ISD’'s are volunteers for a private for profit corporations public forum. They are not paid, yet.
But as Uber & a bunch of other corporations found out lately just because you do not consider a person to be working for you does not mean in the eyes of the law they were not, no matter how much toilet role you made them sign or for lack of employment contract.
I suspect isd could in fact, be employees of CCP & probably owed sums for their labour. Why anyone would volunteer at a for profit Ltd. C is beyond me.
Why any H.R department for a profit organisation would sign off on unpaid workers is also beyond me, the liability nowadays is enormous.
Maybe you need to go read up on the CCP volunteer programs before making those kind of statements.
I’d prefer to read statutory law & employment law precedents alongside trade unionists blogs.
But don’t worry I’m sure where Uber, a multi billion $ international failed, CCP & Pearl Abyss will succeed.
That would be OK, if you did not pretend to understand it. But spreading nonsense seems to be your defacto standard of forum posting.
Keep going then.
As I say what ever, if people want to volunteer for an at profit enterprise, meh who are we to stop them?
I could not imagine myself as a director ever signing off on such an activity. It would not sit morally with me. Also looking at other cases it does not sit well with the law now either regardless of how you try & fudge it. Potential liability is now huge.
Like why is this person working for me for free? Why am I not willing to pay him? Why is his labour worthless? Is this free work detracting from his ability to generate income, is his current income providing a living wage?
I suspect answering these morally needed questions would be more expensive than just paying the statutory minimum wages.
Well editing your thread to sounds less objectionable is par for the course as well.
You seems to forget that these kind of volunteer programs also help people get jobs at said companies when there are openings. Or it could be somebody that is really passionate of the game or service they are volunteering for. Don’t bash people for having a passion, there might be a future end goal in doing so for that person.
There would also be no reason for somebody working for me for free either, but in my case I have had University students do grunt work for me because it helps them gain experience in certain fields. And all of these things get handled properly via HR and legal, between all parties.
You might be overthinking all of this.
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Maybe you and CCP are under thinking it?
This blog puts it fairly well, if say ISD was being shadowed by a CCP’r & ISD were learning the trade of forum moderator then o.k, you could say they were volunteer interns.
I suspect ISD make thought critical decisions & are in fact unpaid workers.
Now you are just trolling again. So predictable.
I understand the concept of how volunteers work unlike shea. I’m a volunteer for the court system, playing counter to CPS, and the only ppl who get paid are the supervisors.
@Shea_Tzestu not every “job” or every activity requires being paid.
I am not suggesting volunteering for charitable organisations or non profits is immoral, ie your court work. I am suggesting accepting ‘volunteers’ for profit Ltd. C’'s like CCP & PA is.
I am not suggesting a shadow intern is immoral, I am suggesting having interns do work is immoral.
I’ll spell it out, CCP should pay the ISD, taking their labour at nil wages is immoral.
They do get some comp for what they do.
Oh so they are paid, I hope in line with statotory requirements. I always heard they were unpaid. CCP not as scummy as first appears.
Not money no. But their isd account is basically a free omega account
Dude just drop it and get back on topic.
I’m feeling another single issue csm campaign coming on.
“End modern day slavery at CCP.”.
ISD are a joke here. Worst forums ever
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LMAO. ISD are bots. @Arcturen_Sanguis . I suggest that you change the theme. Create this thread as a formal thread for botting issues.“Thread about Botting” theme is good enough.
CCP should just add botting as a feature into the client → more potential botters, more plexing accounts $$$
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If CCP makes more money from botters than actual players, then it makes good business sense to support the botters, since the players are bunch of loser cheapskates.