With out ganking, high sec would just be boring

Sometimes it also works in our favour. Like when we enter system and they immediately try warp away, but get stuck on the rock and we manage to catch them because of it. When they get mad, tell them that concord disabled their warp drive so we could arrest them for breaking the law.


Thatā€™s the thing. No experienced miner mines in the plane of the asteroid belt. Iā€™ve always created bookmarks above and below itā€¦and far enough away from the standard warp in point that one isnā€™t going to get blapped by any ganker just randomly warping in. I also choose a belt that is closer to any NPC station than the nearest stargate, so I can be safely docked up the minute gankers enter the system. Not that I mine much any moreā€¦I find extracting Walletanium a good deal less boring.

Got my first T2 mining frig kill!

Iā€™ve been experimenting with a cheap Thrasher fit, costs a 1/4 of my Coercer fit but the DPS is quite poor.
My first gank with it failed against a tanked Epithal. Managed to get em into hull but it wasnā€™t enough.

I guess Iā€™ll stick to mining frigs for now, I donā€™t think they can fit enough tank to survive, at least not Ventures.


What sort of DPS are you getting with your Catalyst ? I have mine at 760 DPSā€¦can almost certainly get that to over 800. I never found the Thrasher quite as good. Iā€™ve seen someone ganking with a pair of Gnosisā€¦you can get them to 850 DPS with Heavy Neutron Blaster, but obviously have to go for the expensive targets. You can get a Praxis to 1200 DPSā€¦but then you need a target worth over 250m ISK. My new Omega alt is now all set up for solo ganking around the Dodixie areaā€¦should be fun.

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Iā€™m using my old indy alt for ganking right now and he canā€™t use T2 guns, he only gets about ~460 dps overheated with a cat. Coercer got about ~420 overheated but cost 9 mil, the Thrasher Iā€™m testing gets ~260 but costs less than 2 mil.

If I had my Coercer fit, I would have killed that Epithal, so as solo player, I donā€™t know if it will be worth it to upgrade to T2 guns. It will increase costs substantially without really increasing my target selection. If Iā€™m missing something please correct me.

Without ganking, High Sec would be normal. Ganking only takes place in High Sec because targets are easy to find and usually dont have the capability of fighting back.

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Why do ships in Highsec not have the ability to fight back?

If the tower falls you will see my wrath.

If The tower falls, we will blame you for kicking Frostpacker out of our home!

Also if the tower falls then no Christmas Presents for you ever!

If the tower fallsā€¦ I will start supporting @Githany_Red and do evil things that goes against the Code.

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1 billion isk or the tower falls.

I have a contract, and you did not pay for TTT protection.

1 billion isk and the tower lives.

You canā€™t gank with an Alpha account anyway. Fortunately it is only 2-3 weeks skills to get an Omega up to 760 DPS with a Catalyst. Itā€™s the very first thing I trained my new Omega for. There really isnā€™t any other ā€˜expendableā€™ ship that comes close in terms of DPS. My T2 Catalysts are around 13m ISK. I have two ganker accounts nowā€¦one in Absolute Order and one independent.


This is the way!

Ganking should be introduced via AIR and rewarded as an AIR activity.


Well done, saved the roid from that filthy miner.

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Nope! All out of Love!

Besides remember when you told us to pay up or get out of Highsec?

Well I took your advise and I just ganked a planet in my very own lowsec system.

I just made a thread asking a similar question, found out that it is not economical to cheap out the fit. The reason is that most of cost will actually come from sec status tags so you can keep ganking. it will significantly increase tgt selection.

I have another 4 bill since we last spoke

The system is broken. Isk is just rainning in and I just moved to low sec

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That sounds like an exploit.

We need to be very quiet we hunting rabbits!

Careful there frosty, evil little buggers.

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