just like the drawback still exists if you equip a DPS rig, but have the necessary power grid to handle it.
And again, we have another reply that shows you are intentionally playing daft or not playing at all and genuinely lacking the capability to comprehend written English. Because I completed the mission. I did not die. It clearly did make a difference. So the strawmanned concept of this thread being about a “tank and fit issue” falls apart. Did you even read what I posted? Let’s look at it again for the Nth time. I’ll trim some of it out as not to overwhelm you as perhaps you’re not being disingenuous, and it’s genuinely taxing for you to keep up with.
I did tank the incoming damage. That’s the whole point. If I had lvl 5 I would not have been able to because the module would have shut down due to cap failure. So following your strawman framing, the “tank and fit issue” you refer to would be me having lvl 5 skills. You shot yourself in the foot. Good job. You just admitted that there are times where having Repair Systems at a lower skill level is preferable to having it at a higher level. As at the higher level I would have reached failure and required a different fit. That would fall in line with your reply.
In the context of the example given, the very notion of saying a person doesn’t have the “right ship” is in and of itself admitting that the higher skill level has a drawback that and, in that particular scenario, warrants a complete overhaul of the fitting and/or ship (which I would agree with if the topic was fittings). Thanks for validating my point even if you didn’t intend to.
Learn what an ad hominem is. I never personally attacked you. Me asking you to let me know if you have a reading disorder is perfectly valid considering your seeming lack of understanding of the written language. As I’ve elaborated in this very comment by contrasting my quotes to your replies, your response shows either a lack of reading comprehension or willful ignorance. Now I gave you the benefit of the doubt in regard to that lack of comprehension being unintentional and you having a reading disorder. So, can I take it that by denying you have any reading disorder, you did in fact intentionally ignore the segment I quoted above, meaning you are being purposely obtuse? Because it’s one or the other.