Why should I renew my subscription?

It is actually not even the SP farm here. They already existed and they will only exist as long as it is profitable to do so.

What I’m talking about is normal accounts which just have all the required SP they need to function. The “excess SP” generated by those accounts is then used to finance the next PLEX. So we are not talking about a dedicated SP farm here.

My main has 220mil SP, there is hardly anything left to train that would make a difference. So the question really is should I “donate” 15$ per month out of my wallet to CCP because I value their work or not?

And this is also not a rant about extractors. As you pointed out and as the Fab Rod alt fails to comprehend, they actually allow me to do this in the first place.

The main reason EVE is devalued for me is the absolutely greedy expanding of the cashshop with its advertising everywhere breaking every imersion still left, and the stagnant developmemt of the game overall. Both things together creat this feeling. Why should they charge more and more money for less and less service


That’s what an SP farm is, though.

Yes, which is why you are faced with this dilemma.

Valid concerns, if they are important to you.

On advertising and cash-shop, I dont really see the issue, as you yourself rely on extractors to choose the option of running your accounts off SP farms. I dgaf about advertising. Ive seen so much goddam spam in my time, I’m immune.

As to the second point of stagnation in EVE development, I tend to agree. If I had your SP farm basis, I wouldn’t pay CCP either.

As long as you play you create content. At the end it doesn’t matter if you pay real money for it or use SP. Really, it is insignificant for someone with an external point of view. Your presence matters, your plexing method doesn’t.

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Ok, I read it. Was kinda TL;DR, but I invested the time. Rant ON: CCP is a business. It pays employees enough to have some kind of life and hopefully stick around a while. You said it, Eve is an experiment. One I want to contribute to. For me it’s no big outlay. Maybe for others it is. Your mileage will vary.

Paying to play is a way to let the CCP people keep experimenting, coming to the office, sitting in front of the workstations for hours on end experimenting with content and concepts. They’re humans. They don’t always get it right. Sometime like in 2011, they screwed up royally. So what.

Hey CCP. Here’s my $14.99. Go experiment. I’ll play with what you come up with.

That’s why I subscribe.


It is one thing to have advertising thrown into your face when businesses rely on it. But this is a software/service where I pay 15$ per month. That is not cheap and it should give you an experience free of ads which try to sell you more.

They can maybe do this to alphas because there the whole business model is reliant up on selling them extra stuff. But if I already pay 15$ per month then I find this constant begging for more $ extremely irritating.

And just ignoring stuff like this will not change it. I think it is very important to point things like this out so CCP has a change if they still care to change it. If we just silently accept it they will probably think it’s ok and even expand on it.

You can send the 14.99$ to me and I will use it to experiment on stuff not EVE related. Same as when you send it to CCP really.

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But I assume you give me no reason to go to Iceland


No, not even close since you’re not the one who is maintaining the servers, creating and adding new items for game play content.

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I get spammed by EVE ads everywhere I go online.

This has been addressed elsewhere how stupid it is that these ads target people that already have or do play EVE.

Its just how retaraded advertising is these days.

You and I will probably see these EVE ads everywhere till either we or EVE dies, whichever comes first.

Just gotta HTFU and ignore it.
As far as internet metadata is concerned, we both “need” EVE advertising.

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I read your post with the understanding of your sincerity. Also seeing your post as a question to CCP drawing awareness to your plight.

You are asking CCP to consider their choices that led you to this point.

You aren’t asking players to offer you a solution nor a way to curtail currency payment. At the most I see you asking the players for confirmation through affirmation. Meaning can they sympathize?

By allowing yourself to engage the community,whether it be on the offensive or defensive,only detracts from your original post. You don’t need to justify your feeling to anyone,except to CCP,which is whom you addressed it to.

I happen to concur and stand as a voice with you on this matter. F2P is abusive by its nature and drains the soul of any MMO. The store’s they incorporate further diminish the quality even if they are implemented to enhance an experience often they subfuse the dynamic.

This go around I haven’t as of yet chose to become Omega and don’t want to PLEX my way throughout. I’m still searching for a reason why I want to spend my cash to play. When I arrive at that point I will buy a year sub,if I arrive.


you aggressions are useless, nobody even considers you are able to understand a basic situation, even less to criticize someone.

This is just childish insults.

No, its not rhetorical.

OP is asking why to pay sub in cash, when she can play for free thanks to her SP farm.

You are not understanding how profound the impact on EVE will be, now and soon, from SP farms maturing since the inception of Alpha/Extractors.

Ask Ima/OP how many alts she has that she can suck SP off every month.


Starting to wonder if someone is training a chat-bot…

–Suspicious Gadget


TL;DR of Alpha Slow’s posts.

If you disagree with him, you’re dumb.


TL;DR of alpha dumb :


lol it’s the sheer amount of hypocrisy that gets me. He insults others, while castigating them for “insulting” him.

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A question for the OP how many more CODE members feel the same as you, or are you a lonesome shark carrying anti-matter navigating in the great ocean of New Eden.

The direction of eve is plain now, and has been for a very long time. For example there’s a good chance of eve going complete free-to-play in the next few years. When it happens don’t come to the forums saying how “shocked” or “outraged” you are, because it’s simply obvious.

Also don’t expect some magical fix to come just around the corner. Like on reddit they are hyping themselves into believing there’s a plan to “just change numbers” and have super rapid rebalancing, like, they believe that might actually happen if they just tell CCP about it, despite CCP didn’t listen to their 50 last ideas. Just setting themselves up for frustration, again. Don’t be one of those people. Be realistic, and make decision based in reality on what the game actually is.

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I was dumb to miss that.
She was indeed whining about Extractors that she herself makes use of for her SP farm.
Sorry for having made you spend effort to point out what was already there.

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You actually admitted you were wrong? Am I still on the EVE forums?

Thank you. That is a redeeming quality and I respect that. I’ll have to keep you off my mental list of forum ■■■■ stains.