Winter Q&A Livestream - December 16

“Mining is the cornerstone of New Eden, and mining ships across the board are now stronger, more efficient, and more accessible.”… except the proc that gets a nerf bat :frowning: Battle procs we must unite against the tyranny #Giveusbackourmidslots !!!

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12 months at 15 bucks per month is 180 dollars, not 360

Remedial Math classes are available at your local community college.


+1. I recall years-old CCP discussion about this. Small towers with their short anchoring time are still quite useful in specific cases. And thus, they haven’t been removed (yet).

CCP Hellmar spoke at length about how much he enjoyed the QoL improvements in the last round of PI updates. Yet having a #1 fan of the feature hasn’t seen much change, since. Templates, oh my goodness, yes. Turn PI into a ship metaphor, like was done for Citadels, and then they could be shared like any other fitting. Why are we still looking at pins and dotted lines — where is the city-building mini-game?


Can you put a form of NPC bodyguards to the capsulers?, whether they are concord as protection in Hs and Ls, for those of us who walk alone …

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What are CCPs thoughts about ganking mining barges and the recent EHP doubling of those ships? Is CCP aware that ganking those ships and staying semi ISK positive is not possible anymore?

Is CCPs plan to make ganking mining-barges in highsec impossible and if yes, what do they plan to do, to reduce botting abuse of the related mechanics that now can be done in unprecedented safety?

Question 1: Will you ever stop treating ORE like incompetent buffoons who don’t understand that industry vessels get attacked, so need to be able to survive and fight back? As in, give them a dedicated logistics cruiser/equivalent of their own, fast response frigates, destroyers, or cruisers, or else give barges extra highs for remote shield reps? This idea that every mining op has to have an orca or rorqual, a few barges, and maybe a porpoise or else it’s not a proper mining op, is silly, so is the idea that so many of the industrials are hilariously fragile.

Question 2: Will you consider doing to other ship BPOs what you did to BS? Maybe not with quite the P1 sheer volume problem you’ve created for yourselves, but really, having various components for each size of ship would very much diversify up industry so everything isn’t just built from the same pile of trit in your hangar. Small construction parts for frigates and destroyers, mediums for Cruisers and BC’s, Large for BS(Though you really should just move BS over to capital component construction) because they are capital ships but for CCP in years long past not making them built out of capital components when capitals finally entered the game.

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Priority in ganking shouldn’t be about whether you can be isk positive or not. That’s where CCP went wrong and ganking got so rampant and disgusting. Pre ‘isk positive ganking as a norm,’ you could still gank, but gankers understood the art of the gank was as much about making point/raining on someone’s parade as it was any potential profits.

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Yeah, groups will put sticks down on all their moons as an impedance factor to prevent someone from quickly deploying a beachhead POS in 15 minutes.

If CCP does end up going with a structure core requirement for the POS replacement I can see this form of celestial lockout being unpopular in systems with a lot of moons (more moons = more money in space, and I don’t see CCP introduring a fracking expansion to destroy moons with overharvesting).

He might have been thinking in his own currency, it is about 250 dollars a year for me.

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honestly not a bad idea… ability to hire NPC diamond rats to sit with you in HS. how that would play out in LS and NS… idk

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I am sorry but you don’t know the current numbers. Ganking reasonably tanked T2 barges is not possible currently without going to unreasonable lengths. Please think a moment before devaluing others questions.

That you think that ganking mining barges ever was ‘isk positive’, disqualifies any knowledge you claim to have on ganking.

He says we. 2 accounts is $360 a year.

Literally your words.

Literally my words.

Literally your words when someone offers just a little pushback. Not even about you or your playstyle, but to the changes years ago that caused the issue to begin with.

Wanna shift those goal posts anymore, or should we just get to the ‘HTFU, Ganker,’ posts, while you resort to ‘you don’t know because I say so so therefore you’re disqualified?’

Yeah, we’re just gonna resort to the ‘go cry more, ganker’ posts because that’s all the time you’re worth. As bad as the guys wanting to mine in a max yield covetor and never get killed for any reason. You’re not entitled the right to gank anyone. You can try, but they don’t have to just let you.


Are you ever going to re-address the skills dialog at all? I run on a laptop. The skills dialog is pretty much unusable to me. Maybe even make the old variant an option? Or is what you have there now it?

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PI changes?

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Do you plan to make a screenshot contest, but take it seriously this time, ever again?
It’s not even about me.
I wanted to add the Clear Vision screenshot contest meant theme to use and the winning screenshots of that contest but it happens it needs digging so much… I can’t even find a proper list of them on google. I wonder why.

What I need to add here though is, you know, there’s people who like to take screenshots.
Maybe you failed last time because there were so many screenshots to go through.
Which shows how much people like to make screenshots of beautiful stuff they like.
Or any other reasons.

Here’s some ss from people I know:


Thank you for the Winter Recap of the past updates… but i must confess that i am disappointed and underwhelmed by CCP’s vision.

The recap is not very forward looking and just harps on what we already know about of “potential updates” (or “potential nerfs”) coming to a theater near you Soon™.

Just thinking back to CCP Seagull time at the head of the ship… at a minimum, CCP was able to create excitement of what is coming to the game. Really been missing that approach for the last few years. And just saying… CCP at that time was able to do more than one thing at time… Pull of Free to Play and new content for your Omega Clients… Now it just all NPE… and trying fixing CCP previous mistakes…

I suppose CCP are holding off until Fanfest to drop the new content like in the past… but i am not holding my breath because CCP of late has been unable to generate enough Novelty to keep your Bitter Vets entertained.


So I submit some questions here:

  1. What are the actual plan with the Citadels in FW space? And is there a rework for FW planned in the future? Right now FW is just full with bots and afk farmers that run the sites with unfit ships.

  2. Are there any ship/module balance changes planned until fanfest?

  3. Is there a plan to revisit the surgical strike patch from 2020? such as taking a look at pve, maybe also buffing long range weapon t2 ammo (gleam, quake, javelin, occult, electropunch and fury missiles) and taking a look at resistance modules etc?

  4. Are there plans for changes in the abyss? The community has brought up a lot of things regarding the abyss in the past months, or even years. Such as, for example taking a look at the newly introduced rats in September 2020, taking a look at firestorm effect, bringing back the pvp room and cloud placement/visibility.

  5. Any ETA when the mutated drones will be useful? They are in game since October, but still broken

  6. Regarding industry: Is there a plan to take a look at material cost for faction and T1 battleships, as well as insurance payouts for these ships?


I would like to know whether CCP knows the core issues with EvE:

  1. Citadel proliferation - fascilitate fortified safe space, eliminated conflict drivers for roaming gangs
  2. Active moon mining - removed a vital content driver, removed income for groups not having fun mining
  3. Surgical strike - great equalizer, created the dominant n+1, HAC, and kiting meta
  4. Industry change - too many knobs not working together
  5. Instances - untouchable ISK printing and arenas have to go, high reward shall only be gained in open unsafe space and PvP happen only in the sandbox like it was for the first 15 years of EvE. Removing players from space removes content.

And, fix the damn “3D” graphics to always be orthogonal to the planet surface so that we can actually move around and zoom in properly. Depending on where you have to put your stuff the entire colony ends up being showed from a very high angle which makes it difficult to actually see what is going on (especially on zooming it it gets bad).