Will we ever see a new wiped server?

Yes, but Eve online is not a good representation of the settings of the real world :slight_smile:

Well, its not really a full society, but roles are occupied enough to try some changes I think. At least in complexity and warfare and resource harvesting.

Only temporarily. Then the same people will leave when they find themselves in the same situation that caused them to quit originally: lack of time, lack of commitment, boredom, getting out-played, etc.

EvE isn’t like other games, there are plenty of places to make your mark, if that’s what drives you.
We don’t need to constantly reset the game for there to be opportunities for new players.
The single shard is a strength - not a negative.

–One World Gadget


Short answer is no because it would be the death of Eve and their Cash Cow. Eve server’s represent years of people’s hard work and real life money and a lot of sweat tears arguments with family friends in game people. If you like the server and removed someone’s hard work I doubt anyone would come back.

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It’s not removed, its the addition of a server.

The central appeal to Eve Online is that it’s one big persistent universe.

World of Warcraft (whose recent news about a re-released “Classic” server is probably what prompted this train of thought) is a very popular MMO. But the problem with any conversation about WoW starts out with “Hey, do you play WoW? Cool, what server are you on? Oh… I’m not on that one.” And then the conversation ends. Unless you want to pay money to Server Transfer, or you want to start a brand new toon, then you won’t be playing with your new found friend.

Meanwhile, if you say “Hey, do you play Eve? Cool, where are you at?” And then someone flies across space, and you meet up. Yay, new friends! It’s all one big universe, and you can very easily meet up with your friends.

And the Persistent nature is also what makes it unique and awesome. Things that happened a decade ago are still seen and felt today. Things that happen today will be remembered for decades to come. If they started fresh from scratch, it would undo all that history and legacy.


So what if the amount of people quitting the game outweighs the amount of people getting back into the game? And what if the amount of people quitting just results in the games death?

The problem with an additional server, is still that it is too risky a change that goes against what is the current philosophy of EVE.

Since nothing is certain. It is basically a 50-50 on whether your cash cow dies. Not a great business decision.

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People wanting to stay on TQ dont have to leave…

But if the playerbase is split, people might leave.

We simply do not know the outcome of such a drastic change and is why it won’t happen.

It is simply not “just another server”. Resources has to be invested into server hardware, resources that could be used on development of the game. It goes against the current philosophy of eve which is “One world. One war”. It splits the playerbase, which could increase player count or equally decrease player count (at worst, killing the game).

If we ever see a new server. Then eve has been rewritten into a completely different product than what it is today. At that point, the eve we know and love has already died.


Netease is making new EVE for mobiles. We could see what it will be, its completely new and graphics are comparable to PC EVE.

Expect few goons playing there also. :wink:

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Thank you for the thought out reflexion Maekchu, you are correct :frowning:

I hope so. I think about this all the time. Eve is like an infestation. It’s just too littered and exploited right now. I would love a reset server, but only if it’s 10x bigger and started with T1 battleships as the biggest ship. Slowly release new content with a detailed plan over time. Fix exploits. Also increase the materials needed for everything. I remember a time when battleships were the elite. Working to build one had such a great feeling behind it.

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So like back in 2003. There was no capital ships, the space felt a lot bigger because there was not much people around and you had to slowboat to every gate because there was no jump to 0 to the gate. :joy:

No, we will not.


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Haha. No. As fun as that was. I think releasing a new server with everything in Eve today would massively make the first players the most elite. Drop new content every 3 months and give players time to compete.

what a silly thread :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Maybe a private server where some basement dweller will assume the role of CCP

Looks like one person with many alts is trolling :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Serenity isn’t a new server though, its already established, all thats happening is a new company is taking over operating the server itself

You can’t have injectors from day one with no characters far enough to extract skill points from… Furthermore it would take a fair chunk of time to spin up enough PI to make the structures to make the capitals.

Realistically you’d need at minimum ~4 months before any standard injectors remotely become available on a fresh server. And as for getting caps dropped on you? Not likely for at least the first half year.

And with scarcity rules in effect those first few available injectors would command incredible prices, further decreasing the odds that every Tom, Dick, and Harry would have them. More likely a few specific alliance alts being force fed them for things like bridging titans initially. So you’d just be getting a big sub-cap blob dropped on you more likely.

I will concede the point that large organized null blocs could translate over pretty effectively though because of out-of-game back end support being in place already. But there would be a lot more roams of destroyers and cruisers than anything else for a while. However in the mad dash to re-establish you are very likely to see them end up in different locations than their current one on a fresh server. Which in turn makes for different neighbors and slightly different politics.

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