Way to long lad… i got bored by the 3 sentence…
If you don’t want to read it, I can’t help.
All I say is, it would be great if there would not be only the Venture as great PvP ship, so add the Endurance to the list.
And would it not be nice that the skiff as tank would become a PvP ship too together with the Mackinaw as shield logistic, able to roam? Not designed to go against fleets but good enough not to flee everytime when a neutral is spottet in your system.
And finally I wrote it is sad that there is just one type of command boost ship which are all more or less the same. So mix it up make the Porpoise a deep space transport. Let the orca mostly like it is today and turn the rorqual into a carrier for industrial drones.
That’s all. And the rest of the text is why.
Not to mention that you have as miner always to relay on a command boost ship to make a mining fleet Funktion.
In some casas it is just not possible to bring a rorqual or a orca. For these cases should be a ship to still make things possible in a different way.
For these cases just a compression hauler would be nice.
Or even just a Mackinaw with fleet hangar.
if only there was a section of the forum where people can post their “ideas”.
Talks about playing for 12 years… Did not know there is a special section for people who like overthinking.
A tech3 strategic exhumer with subsystems
do eet ccp !!
I understand what you are trying to do and some of your ideas would improve things for miners but I advise you not to push your points further into the thread if you don’t want it locked and your posts hidden by the “community”.
You have made your points and presented your ideas in OP and subsequent posts, your job is done, let the thread evolve/devolve with members posting their 2cents and stay away from the innevitable confronting and taunting posts, those are quick and easy to churn up as it doesn’t take a lot of neurons to criticize.
Most members in this forum do not want whines, rants or changes. I’m surprised they know the word debate.
Let this thread run it’s course. Some will agree with you and some won’t, that’s democracy.
It’s a discussion, you don’t have to convince anyone.
I myself am not a miner, I haven’t even done the mining career agent so I will not pretend that what you’re proposing is bad - just because it’s new.
Imagine replying to yourself with an alt to have at least one supporter, lol
I do not support anyone. I am here for sane sensible discussions, light banter and maybe a small debate with members who aren’t constantly in a reactionary state.
I am FOR PvP, am FOR risks, am PRO CCP, PRO ganking and PRO New Eden in a healthy Eveyone Versus Everyone.
Try to lighten up and have a nice day.
I realy hope There is something Happening, It does not have to be exactly the way i described.
- Problem: Miningfleets which only function if there is an Industrial Command Ship is arround, cant be intendet. Therfore Nete Retriver And Mackinaw should have a fleet hangar. (Just for ORE and ICE.
- The Skiff is a somewhat good PVP ship, but without logistic it is nothing. Therfore Skiff = Drone Boost Mackinaw = Remote Repair Drone Boost and the Hulk as 100% yield Ship = Mining Drone Boost.
- Not Every Fleet is Capable to bring an Orca or Rorqual. (If you compare it to PVP that means to make a Sup Cap Fleet Funktion, you must have a Capital in your Fleet!?! Therfore an All Compression hauler with zero industrial boost range, just for compression. (together with the mackinaw it would create an interesting new version of miningfleets Fleets.)
- The venture is a great PVP ship, so please make the Endurance its successor in tech 2.
- The last and not that important request, all commandships in eve are played more or less the same way. Would the Porpoice become a deepspace transport, the orca more or less stay as it is. and the Rorqual more or lesst played as an Carrier with industrial drones. every ship would become unique.
- And finally for all those who love to explore. a non pvp aktion, a self serving vessel able to miner scan and roam and travel like the Prospect in big, a Ship which might let you forget that you once have to come back home would be great.
I really hope to get one constructive reaction.
They removed High slots for the mining barges … why? Seems they want the game to be a job continuously. EvE is like a 2nd job for many people. It’s not as enjoyable for many as you think. It’s a lack of options in mining and the silly added restrictions that cause issues.
I wouldn’t have touched the game if it wasn’t for a deal irl that was too good to pass up. But … that’s my story … and i’m not sharing it.
And you have any more knowledge over this topic than me? People I fly with in incursions, people I see in help chat and my corp friends are all quite happy and content with how they balance RL and EVE online.
I remember a saying stating, “You are the company you keep.” Perhaps it is time to find people who enjoy the game? If you are surrounded by miserable bitter vets with pretty much everything in the game then it rubs off it seems.
I only downloaded EVE online because it was free to play Look at me now. Invested a few $$$ to buy omega time. Found a really awesome person to take me under my wing. He got me into incursions. 5 years later I am worth 18 billion + my 78mil SP and I got luxury modules/ships and ships only people who are starting out can dream to have. All of this done on a limited time frame as I had RL also.
If a game seems like a second job, I recommend finding a different game to kill your time at.
Comedian aren’t you? Shall I be a fool like you and insert some stupid emoji’s too?
5 Years and 78m SP and 18+ bil? Slow aren’t you? Are you implying you’re doing well? Whipping out your puny epeen doesn’t impress me. Your items are like my items … digital real world asse. If I tossed cash in and mooched off someone I could be just like you … but please; continue bragging.
You’re correct on one thing : Fun people to play with would make the game enjoyable.
However, every game has some kind of grind … and it’s always like work.
Yah man! I will brag about how I got to where I am today. Why hide success? Why hide gains? Why do anything if there is nothing to show off/brag? I show off all my great abyssal rolls (and wallet stamps) to rub in everyone else’s face.
If you are this annoyed by my mild bragging DO NOT go into incursions. For real… Incursions is all people showing off how many marauder boxes they have or how high their DPS is.
Totally agree that every game has some grind.
I dabble.
Why can’t this be intended? Command for mining is a completely different function from command for combat. It may not be required for combat but, since mining is much more focused, a force multiplier for mining has no drawbacks.
I don’t really interpret the Skiff role as that of a tank, like you seem to. I see the Skiff as something to raise the bar required for ganking you or your fleet. If your area is prone to solo gankers, someone flying around in a Hecate picking off opportunistic targets isn’t likely going to solo a Skiff, but they can a Hulk or Mack. That means you can still mine. The same is true with a fleet, once you have half a dozen Skiffs on field with a sieged Orca, that roaming small gang of an Eris with maybe a T3 and a Gnosis isn’t nearly as threatening. Maybe they cyno in a bigger fleet but that’s a risk either way you go. The Skiffs force them to meet that bar.
This is the same as #1. Command serves a different purpose for mining than it does for combat and every mining fleet should absolutely figure out how to bring a command ship. No, it doesn’t have to be a capital. I’ve mined moons when no one had an Orca/Rorq and we just used a Porpoise for boosts. If you want to solo mine, then take a Mack for the bigger hold and fewer unload trips. That’s the point of it. But a Hulk is absolutely designed around having fleet support. A Porpoise is very easy to get into and very cheap to run. If you’re talking about moons or mercoxit that the Porpoise can’t compress, then you have to recognize that those are based around corp usage already. You can run a station but not an Orca?
The Porpoise is not played even remotely like an Orca. Sure, it CAN be. You can sit in a belt with it and do the same thing. However, I would never consider taking an Orca into lowsec to run a fleet of Prospects pulling Dark Ochre/Gneiss but I absolutely do that with a Porpoise and it works great with its fast align and low cost/risk. I won’t be taking an Orca into gas sites in w-space either, but I’ll do that with a Porpoise too for the same reason (though not for compression). To me, that’s what the Porpoise is designed for: agile, potentially roaming mining fleets in hostile territory. And it does that quite well. It can sit be a cheap, easy to train option for sitting on a belt too, but the Orca is far superior at that with more high slots.
Thank you miner, for the long hours that you put in and the ganking raids that you endure to ensure the rest of us have minerals to build our empires from.
OP, You are new on this forum?
Dont take these people seriously.
And definitely not their opinions.
You need to understand 2 things:
whatever you do in eve online, requires huge amount of boredom. It does not matter if it is pvp or pve or mining- it is just a waiting game( to-a-point abyss and ganking in high traffic 0.4 connecting systems exluded).
Forum is a playground for HS pvp people. Why? They have to do something while waiting for appropriate victim to come along.
You have more love and care for this game then it deserves.
My 2 cenrs would be to play eve as long it gives you pleasure.
Avoid forum.
Stop playing the game afzer you start feel there is no point in it anymore.
Have fun.
Fly safe.
Dont think eve online has anything to do with your inteligence.
If you feel like there is no point to Eve Online, go Null sec belt and or ESS raiding or exploration.
Nullsec doesn’t have belts, just Anomalies with some rocks and a whole lot of powerful NPCs.
I travelled through Null for the past two days, in two different constellations. If I mined in Null it would be in a powerful PvP ship with one mining turret, combat drones and powerful beam turrets and it would still be a challenge to mine and get out in one piece.
And the real danger in Null isn’t other players but NPCs. I must have crossed 15 systems and only met two players. Null is mostly empty, at least the constellations I visited so far.
This is a dissertation, not a story. And there is nothing fun about reading those.
Why yes. It’s mining. What did you expect? You do get a lot of different ships that have different slot layouts so, you know, that’s how you customize them for the job.
You know what, how about I cut to heart of this massive wall of text.
The TL;DR version
Mining sucks. But I want to be different from my entitled care bear miner brethren. So instead of blaming the game mechanics, I’m going to blame the ships (even though what I’m about to whine for has been whined for for over 20 years by my mining besties)
I want a ship that mines a zillion kajillion units of ore per second.
It is absolutely invulnerable to any sort of attack.
It has an “I-win” button that all I have to do is press and it completely obliterates any pvpers in the same system as me so I can be an ace in pvp.
It can fit large weapons, and have a tracking speed that can one shot drones and frigates and cruisers and titans.
It doesn’t have to travel. All I should have to do is pull up a system, click on a belt (or other mining anom) and poof, magically it appears there.
The ore hold should have a teleportation device that magically whisks the ore away to my hanger of choice so I don’t have to haul it, at all.
Oh and it should have an infinite sized ship hanger bay to store all my friends ships that don’t play with me because I want to solo roam.
It also has to be able to fit any other role I deem fit in the moment because I don’t want to be pigeon-holed into a singular role.
Well, I will give it to you- you managed to create a template for eve online forum.
Just delete “mining” and “miners” with whatever you are talking about and you will be 100% correct.
Real PVPers
Industry folks
Whichever you replace it with, you will get exactly what they are whining about.
I read the first 5 paragraphs and don’t understand what you think the problem is. I think if you cant explain the problem simply then you are probably not on to something.