Why not CCP just cancel all High Sec area?

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Been that way for me for almost 12 years…knew that once my 2 week free trial ran out and I wanted to continue playing.

Channeling Walter Williams…

And then what? Serious question. You write as if the problem will simply get worse and just simply stay that way, but I doubt it.

Or more increased production in and around Amarr. Or both.

This will have more than minor impact on things like missions being run, and therefore on faction equipment from LP stores as well.

This seems a bit of an exaggeration. Again, price changes will limit these effects.

In the end…yeah I don’t think it won’t be as big as many are arguing and will create new opportunities as well.

I already answered this bit in another post. Moon Goo will flow to Jita so it sells fast, market volume matters also. Which then means it’s harder to do T2 production near Amarr. So I don’t believe you will see increased production.

Will some lone trader try and prop Amarr up and take advantage of trade margins. Sure.
But that does not a trade hub make.

End of the day, yes, Highsec will go on, it’s just turned Amarr space into a far flung corner of highsec for the most part, not a central part. Which is not a minor change.

Uhmmm yeah, that’s part of the definition…nobody likes tedious or having to spend extra money (assuming Omega alts to maximize their benefit).

Uhhmmm yeah that is part of the definition of difficult too.

So is much of HS industry…

Not liking something does not make it ‘difficult’.

And yes, High Sec industry is mostly just maths as well. I wouldn’t consider high sec industry, or industry in EVE in general difficult. I would again consider it tedious.

Maybe…or maybe the moon goo from the south goes to Amarr. As for the impact of T2 production you also have higher prices for the finished goods. So…what is the net effect? Those two tend work in opposite directions.

Really, people make trade offs on all sorts of margins. Time is one of them. Going to Jita just got alot more expensive if you live in the South. So paying higher prices in Amarr just got relatively cheaper…from that cost perspective.

Yeah, it kind of does. If I have to give up something (time, money, playing on my main vs. an alt) those are all costs. They are called opportunity costs.

No duh sherlock.
Costs do not make difficulty though. They are simply costs.
You are trying to conflate two different terms here.

Something that is more costly is more difficult to obtain or do…just saying.

The Salty Salty Tears!

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Sure. That’s just one way to do it.

There is also a TON of gameplay between highsec and what you describe in that spectrum.

But people who don’t understand them do.


Is that a case of someone failing to take into account a little thing known as per capita?

How exactly is Eve better without HS players, I mean if someone wants to splash around in the shallows it’s their choice… I just don’t see how high sec players affect someones experience O_o


To exist, the answer must be completely illogical and biased, filled with words like “highsec scum”, “weaklings” and must display deeply rooted insecurity when thinking about plushies.


It’s not 100% about highsec players but safezoners; but yes, safezoners tend to bunch up in highsec for the greatest part.

Crying all day long for month until CCP makes the game more casual, less competitive, slowly turning it into a silly theme park for example. That’s how they affect my game experience. I’m not playing this because i like or want casual games, there are literally thousands of them out there if that’s what someone wants.

EVE is a competitive, PVP based game from day one on; accept the consequences that go along with this once you undock or gtfo.


The first thing that jumped out to me when I left the first system is the rating. There should not be any rating for the systems. The very idea that huge rival empires that span an entire galaxy will uniterally agree to such system categories is ludicrous. Even more so in a PvP game.
Moreover, calling those different systems “Hi-Sec” “Null-Sec”… is superflus since it’s a PvP game.

I’d be glad to hear the reasoning behind classifying systems like that, and I know about CONCORD and the response times and the Pilot Standing and all that.

Also, the colors for the systems, light blue for 1.0, green for 0.9 - 0.6… do not reflect what goes on in those systems. If one thinks green means ‘go’ in EVE he’ll be taught a good lesson once he’s ganked.
Another thing, will Traglivians invade 1.0 systems?

Eliminate Hi-Sec, yes but ALL systems’ ratings as well. They serve no purpose. More so that it’s not even a Security Rating… Hell, it’s not Security at all.

New New Eden.

Fresh Server. Switch up the null/low/hi… Left to right or inverted.

Toon takes jump portal to new server, all assets and ISK wiped, skillpoints stripped to 500k.

Land in a corvette. Start another 17 year story in the Eve multi-verse.

‘Far and Away’.