"Winning Eve" What does that mean to you?

Over the 12 years I’ve played Eve, I’ve seen many speak of “winning Eve”. While realistically, Eve is not the type of game one can “win”, per se, I am aware that one’s perception and idea of “winning” differs per person.

To me, “winning Eve” is about the enjoyment I get out of the game. Was it fun? Did I achieve what I played the game to achieve? On that last day I log out for the last time, can I say I enjoyed my experience in Eve and was it worth it?

In the interest of understanding how different the idea of “winning” is between different people, I ask if each of you reading this post if they can give what their idea of “winning Eve” is and elaborate a little on it.

It would be quite interesting to see the many different perceptions of “winning” the Eve community shares. Keep it clean and keep it honest, please.

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Hi, Kaely, good thread topic :+1:

For me, winning EVE means that I can have fun in the game doing what I like to do and not paying one damn cent for it.
You see, I don’t believe in paying for games. I regularly download games for free, keep those I like and delete those I don’t.
Also, I hate capitalism and the exploitation of the masses. I strive to counter that cancer as much as I can everywhere I go.
So CCP wants money for some buggy thing they call a game, which I would call more a scam than anything else, so I play as Alpha a few hours a day and I’m happy about winning that way.

Don’t buck the system, F- the system


‘Winning Eve’ is generally a colloquialism for passing beyond the point of caring any more. If would nice if there was some real ‘winning’ notion, but even the in-game ‘Combat Log’ is a joke that doesn’t record everything…and which no-one else can see anyway.


I win every time I play. I log in and have fun doing whatever it is I do. The goal is to not allow anyone to ever ruin your fun.


@Kaely_Tanniss I don’t know the game very well but from what I have seen, winning EVE to me would be to have and run a corporation of about 1000 players with our own stations and mining, PvP, exploration activities and dominate a constellation where other players would know that constellation is ours and they can’t take it.

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Five posts so far. All lies.

The only thing you temps want to win is the forum. None of you actually play the game.

I bet the next ten posts will be the same.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Winning is enjoyment of the game. Be that the pew, or the grind, the intrigue, the mastery or just the friendships made and gained over the years. Building an empire you can enjoy and be proud of when you look back on it, be that empire what you wish it to be.

Then I also like being a thorn in CCPs side if I can just to mess with them and keeping them on their toes… PS… CCP is the true villain in this story. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!

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Is that so? Funny, my KBs say otherwise. Yours says…well, you’re a station trader that never undocks yet has so much opinion of how to “play the game”. I was wondering how long it would take you to troll this post. Grow up Epeen. No one asked you or cares for your opinion on anything other that what you think “winning Eve” is. Your opinion on anything else is as irrelevant as you are. Thanks for playing. :kissing_heart:


To be fair, he only claims to station trade.

There is no evidence he actually does.



The troll just cannot help himself, even in a good thread like this one. He must be seriously butthurt about something.


I believe they have a cream for that… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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That definition seems to apply to quite some people on these forums, including a constant flow of new ones that write, behave and have the exact personality of ones that left the forums in the past for various reasons. :wink:



Frostpacker won New Eden the day we scooped up Princess Aiko corpse.

We only exited to obtain such frozen corpse treasure.

Did you pack her frozen corpse though? :thinking:



Frosty packed her frozen corpse good right next to a goonswam pilot.

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I stand by what my Eve Vegas 2017 talk had to say about winning Eve.


(and I am still winning)


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If isk was the actual cost to post such odd topic garbage then more pilots would have decided to call out for silent treatment