With out ganking, high sec would just be boring

I know as I stayed cloaked while watching the evil rabbit shoot the unit and escape…

Without ganking, High Security Space would be just boring!

Possibly I should start a new thread, but I will post here first as it directly relates to this thread

There are many arguments and opinions about High Security Space (hisec), both for and against ganking and how highsec space works to support the gankers to the detriment of the players that don’t wish to partake in the PVP aspect of the game.

Let’s face it, for anyone that has played EVE long enough, it is well known that nulsec is safer and more secure for every activity in the game than hisec has been for years. Hisec is a place where anyone that just wishes to have a quite time playing EVE for a little relaxation is open to bullying and extortion so a number of players can make big ISK to fund their 10-account ganking fleets via plex at everyone else’s expense.

I’ve had that told to me by a ganker I know well in real life while I sat beside him at his computer and watched him extort ISK from miners for their hisec mining licences.

CCP don’t help the issues by nerfing freighters to the point where I cannot fit anything in the low slots that will assist in survivability. No reinforced bulkheads, no 1600mm plates, not even a Damage Control. I can only believe that this is a deliberate action on CCPs part to assist in hisec ganking to try to increase the volume and worth of goods being destroyed and taken out of the economy.

Gankers on the other hand are often accused of not having the skills or the ‘balls’ to fight outside their little safe ganking routine. That if they did not have ganking, they would go back to offline games like mario brothers.

So how do you make hisec more interesting. I’ve read a lot of the forums, and there is little I see in the way of real attempts to offer an alternative to add ‘Real Content’ to make a difference in hisec. So here is my little attempt to do put out an idea that I think will make that difference.

Dynamic High/Low Security Space.

Instead of having all of hisec and lowsec fixed in their Security Level States (SecState), take all of the systems with a SecState between 0.4 (or 0.3) and 0.7, and make the state variable. This would initially be non-faction war systems, but could later become FW systems as well if it all works well.

Pushing SecState Down.

If there is ganking in a system it is by definition not safe, and so a mechanic would be used to determine how much SecState a system might lose if a ship is ganked there. Value of the ship? Number of criminals involved? How often a ship is ganked? The mechanic is there to be determined.

Pushing SecState up.

Players forming fleets to kill criminals or deny successful kills to gankers.

Again, a mechanic would determine the formula for how much SecState is gained. Criminal ships destroyed by players in either a FW Militia or a new militia associated with CONCORD, number of days a system is gank free. Again, the mechanic would need to be determined.

Criminals: Players that have attacked a non-war target ship in a hisec system.

Criminals would receive a personal criminal flag that cannot be removed and a negative standing to CONCORD and a Faction, that will allow them to be attacked without penalty by any FW or Concord militia members anywhere in space.

The criminal flag would restrict them to a 0.5 system or lower until they repair their CONCORD standing to a positive state, and the criminal flag would remain until something occurs to remove it in a fair and equitable way. It may be time or some other mechanic.

The Criminal flag would not stop a ganker getting into a 0.7 as long as they have repaired their standing with CONCORD and / or their standing with the Faction for the space they wish to fly in. Repairing their criminal flag would allow them to fly in 0.8 systems or higher.

Can a criminal flag be repaired before the standing? I would say yes to a faction standing, but no to CONCORD standings.

Militia: Players in a militia (Faction or Concord).

A Militia member can freely attack a criminal anywhere in space without penalty, and can freely lock and apply repairs to any non-criminal ship under attack in space without penalty.

A criminal that has repaired CONCORD standings and had their criminal flag removed for hisec, may or may still show a criminal flag in lowsec in the faction area where they have a negative standing.

Changing Corps.

Criminal flags and Faction / CONCORD standings will be personal to a player character. Switching corporations will not change their flag or standings. This also includes players in an NPC corporation.

Players with a criminal flag and negative Faction / CONCORD standings will also not be able to trash a character for 30 days unless the standings are repaired.

Criminals are not permitted in FW or CONCORD Militia.

What is this all about?

This is designed to add real content to hisec without removing a player’s right to be a ganker and extortionist if they choose that role in eve. It does however provide players a means of levelling the playing field and stop criminals having a safe free means of exploiting players in what is suppose to be a high security space zone.

Making Dynamic Security levels allows gankers to target system to lower CONCORD NPC response, or even drag a system to lowsec where they can use non-criminal corporations or toons to disrupt commerce, and allows militia to pulls systems back up to hisec state and improve CONCORD NPC reaction times.

This is just an idea to improve EVE, and let’s face it, there has not really been a massive content change that has made any real difference for a while. If it works in hisec initially, 0.3/0.4 FW systems could be rolled into the dynamic mix as well for even more interesting times.

Happy for everyone’s thoughts

[Checks zkill…] TLDR As I thought, yet another nullsec F1 monkey wanting to fix highsec because they lost a freighter doing something dumb. Please just delete your post and do us all a favour.

Gankers are not becoming space rich by selling mining permits. The ‘big money’ is made through scamming, or shooting whales in highsec trade pipes, and no change to the game mechanics will ever fix stupid.

Yes. I’m sure that actually happened. Moving on…

My gank squad are all -10 and can be freely attacked anywhere in highsec, but you know what? It never happens because it requires effort and skill. It’s easier to raise a customer service ticket and cry to daddy CCP to fix “the ganking problem” instead of switching off Netflix and taking action themselves IN GAME.

Ah yes, that old falsehood that gankers are burning characters when their sec status drops. Just like all those multi-box alpha ganking fleets that never actually happened either.

I’d love to see dynamic security levels. How long before highsec turns into a bunch of new starter islands surrounded by lowsec…? :smiling_imp:


This sounds like a dynamic Security Level would not actually apply to systems with the security status 0.6 or 0.7, as repeat gankers would not be able to enter those without rolling a new character, which you also propose to restrict heavily. So, basically, once a system becomes 0.6, it is not going to fall back down.


Thanks for the laugh.

You have no idea what you’re talking about, on multiple topics.



Tell me you have never owned a freighter without telling me you have never owned a freighter.

Since ganking is no longer done by alphas and is omega only, this seems rather pointless. Nobody is going to delete a character they invested SP into.

Your post looks like you mixed together a couple of half baked ideas, based upon outdated or incorrect information, without understanding any of the actual game mechanics that are currently in effect.


Alphas should be able to gank in highsec like they are able to gank in Ahbazon.


Agreed, gatekeeping gameplay mechanics behind a paywall completely goes against the spirit of the sandbox.



Lol…no its about 7 ideas to ‘fix’ supposed problems that don’t actually exist. You got ganked. Get over it. Ganking is part of the game and not some issue that needs ‘fixing’. Personally I enjoy the risks in Eve. I’m the person who, when everyone else is told to swap to a clean clone, thinks 'screw that…its more exciting risking those implants '.

Every capsuleer and their dog keep trying to ‘fix’ things that are a fundamental and essential part of how Eve works. And the result wont be a better game. It would be a boring facade where people mine and haul in safety with no end goal other than to build up a pile of ISK that goes nowhere and is never involved in any content.


A game without loss is no game at all.


But wouldn’t it be so much better if CCP fixed ganking by making it more exciting by giving meaning to it by creating consequences for it by removing it from the game?


You are at the bottom of the food chain , deal with it !!!

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So how else should a company pay its staff and keep the servers on?


Game mechanics and content are not the same thing.

People will pay for the sub (multiple in some cases) if the game has good content and is worth peoples time.

Making safety red an omega only ability was a short sighted band-aid, to fix something that wasn’t broken to begin with.

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Pixie dust and good vibes it seems according to some people. :laughing: Kidding no one believes the servers run on pixie dust?.. :thinking:

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No, but they are both behind a paywall called Omega.

And why it’s safer and more secure?

Not too bright , are you?

Well let Zaera explain it to you.

Null sec is rabbit land full of fightened little harmless vegetarian rabbits.

Intel channels warn the null sec rabbit when a wolf is spotted (anyone not blue ), the rabbit then scurries for their burrow when the Wolf gets near and stays in his borrow till the blob of doom is formed to take care of the big bad wolf.

The fightened little Rabbit then comes back out of his burrow to mine in safety, whilst patting himself on the back for being such a brave little null sec rabbit.