Why not CCP just cancel all High Sec area?

Sounds about right. CCP made changes to the game universe to add new content and attract players, much like they have been doing since 2003.

Isn’t a large part of the Invasion and the Triglavians PvE? Haven’t PvE players been asking for new and dynamic PvE for years? Haven’t… oh you are just pouting or trolling.

I’ll let you carry on debasing yourself to create us some forum content then!

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You’re so wise, Black Pedro…

Now back to our regularly scheduled whining.


How did they force you? They held a knife at your throat?


I started playing many many years ago, back then it was a really chilled laid back game where a group of friends could log in and have some (alien concept to a lot of you here) FUN.

Biggest worry was some sod coming along and nicking the contents of your jetcan.

Forward fast to today - Yep CCP hates High Sec players who don’t spend absurd amounts of money on all the micro-transactions added in over the past decade or so.

So the vocal 25% minority wants the quiet 75% majority of the playerbase, who quite often run 2, 3 or 4 accounts for that all round mining experience to simply go away so the PvP crowd can have all the systems to play in?

Ok done, by the way have fun doing all the mining the other 75% used to do for you.


The fact you think thats the balance shows how far already this mess has gone.

That said, the silent majority also told me you smell of Murray Mints


We don’t want you to go away, but it’s also not our fault that you chose a path of total nonviolence in a game about blowing up spaceships.

We want you to stay, and either give us a cut of your profits, or die and give us your loot. It’s only fair that you share some of your wealth in exchange for the privilege of being able to create it. Otherwise, you’d have everything, and we’d have nothing; how would that be fair?

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All of the miners who aren’t risk-averse farmer trash: “yes, please GTFO so that mineral prices go up and I get even richer”.


Joining a null block is the most risk averse and profitable thing a new player can do.

You occasionally just have to hit F1, accept warp, and assist drones.


Thank you for reinforcing my point that it is good for the game when miners ragequit over having their menial farming tasks disrupted. Remove the flood of excess mineral production and prices go up to the point that mining becomes worth it.

Yes, because “the earth is flat” and “if supply decreases prices will increase” are equally reasonable theories…

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Only with regards to the parts that need minerals.
Since minerals are not the only thing required for most building this means that while overall prices might increase, miners income increases faster than the overall cost does.
This can be seen in the price indexes movement in the MER’s if you bother to go and read them.

What number do you think miner income currently is at in various sections of space.

It’s very clearly not theoretical, it can be seen in the markets already.
And most miners are not operating at additional cost.

I’m not one to pump any specific theory of economic organization, but in this game, the market speaks for itself. The reason why mining income is so low is because nearly half of the game’s population consists of high-sec miners. Mining is absolutely stuffed with players in proportion to other PvE activities, so of course its income potential will be much lower by comparison. The game’s economy would be healthier and more even if less players mined. Unfortunately, many of them categorically refuse to engage in other activities, so their loss would necessarily result in a loss of revenue for CCP.

Didn’t say anything about “skyrocketing,” though; the change would be proportional to the reduction.

Because a glut of raw materials trivializes loss by making assets easy to replace. And when loss becomes trivial, conflict loses meaning. And this game is built around conflict. Do you think players would still fight so much if replacing a big ship would take very little effort? I doubt it. There are other games that do deathmatch gameplay much better than EVE does.

Money is an intangible resource that’s a representation of other tangible resources. If things became more expensive ISK-rise, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. What matters is being able to reasonably balance the rewards of all activities against each other based on their inherent risk factors.

Because it drives down prices and makes mining an unappealing activity. You said it yourself, if you care about ISK you never do mining. Why should we be happy that a major part of EVE is an activity that you only engage in if your plan from the beginning is to fail? Especially when it is a completely menial task that provides nothing besides ISK that might redeem it?

It’s easy to replace things because there’s a ludicrous amount of ISK bouncing around.

Uh, no. ISK is just a medium of exchange, it is not itself a valuable commodity. The only reason there’s a “ludicrous amount of ISK” is that the market is flooded with excess production and prices are low. Reduce production supply and prices rise, making the current amount of ISK no longer excessive.

It’s unsurprising though that you think nullsec players farming trillions from NPC in perfect safety is fine

Stop posting this idiotic straw man. We’ve told you over and over and over and over and over and over again that the nullsec ISK/resource faucets are in need of fixing.

Funny you posted this, today I’m unsubing mostly because I cannot enjoy high sec and roam around freely, I am certainly not “rage quitting” only putting everything into mothballs until eve dev’s come to their senses.

To create chaos in hopes of reviving a game that has gone pretty flat, I mean I still enjoy it but that requires me to have the ability to do that on my terms, I speak for myself but I’m sure others feel the same.


Why should you be able to? What have you done to earn this freedom and enjoyment?

Why can you not roam around freely?
I mean, gates still work right?
You just dodge a few specific systems.

In answer to OPs question, CCP needs to present at least some level of illusion of choice.