Will ccp accept dogecoin to pay for subscriptions?

This is hilarious coming from the person who posted the rant about non-crypto crashing in value so clearly we should all move to crypto - which would be investing in crypto.

Anyway, @Clary_Daemon, Zoiie posted a request for taking crypto currencies 8 months ago, and functionally nothing has changed since then. It’s still not worth CCP’s time and money to add crypto currencies as a supported payment method, any more than it would be to add any other currency, where they then have the onus of converting it to their local currency. It’s already a significant cost to accept and convert the currencies they do manage - they have to monitor exchange rates and determine when resetting subscription rates and purchasing power is appropriate, and with the volatility of exchange rates on crypto that is even more work - especially since it is currency-specific.

You’re better off finding a virtual wallet service that will issue you a single-use credit card for purchases and lets you fund said purchases via your crypto.