"Winning Eve" What does that mean to you?

Just in case here’s the difference:

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There can be only one winner

Apparently you are not a product of the American education system, else you’d know everyone is a winner.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


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So pretty much he sat there for 2 hours and got NADA.

But he’s okay with it because he is not doing it for the ISK. :wink:


Yeah Right

Frosty gets brownie points though , the scoundrel.

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I already won.
“Congratulations for your enthusiastic participation to the classification of light curves.”
~Michel Mayor

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Acually you didn’t, Zaera did.

Your consellation prize is an Ibis

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Wow, you got bullied. Sorry you wasted so much time.

Frosty only zoomed past hoping to bump into Princess.

Only the ore was stolen, there was at least 1 hour of hard mining supply.


Did you happen to see what happened with that ore by any chance?

You are catching on.

Why mine when you can steal?

But if you steal why bother at the mining site when you can station camp the trade hub where they haul the ore anyway and pop them there along other juicy targets? :thinking:


@Glenduil passed the Frostpacker miner test.

He will now receive much ore for his efforts.

We mine from you on that day and we shall turn such ore into Catalysts for our Princess.

No other goal is active.

Are you suggesting he supports the ganker production chain with his mining efforts? Is he part of the griefing? :thinking:


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We can cover his losses and still maintain a supply of fitted ganker Cats

/ps winning at Eve = having more cats than Primcess

Good Boy

I can understand that as I’ve done so myself. Likewise when I moved billions of ISK worth of my inventory stuff to Jita it was more for the ‘catch me if you can’ fun of it than because I ever ‘needed’ all the stuff at Jita. I think I may just move it all to Dodixie next :slight_smile:

You do know that with Shift and Print Screen you can capture a screen print ( just paste to Paint ) rather than taking a photo of the screen ?

What bullying?