With out ganking, high sec would just be boring

I’ve never understood any of this ganking drama. They’re just part of the EVE landscape. Maybe because I was flying The Mighty Iteron V around syndicate all the way to outer rings in my first few months and found it beneficial to learn how not to die all the time.

Matter of fact after a few hard lessons, the only times I ever got caught again was from being caught up in trolling local or something stupid instead of paying attention to what I was doing.

You learned common sense like not panicking when you jump into a bubble camp, and using your gate cloak timer to calmly assess the situation and plan your move, or warping to celestials to dscan the next gate if you didn’t have bookmarks, probing down wormholes if you were being hunted and camped in by ruskies that knew how to hunt people across multiple systems, etc etc.

So I just don’t get the highsec drama at all. Fit and plan for what you intend to accomplish, simple. Mostly common sense. If you’re flying your fancy new mission boat from Jita to Hek, buffer tank that puppy mwd+cloak trick if you’re that worried and of course either courrier tract the mission fit to a station near the mission station, or fly it separate with a viator alt.

The most fundamental idea for me is treat hisec like losec, fit and fly accordingly at least for travel and your good to go.

We have so many fancy toys nowadays (viators etc) and time tested crowd sourced doctrines for anything you want to do the only excuses for loss outside consensual pvp are inexperience, ignorance and disconnects.


The only people who whine about ganking are people who don’t even play the game, all they do is make new alts and come to the forum to repeat the same nonsensical argument. People I gank often pay me, not to stop ganking them, but to keep ganking them. They enjoy being hunted. There actually isn’t any real drama about Highsec ganking, it’s just manufactured outrage by someone who lost a Hulk fifteen years ago.


Not to kink shame, but freighter pilots don’t count. If you fly freighters you’re already a known dirty masochist and we are under no obligation to take your complaints seriously.

These exploits should be removed from the game.


Which I have down to a fine art now. Another thing is to always pre-heat your weapons in highsec, like in 0.5 systems. And create insta-dock and undock bookmarks. And personally I think that a few inertial stabilisers will do a person more good than low slot armour. If you can align quickly you are less likely to get caught or need to use that armour.

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I had a buddy years and years ago that was locally well-known for mwd+cloak running the losec pipe to solitude (what, 15 jumps?) in an Orca, all the time camped or not.

I’ve done the lowsec pipe to Solitude a number of times recently…and there was nobody there. No gate camps, in fact barely anyone at all. Ahbazon, on the other hand, is carnage.

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I don’t fright easy, but in times long past, that pipe was one of the few routes that gave me pause.

Travel fit is a great idea, all the sensible pilots do it, why we even caught Aiko with a warp core stab on her way to a gank once :roll_eyes:

lol u got outplayed, lol

And you became a Care Bear

sounds like you are the one who cares!



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Tiz ok, was nothing important anyway…


is this you


If you read the blog, you can see that my alliance helps newbros.
