With out ganking, high sec would just be boring

First I lost a freighter with alot of stuff. That was the 7 bil, then a crane blockade runner and at least one badger. All with stuff in them.

Even with bulkheads, that would only have delayed it by about 3 seconds. Do you really have to lower your self to name calling?

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I didnt know I could do that. Do I use the contract market or the hyper (I think that is what it is called) market

It is a PEBCAK error, it is just between your chair and keyboard.

Ahh ok, that makes sense. One big loss like that does hurt.

You can use the contract system to do that. Just make sure you set the collateral higher than what the goods are worth, so if the stuff doesn’t make it to its destination you get your money back plus some compensation.


Never understood why muppets take these contracts with huge collateral for chickenfeed.

Me neither, but I totally take advantage of that to manage my risk

With bulkheads, and by decreasing the value of your cargo down to 2.5 billion ISK or less, no one would’ve bothered with you. You would’ve needed to make an extra trip or two, that’s it. But you dumped everything you had in there in order to make just one trip, because you didn’t want to put in the extra work to ensure your security.


Your Charon was carrying lots of small volume items ( tags…which have almost no volume at all, for example, and same with implants ) that would all easily have fitted in my 105K EHP cloaky Gnosis with its 2.7 seconds align time and cloak/mwd ability. Nobody has yet ganked it, even when it has carried 1bn worth of stuff.

WHY do people just chuck absolutely everything in a Charon and hope for the best ? Does it not make sense to only use the Charon for high volume items and find something with good tank and fast align to carry all the smaller stuff ? It also makes sense to transport smaller loads or even use some sort of relay system…which may all take more time but you are less likely to end up 8bn worse off.


Because they want to make only one trip.

While watching Netflix.


Now or way back when? Was anybody concerned when I lost a ship? Frankly, I never worried about it now or then. Undock and do something sTuPid and lose your ship.

Just completed my second gank, this time I got the pod too. :smiley:

Wasn’t expecting the massive sec status hit for the pod kill, I might just leave the pods next time.
I managed to grab the corpse, loot my wreck and the venture, still took a loss isk wise but almost broke even. Fun!


This is completely wrong, I for one have never been ganked. Not becuase I am lucky but because I don’t do dumb things in haulers. I have flown haulers straight through gatecamps and not been bothered because I fit my ship according to the load it will be carrying. It is actually fairly easy to estimate the value of potential cargo that will drop vs the cost of gankers to destroy your ship, they won’t attack unless the potential value of their loot is enough not only to simply make a profit but to justify the time that multiple characters have been sitting on a gate for.

Highsec would be very different if there were no ganking. It is people who think ganking isn’t good for the game that are delusional. If there were no threat of ganking, hauling services would not be a thing. If everyone could just move all their own ■■■■ risk free by autopiloting a cargo expanded hauler; there would be no reason to ever contract out to the professional hauling services, an entire segment of the EVE service industry would go away.

EVE is very different from most MMO’s in that it is not simply a grindfest, you don’t just repetitively grind out the same stuff while collecting better things to grind more efficiently. This is in large part due to gankers, if officer mod marauders had no risk of being destroyed then they would dominate the economy by out-farming everyone. It would be dull and dreadful, which is the main reason why people quit games.

It amazes me that people will complain about their venture being ganked in Hi-Sec while afk mining when they could spend five minutes go into low-sec and have more valuable loads of ore in just two cycles of their mining lasers than an entire hold full of Hi-Sec ore. This is a very good example of how farming in safety ruins gameplay, Hi-sec ore is mined so much with almost no risk that it is almost worthless. People complain on behalf of the newbros (what about the Children!) saying they won’t stick around if they get ganked in hi-sec, this is not the case. Newbros that just sit in hi-sec without discovering all the rest that the game has to offer, quit playing because it’s boring and their ventures are mining maybe two million isk per hour and going nowhere. without ganking this would only get worse as even more afk miners would flood the market with ore further reducing any revenue they could produce.

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Absolutely not.

Target -----------> -10


If the gankee made the effort to tank properly, check killboard to see who the local gankers are ( easy to do ), and was not AFK mining while watching Netflix…then I might spare a sniffle for all of 0.001 seconds. But otherwise…‘don’t undock what you can’t afford to lose’ comes into play and feelings are irrelevant.

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Just bagged another venture and pod, it is amazing how many people don’t react to a ganking destroyer warping into a belt.

So far I’m warping to the sun in a system and d-scanning to see if there are any ventures or other light targets nearby. If there are, I use d-scan to narrow down which belt they are in and then I warp to the belt.

If they were active and paying attention, they would have time to warp off as I burn towards them, but alas they just sit there and wait for their medicine.


As you burn towards them do you ever take screenshots of the wonderful background full of Asteroids?

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Keep up the good work!

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I should, it was a somewhat embarrassing last gank, I got caught on some humongous roids trying to get the venture and ended up burning my afterburner out. Warped to a station thoroughly embarrassed in order to repair the AB.

Warped back, the venture was still there, orbiting a roid, I burned for em again and managed to actually get em that time.

CCP please fix the hitboxes for roids, they are ridiculously larger than the actual model, makes ganking unnecessarily embarrassing.