just admit you’re in a minority of one with your opinion on this. absolutely no-one agrees with you.
as for ‘bad faith statements’, the only one acting in bad faith here is you. you’re determined to get us all to admit that you’re right, when none of us agree with you.
if you’re just trolling, I applaud the effort you’re making. it’s pretty impressive.
if you’re serious, then, well, that’s another matter altogether.
So, what about the Precursor Battleship skill? People should really leave that at Level I right? Because it increases the Leshak’s rate of fire, which means the Disintegrator will eat more cap per second! And more ammo! Thats clearly drawbacks!
You can only keep it at level 1 for so long. If you want to move up to cruisers and beyond you need to increase the level. What I’m saying is that, given what I’m currently doing, I prefer to keep it at level 1 because there are missions in which it lasting longer works out better than it repping a little more HP/s. And I gave an example of the situation that brought me to make this thread in the first place (see below). Right now I do not need the repper at a higher level than 1. And, if I had it at level 3 or 5, there are the situations where I would reach cap failure for a relatively miniscule HP/s gain, whereas at level 1 the module keeps going longer and I can complete the mission without warping away and coming back.
My issue is that I feel a skill that you must invest SP into should never have better outcomes at a lower level than a higher level. No matter how niche that situation is. I should never, under any circumstance, feel like I’d be better off if I didn’t invest the SP. The notion that lower level is just outright better than higher levels is not a concept I introduced, but other people introduced this strawman in order to argue against it. Because acknowledging that there could possibly be a circumstance where a lower level has an advantage if too much for people’s ego. It’s likely just a lack of experience in doing anything other than playing it safe and doing content in which incoming DPS is always less than their HP/s repped.
I don’t have an “opinion” that increasing the skill level of Repair Systems increases GJ/s used. That’s just an empirical fact. You cannot disagree with me on a fact. That’s like disagreeing that holding a white-hot ball of tungsten will burn your flesh. You don’t have to admit anything. I am right. Objectively so. And you yourself fully understand that I am right, rather you openly say it or not.
Do not think the fact that you ignored the meat of the post because you fully understand you are wrong and can’t refute anything I said is lost on me. You tell me you know I’m right even when you don’t intend to.
Yes, it’s a drawback. That doesn’t mean no one should ever raise the skill. I never said no one should never increase the level of Repair Systems, which is not even feasible unless you fly only small hulls forever. If I did, quote me.
Do you even read our replies?
I don’t disagree gj/s increases if you leave your repper running. In fact, I have explicitly stated on several occasions that this is indeed the case.
Where I disagree is your rants that it’s some kind of major drawback and the skill system needs to change to accommodate your apparant inability to fit or fly a ship.
At this point my bet is more on him not understanding how the capacitor works, or when he pays the cost, or how it recharges. It is hard to tell when the skill says all it does is make the module go faster while the OP denies having any extra time to shut it off. Either the enemy dps scales with the hp he repairs, or the extra HP he would get vanishes into the ether. Your guess is as good as mine.
The module has a cost, a benefit, and a duration between paying the cost and getting that benefit before it is ready for another activation. There is no instance at all where having to wait longer, either to reactivate the module or receive the benefit, is an advantage. None. Having a lower skill does not save you anything. It simply puts a tighter cap on how much repair you can buy with capacitor in a given amount of time, but a person of higher skill can always choose to pay less and repair less than the maximum if they want to.
Did I not say, “you cannot disagree”? So why are you framing your response as if I said you don’t agree? I already know you agree with me. Rather you think the issue should be addressed by CCP or not is irrelevant.
Where did I say it’s a “major drawback”? Quote me. This “major drawback” rhetoric is a strawman you guys introduced, not me. And when did I say or imply in any way that I can’t fit or fly a ship (this one is an ad hominem). Quote me. I’ll go first.
Of course, he could not quite me because he made it up. Same as you. You’re not the first to make up lies and attribute them to me. But wait! There’s more!
Seems like you’re intentionally false framing. No surprising. Obviously, you cannot come at me on the substance of what I’ve actually said.
But, hey, you go ahead and find that quote where I say I’m having trouble fitting a ship. I won’t hold my breath though.
Sounds like you’re giving a disingenuous reply.
Or do you suffer from a reading disorder?
Explain where in that scenario I can “manage” the repper if I’m taking more incoming damage than the repper can repair per cycle. How does one not leave it running without coming to a quick end? This should be interesting.
Answer this question if you’re serious or let me know if you have a reading disorder and can’t comprehend the paragraph.
You can’t refute anything I say and you got called out for lying. Now you’re tucking tail and running for the hills. Good call. Why embarrass yourself further? Take your L and see yourself out.
Is this thread still going on? Why am I not surprised, the guy is insufferable. And objectively wrong. I’m guessing he still hasn’t figured out how.
Don’t worry Gadget, I am sure this’ll bring a new big round of replies for your entertainment. Costs me nothing cause I can’t read the guys posts anymore. A blessing.
If at level 1 Repair Systems I’m taking 20 DPS and repping 13.86 HP/s, wherein would I have the opportunity to stop the repper? You do realize that since you’re operating at a deficit, you can’t recoup the lost HPs once you turn it back on from when you turned it off, right? Is math not your strongsuit?
If at Level 5 I’m repping 17.55 HP/s, wherein would I have the opportunity to stop the repper? Either way you’re losing HP each cycle. There is a 3.69 HP/s difference between lvl 1 and lvl 5. There is also a 59s difference in capacitor use time. The lvl 1 gets to low cap warning, but keeps chugging along. The lvl 5 reaches cap failure and shuts off because, all else being equal, it has 59s less capacitor.
Now of course I don’t expect you to answer those easy simple highlighted questions, because you understand the answer. And you understand you’d have pie on your face if you did answer honestly and how utterly dishonest it would look if you answered dishonestly. However, unbeknownst to you, you already look dishonest and ignorant of basic game mechanics based on your previous posts. Running from questions doesn’t help you. It has only shown that you are consciously dishonest, not ignorant. If you were genuinely ignorant you’d just run in head first and get pie on your face. But you clearly know to dodge and run from the question. Which lets everyone know you’re just dishonest.
Nope, its the actual issue here, learn to micromanage your ship instead of expecting to be able to basically ignore your modules
You not liking the answer doesn’t make it disingenuous bud
Then thats a tank and fit issue, if you’re not able to tank the incoming damage then YOU did something wrong, you either don’t have the required skills to mitigate the damage or you didn’t fit the right modules or you didn’t bring the right ship, these are all things you control, in your scenario the amount of cap you have is irrelevant because even with infinite cap you still die because your reps can’t repair enough, so the amount of cap they use makes literally zero difference
Resorting to ad-hominem doesn’t help your argument, you not liking the answer doesn’t change the answer young one