With out ganking, high sec would just be boring

What an amazing blog!

You guys are so helpful!

Actually that is taken straight out of the Goon recruitment manual. Being noob friendly, on acceptance, your local goon recruiter will happily transport your freighter with all your stuff to goon space for you. Don’t worry if it appears that you have been blocked, it means your stuff is safely on it’s way to goon space.

NEPF Training (secret footage)

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Goons are still a thing? I thought after Mittens was accused of [redacted] and [redacted] and he [redacted]. And since the whole organization was solely supported by him as their central pillar it would either, implode in on itself or fade off into obscurity or both.

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Standard response to such accusations.

“I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of my government or any of its military branches.”

As for ganking.

“I do not recall such an incident Senator X.”

As for the repurposing Corp funds for the acquisition of covert weapons systems and programs.

“I have no recollection of that Congressman Y.” :smirk:

DC was right in that the forums are dead. But the numbers seem to be up a bit.

I recently got contacted by one of the “Old Breed” who asked if I was still playing. Last I knew he was in null, something I want to attack more than be part of. Still, I’m curious to see what he might have up his sleeve. We’ll see…

Thats funny!

IF I can calm them down enough to learn, then I pay them extra. Simply because learning seems to be a lost art these days.


Don’t forget,

“I’m not a biologist.” And “My twitter account is in my personal control.”

Which brings up a point I made in the past.

The Twitter approach doesn’t seem to work in game. To be in a chat channel but not be in local, actually there to help seems counterintuitive. Local seemed to be the best way to teach new players since you were in the same sys and could instantly warp to them to help?

The help channel is a toxic waste dump. Filled with a bunch of people who:

  1. suck at the game but legit think they are the boss


  1. suck at the game and are trolling.

Slightly worse than the help channel is the mining channel.

Full of filthy miners in desperate need of a good ganking.

Never had the pleasure of the mining channel

That’s because you don’t stop gankers from blowing up newbros in ventures.

You try to stop gankers from ganking established players in freighters who have enough experience in the game to know about the existence of gankers and how to avoid them but are too lazy to put in the effort and don’t want to be bothered with being taken away from watching netflix for 2 minutes while hauling billions of isk worth of crap.


Exactly, where was @Githany_Red when concord was ganking my venture?

Where’s Githany when there’s any kind of ganking going on?

Why cant I mine in piece. Why cant you ppl leave me alone? Are you sociopathic you dont even make money always killing me.

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Why mine in piece [peace] when you can mine in pieces?

More is always better.


I guess U ppl just want amamake to be a dunghole ghetto forever with no industry or hope or jobs or economy

Don’t get too excited, targets are selected by IQ level

What a lovely dunghole ghetto, birthplace of Zaera.

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Its always tougher on smarter people, it takes true grit to overcome base instinct and operate on a higher plane, mining and manufacturing.
First, I conquered myself. Then the Neanderthals came and looted my remains.

You would think that a higher functioning individual would have both the intellect and ingenuity to best and beat flat headed neadrethals.

I guess not.

Goes to shows that the fittest really do survive and everyone else whines on the forums.

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You guess wrong.