Will prices go up or down as more casual players leave?

They don’t see it DeMichael Crimson.

They simply see their playstyle loosing ground to more reasonable ones and they start to salt every post with their “this is the only way eve has to be played” posts.

They don’t care about the game,just about their needs.

Funny part is that this is exactly what i was blamed for in an above post…

They don’t see their playstyle as part of eve’s problems,they see it as savoiur…

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You don’t care about the game,proven by own post…

So the facts of todays mmog market are not your concern either?

Get used to this fact and stop censoring opionions you don’t like via abusing the flagging system.

I literally addressed the reason why this is the case:

If you want to claim that this is because EVE has too much PvP or not enough PvE, let’s see some arguments. Let’s see anything other than your empty “lol eve is dying!” type of doom and gloom.


I gave you tons of arguments…
If you don’t listen thats not my concern.

And “lol eve is dying”?
What is this? trying to devalue valid argumnets by taunting them ?

This will not work.

No you didn’t.

You think you gave a lot of arguments because you’re just posting a lot. But you’re just saying “there isn’t enough PvE in EVE!” and nothing more. You still haven’t even tried to draw the connection between PvE and playercounts.

So ignoring the MMOG market is actually a valid argument in your world?

Why are players leaving?

Because the devs don’t give them enough love?
Don’t hug them enough?
Or because the devs don’t do what they want?

If we now take a look into other games that give players exactly what i’m talking about and have sucess with it the only reasonable conclusion you can draw is that i’m simply know what i’m talking about and this is EXACTLY what eve needs to do…

You not liking it does not dissolve this fact into thin air.

You don’t know.

You can’t understand the game.

How could you even understand what the gamers are thinking?

There is no other game that does what Eve has done.
That’s why CCP is trying so many different things. It’s research and it takes time, and money, to perform.
Yet one thing is clear : removing the PVP would kill Eve.

and BTW correlation is not causation. Just saying.

Well your only exit seems to be to ignore every of my argument and simply play the so well known record called “we need no change” over and over again because you simply have no other arguments than insults against me.

This is sad because it shows clearly you don’t care about the game your only concern is that nothing changes because it would be unconviniend for you.

And again this BS “argument”

So again and until even YOU get it: I DONT WANT TO KILL PVP IN EVE.

Just give pve a safe haven in high.

That is killing PVP in Eve.


No it isn’t, because I still enjoy Eve after all this time.

This is the only way CCP will do anything to change the game in a major way. They have to see their income nose dive only then will they do something about it.

But mostly I just want Balos / Hysan to leave because I am sick of him constantly bashing the game I love and hijacking every thread on these forums.


So tell me who is your fortune teller?

He must be good knowing that before it even has been tried.
Eve will adapt to this…it always has…this is in no way different than warp to null or things like that(which was the last “eve killer”)

PVP will simply adapt…

Perhaps it’s YOU who should adapt, rather than expecting thousands of other players to do so because you feel hard done by…


Fortune teller ? This is the definition of Eve.
PvP in Eve is “when you undock” . If you change that, you kill the definition of PvP in Eve.

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Now flagging every of my post as “inappropiate” because you have no arguments left?

13 'til now…

How sweet that is…
And how stupid…

You are simply devaluing yourself…

I agree.

It’s weird seeing him demand everyone else, PvPers, even the rest of EVE to adapt, but he refuses to take responsibility for changing his own approach. This isn’t even a productive discussion since it’s clear the guy is completely set in making sure everyone else changes to suit his personal needs.


There’s a long list of characters who constantly derail threads by bashing the game and it’s players, quite a few of them are posting in this thread. The best reply to them is done with the flag option.

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No, that’s killing suicide ganking, it’s not killing PvP in Eve.

High Sec space is small area compared to the rest of New Eden. If players say they can’t find any PvP action in Low, Null or W-Hole space then they’re not looking.