With out ganking, high sec would just be boring

And this is why null seccers are also called

F1 blob monkeys.

The vast majority of them are completely clueless and helpless unless they got some Cheeto munching, Fanta slurping neckbeard slurring orders at them.

Null sec is just high sec 2.0.

Remember when black out happened? That was so awesome. The null bears hated it tho. All the threats, and them leaving the game in mass.

They need to bring it back.

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Or you could do what I did and join a group with a busted intel channel.

Thats fun

I sometimes wonder if anyone has ever seen X number of members in the Corp channel…and the same number in the Intel channel. Or is that just a highsec malady ?

Are you asking for an honourable 1v1 along with that large dose of salt you are displaying there, blob of doom…, LOL

You have to get better at avoiding the blob or have more friends, tsk, come to think of it, isn’t a hisec gank often a blob of doom? Ah, I get it, it is not a blob of doom when you do it, got you… :wink:


Of course it’s a blob of doom.

The only difference is that a ganking blob of doom comes to you (in most cases), and is easily avoidable if you pay attention to your d-scanner.

So outside of setting safety to red, what other game mechanics are omega only?

And in many ways rightly so. Why should someone who is paying nothing for the game be able to gank someone who is paying for Omega ?

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Why should the poor be able to mug the rich?


What is mine is mine, what is yours is mine


Why should I have to fairly exchange my labor for someone else’s product/service?

You some sort of capitalist pig or something?

Does this also include forum ganking?

I havent been ganked 8n forever, now i just contract courier all my stuff, knowing everyone can just afk autopilot in high sec was so boring, no risk, just pure reward. What happened to gankers, and the game, people used to pop my iterons for lulz. Hell even a shuttle i flew empty would be popped and id get a message saying dont fly afk autopilot. I would even name my ship afk autopilot and i defenitely wouldnt survive. High sec has become a shadow of itself, its now disneyland.
Slow clap for the people who pushed this and succeeded.

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And now they are pushing to make low sec just like that. (Null’s already there)

I think they will leave WH space alone because it requires too much work for the lazy carebear to navigate in and out.

Poch-poch remains to be seen.

Because sometimes people steal my item or just fail contracts so i get paid still but getting ganked rarely ever happens


I never do

What even is that?

Is that like some sort of forum RP?

For example, is this a forum gank?

The stars light reflected off the belly of the fleet of catalysts, shining its light of ganky-goodness to all those that could observe the flotilla traveling at hyper-light speed.

“Falcon 1,” the gruff grizzled poduleer spoke in his mind, the hardware interpreting the brain-waves and vocalizing it to his fellow fleet mates. “Safety set to red. Make sure your blasters are set to overdrive. Once we land, target the target, and apply your hug. Don’t let them escape. You’ll have about 28 seconds to unload your rounds into that hull and make it pop before the Po-Po arrive. Hauler, be ready to land and scoop the wreck.”

Meanwhile, a retriever sits in space. If there was sound in space it would be making a deafening racket of absolute noise pollution. The beast spews out nasty hydrocarbons, carcinogens, tetrogens and other horrible toxins into space as part of its environmentally wonton practice of mining. The pilot, suspended in the goo of their pod, had a blank, dead stare in his eyes. If it weren’t for the lime flavored pudding he was suspended in, one would observe a trickle of spittle seeping from the corner of his mouth. His fingers twitch slightly, but sporadically. The only sign of actual brain-stem activity. The natural symptoms of prolonged Veldspar exposure. The pilot has been brain dead for quite some time now. The only thing it can do is mine. It can’t even check it’s scanners. And even if he could, his mental processes are far to gone to recognize the danger of a fleet of inbound catalysts.

He’s not even aware of the explosion and violent expulsion from his pod as the ship is disintegrated by a barrage of antimatter. Moments later, the little tunnel of light he was aware of, for that is all his addled brain can comprehend, closes and the vacuum of space claims his body and lime-flavored goo.


Yes its supercreative sit at JITA gates 8 hours with an alpha account, waiting for a ship come with stuff and press F1. Get -2.0 standing… delete the character and create a new one with 1M skill points.

:skull_and_crossbones: Imagine 2003 with concord destroying enemies only for target other ships and high sec in 0.4 systems without alpha accounts or trials… paying 25€ a month for the subscription. Good old days.

This is bannable behavior so was never a problem to begin with.


So you’re going to be bored. I wonder how long you’ll hold before returning to a fun playstyle like Hisec Ganking.

So what makes Lowsec and Nullsec less boring?There is no Ganking there. According to you, Lowsec and Nullsec must be boring af.

Good to know you agree with me that it is also a blob of doom, Zara was rather salty I must say…

Hardcore MMOs have no future, as evident of the history of all hardcore MMOs ever. The reason is the same regardless of all games that died or never grew.

People that pay just want to chill after work.

Eve was already split into four zones before old bitter vets started systematically non-profit mass-ganking on a daily basis in high-sec. And it drives the lifeblood of the studio behind the game away.

Thats why CCP disabled red safety on alpha toons, if you want to keep killing the game? Pay for it.

Back when, Nullsec was the lucrative endgame. Ganking wasnt even remotely close to what it is now. Because pliayers moved out of high-sec. Then CCP started ■■■■■■■ the balance by nerfing null and buffing income streams in highsec, all in a worthless attempt to try to make increase player retention. But it had an opposite effect, multi-boxing nerds and botfarms exploit these new better income sources, null dies, endgame becomes highsec.

Finally CCP started nerfing highsec, removing incursions, changing ores. But the ganking issue just kept increasing, even now. New players dont play the new content because they never make it far enough before they quit. Rookie Help is a shadow of its former self, its all alts or returning players.

Eve needs boring space to stay alive, eve needs dangerous space to be lucrative to go to for PVE that brings PVP consequences, eve does not need ganking in highsec whatsoever.

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