Delicious ganker tears. This change was needed years ago, too little, too late.
Good riddance, but too late, should’ve done this before everyone quit.
0%. I think you need to rephrase your question into “have been ganked less than 10 times” to get out of single digit answer to your question.
This. 50% of players thought it is a problem, which is more of a consensus we had on botting at the time, and then CCP MonumentalStupid just comes out with THE LINE. Oh man, the shame.
Assumption that any amount of tank could save people from ganks is ridiculous to begin with, all it did was bring 1 more catalyst on you, and you die with extra expense you put into that tank.
Anyone worth their rock salt was always flying a max yield Hulk anyway. No changes here.
Because it never helped against ganks in the first place.
Because due to poor design a freighter or industrial without max cargo expanders couldn’t haul even for hauling missions. They are designed around the concept of max cargo expanders and do not work without them.
After they fix the autopilot to stop flying into triglavian or incursion bs all the time.
You don’t semi-AFK in max yield, just say it out straight that you never mined and have no idea how it works. You either go max yield fit, or semi-afk one, because due to Hulk cargohold being pathetic you can’t semi-AFK (or anything less than full attention mine) in it, and anything but Hulk is not max yield.
Efficiency of mining has not changed one bit. Mining was dead before griefing removal, it is still dead after.
Opposite, since in your false theory we now strip more, we need more freight.
Because we paid them for a simple reason - so we could earn more by mining while they freight for us! Economy 101 is hard for gankers, it seems.
Or the opposite, because in your own statement, veteran industrialists were already using freighters to take the risk for them and thus were immune to ganking, while the new player hauling his first loot would be the prime target.