While fleet Abyssal Space looks very much like a fine idea please CCP consider the repercussions. Instead of 3 ppl going into 1 filament you will have 3 ppl triple boxing 3 alts in 3 different filaments. All this will lead to is for 1 person to be able to fly t4-t5 filaments with a upfront cost of roughly 500-600 mill and getting 3 times the loot of someone who pays 1.2-3 bill for a cruiser in order to run the site. Yes lowering the “barrier of entry” to abyssal space is a noble endeavor but it shouldn’t disenfranchise players who can’t / don’t want to operate several accounts at once. Essentially it would totally screw up anyone who wants to use cruiser t4-t5 filaments as it wouldn’t be as nearly as profitable as fleet filaments. The data essentially speaks for itself with the majority of t4-t5 runners being 5+ year old characters those ppl have very probably several alt already and they will switch to triple boxing rather quick making cruiser high tier filaments obsolete. Note: this is only in regard to the pve filaments. Pvp fleet filaments are fine as with pvp you have a different loot/payout overall.
Alts are a part of EVE.
Anyone willing to do fleet work by themselves is more than welcome to do so.
A single person that runs three accounts for three times the loot is getting the same amount of loot as the guy running one account.
Wait aren’t you contradicting yourself here?
The guy running 3 accounts is getting the same per account as a guy running a single account doing the same thing.
I worded it differently. Get it now?
BTW, I want this to be a thing, my concern is overwhelmingly about how cap warfare is overly represented in the NPCs and disproportionally effects frigs, it effectively makes it a single large NPC neut alpha a frig’s capacitor from outside of gun range, and no frig logi have a Cap transfer bonus.
Really some look at how the TDs and Neuts behave to make more turret based setups viable.
Also if you make the NPCs resists more omni, it might make more fits/weapon types viable.
I’d really hate to see this be a Go Worm or Go home thing, as right now Gilas are massively over represented.
Missile and drone ships are over represented because they give the player a lazy way out. They are easy and require less thought.
They are far from the best ship to use.
Or you run 3x logi-damavik, duh!
Except for the ludacris price tag, damaviks can produce a ton of damage to long point range.
Well, it would require 3x humans to fly them since 5000 alts will not be able to do this unless someone used cheat-boxer.
I don’t think we’re disagreeing, but I don’t see too many folks actually running the polarized Deimos fit, and I don’t see much else out there for the higher end sites that can run all types of filaments.
I’ve run Couple hundred 5s in my sacrilege, I’d love the phantasm to be a thing in non-electricals but I don’t see it running a 5. Done the Gila thing, its lazy and boring.
My concern is how frigs get cap alphad by any BB neut, and it reasonably is going to take just 1 cycle of 1 neut even if you have a battery.
Can some attention be paid to boundaries? Some NPCs go right for a boarder and hug it, (Leshak spawn, Drifer BS etc) Going outside the boundary in a frig is spectacularly lethal.
Maybe have it so the NPCs have a separate boarder just short of the player boundary so we can at least orbit close without dying? (Like they will only go Xkm from the gate)
Maybe disable warpoff on disconnect too as your friends could possibly keep you alive as well. I boundary violate all the time orbiting the boundary skirting BS in my Sacrilige, but jebus its almost immediately lethal in Frigates.
Cruiser and BS neutralizers also really disproportionally affect Frigs.
Nearly all feedback on the initial Abyssmal test server was completely ignored, and it took months to fix basic stuff that was repeated many, many times over the test server “cycle”. Pretty sure the thread didn’t get one reply, either.
because devs expectations for new the features are hit hard with players and game reality. Suddenly they won’t have time to change incoming patch the way the players want and just releasing what was shown on SiSi with premise to change it later. That’s why I stoped giving feedback. It’s pointless. Only whine megathreads “may” change something and as shown with wardecc mechanism only other points of pressure, like “we are sold and we need income or we all be fired” may actualy work. Feedback thread have no use. It’s the place where you can show appreciation for devs work nothing more.
to bad whinig that didnt stop ecm changes
I notice that “Covert Ops” are permitted but Stealth Bombers such as the Manticore are not. Is this intentional and if so will it change?
Oh man, I hope not. Stealth bomber could make some interesting combination of frigates possible in higher tiers.
I hope I can get back to trying the abyssal sites with frigates this week, sorry for taking so long.
Any update as to why Bombers aren’t allowed into these?
They should be, bombers are considered Covops.
Super excited to try this out. As a casual player with a small group of friends that play every now and then, some intense technical content is exactly what we are hoping for, when lowsec pvp is slow.
Three Frigates seems very specific. Has there been any thought to changing out Abyssal DED space so that the rift allowed a certain amount of mass through it ~ approx the mass of a cruiser, or a combination of mass and players (max 3 players or X mass). It’d be cool to see a combination of frigs+destroyers)?
edited for some typos
Here’s my feedback based on about 40 runs of triple frigates in the new sites (T4/T5 only):
Loot volume: (tripled ‘solo’ loot due to fleet loot rolling the table 3x) is way too high for any frigate that has to bring cap charges or a decent amount of ammo. This kind of shoehorns your comp into having at least one ship without anything in it’s cargo so it can haul everything out. Please adjust the volume (strictly speaking the size in m3) of all red loot and materials so the frigate fleets don’t have to leave anything behind. The size of the loot also directly and singlehandedly ruins the whole ‘Drills’ feature added, since you simply won’t have room for loot (let alone excess material loot).
Overview settings: this one isn’t fleet specific but rather Abyss wide. Please allow us to remove the tiny drones launched by Vila entities from our overview. Currently you can only remove those by also removing every other triglavian NPC off your overview. Not very useful :).
Boundarybumping: Battleships and some other ships still try to ‘kite’ and get themselves stuck on the boundary. This is dumb and further shoehorns the meta into drone or projection based comps (while I can imagine you’d want some variety instead of Gilas online for once). Brawling or low projection based platforms will have to burn 30-50km to kill the battleship, while drone or longer range boats can just sit on the gate and kill it from there. Make these rats not fail at pulling a PL and patch the whole ‘kiting’ mechanic out of these ships so they don’t sit on the edge of the arena, being all buggy.
Current dps numbers Currently it’s very hard to pull off any other shiptype than an Assault Frigate in the T5 sites, due to the incoming dps and alpha numbers. Even with high bling factor, any non-t2 damage resist profile ship is very susceptible to being straight up blapped into half hull by a lucky vedmak or battleship hit. If you are doing a balance pass on the sites for the frigate fleet specifically, I’d lower the damage amount from the sites slightly so this feature won’t be the AF equivalent of Gilas online.
I tried a tier 5 with a 790 dps Sacrilege and got those spawns of doom spawns twice and died in the second room because the one battleship seems to have 100 trillion hp and the cruisers 50 trillion hp and there are 12 cruisers in that wave.
Either increase the tier 5 timer to an hour or tame the waves to a manageable level. I cannot imagine any frigate composition that could break that in 20 minutes - even with overheated precursor guns on 3x rr-damaviks.