Why Seriatim Foucault is wrong about everything

It is not.

Without Capsuleer support the Triglavians would never have managed to make the gains they did. Capsuleers were given too much independence when CONCORD was formed. This is the result. For every Capsuleer who is willing and able to fight in defence of home and family, there is also a psychopath motivated only by personal gain.

In order for this to happen, the CONCORD member states need to throw their full weight behind it, and so must all loyalist Capsuleers. Even if that were to occur, scientists must first unravel the secrets of the Stellar Transmuter that was captured in the Arshat system.

When did you go insane?

You have no right to tell us how to be Caldari, and everything that has been done to our people, and is still being done to our people, will be paid back with interest.

He is a traitor to his people. This is an abnormal state of existence that requires the individual to continuously delude itself to stave off the negative emotions that inherently follow that poor life choice.

They did not other you. You lot did that to yourselves.

Anyone who turns their guns on their own people is a traitor. How about that fact?

No one in their right mind is blind to the threat posed by the Drifters, but there are still Caldari citizens under foreign occupation inside of Pochven. As long as this is the case, the Triglavians must be fought. If there is presently no avenue to fight the Triglavians then those willing to fight them must prepare, train and stockpile ad nauseam until the go-word is given.

Sending Seriatim Foucault to speak to the CONCORD member states on behalf of the Triglavians instead of letting Zorya Triglav handle diplomacy would be about as sensible as sending Edward Adams to speak for the Chief Executive Panel instead of Chairman Akimaka Saraki.