Except you’re incorrect on almost all these points.
High sec isn’t about safe zoning, because stats show it’s far safer in Null Sec than in high, in many cases.
It isn’t about profit farming, because again, stats show the profit is in Null.
High Sec is about “path of least resistance for someone who isn’t all that committed to EVE”. It’s the place you start in, it’s the place you can do most things in, it’s the place you can go unbothered most of the time without needing to take additional steps. It’s not the “unbothered/safety” part that’s most key, it’s the lack of additional steps/precautions/time spent.
“Crying until CCP nerfs the game” is simply ridiculous. The PVPers have cried harder and longer than anyone. What most PvPers have cried forever for is easy targets, easily accessible. They want the exact same thing High Sec ‘safezoners’ want - they want easy and convenient access to the parts of the game they like the most, in high sec, so they don’t need to take too much extra time or effort to get what they want.
The key difference is that for PvPers, they require other players as a consumable. Thus, they have always been against the way PvE players try to avoid interacting with PvP on the PvPers terms.
CCP isn’t reacting to anybody’s crying, they’re barely in touch with their own player base. CCP is only reacting to their need for more subs and income, since they keep throwing it all away on failed side projects.
CCP is reacting to the well-known fact that in any game featuring asymmetrical PvP in a combined PvP/PVE MMO, the PVE population is going to be double or triple the PvP population. They’re reacting to new player retention statistics and lifetime account expenditures, not to the whining on the forums which they don’t even read.
The simple facts are: there is more PvE than PvP in EVE. PvE drives more subs and gets more active accounts. Nothing CCP or other players can do will ever make core-PvE players into PvP players. It’s not simply a question of “forcing them out of high sec” or making high sec more PvP-friendly. It’s been demonstrated again and again that will simply cause PvE players to abandon playing.
The only way CCP will increase PvP participation is to make it more interesting, more available, less ‘expensive’ and time-intensive, and less one-sided.
To re-phrase your conclusion: “Eve is a business and a human environment that needs to support both a thriving PvE and an active PvP population to survive. Accept the consequences that PvE is as or more integral to EVE than PVP is or stfu.”