With out ganking, high sec would just be boring

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It is funny but I always talked about the balance of ganking based on the effect on players as a whole, personally I rather enjoyed avoiding ganking but it could be tedious and take a lot of time and effort.

The question was whether the fun factor of avoiding ganking made up for the tedious extra effort involved in avoiding it, and that was the balance I was most concerned about.

Another was the balance between the solo prey against the blob of doom and excessive multi-boxers and their perception about this being unfair.

Eve needed new players to come in and stay, and I had a strong feeling that many were turned off by ganking because of the two reasons above.

In any case, for most of the player base, avoiding ganking is boring because of all the extra effort and jumps in slow moving ships, and that is the reality, avoiding ganking for most people is really boring and a major turn off. I know that many people will not like this and I will get a lot of hate (as per normal) for stating this, but it is what it is. Just think many of these players instead of being out there in a PvP ship having fun, instead are nursing a slow moving helpless whale for their precious play time, fun factor zero.

Thatā€™s simply not true.

some people who pay just want to chill and play this game after work.

Other people, like me, who also pay, want to hunt when they get home from work.

Your whole argument is based on a red herring, and a correlation, but there is no evidence provided for a cause.

So, a citation is needed in order to back up this claim. So letā€™s see some verifiable evidence. Otherwise this is nothing more than an opinion your trying to masquerade as a fact.


Im talking about the vast majority of the entire playerbase of all games out there, you are a nonexistant minority, everyone like you could quit right now and it wouldnt even be noticed by anyone. Its not fun being made aware of how insignificant you are.

But you do not bring profit to CCP, you do not help Eve Online in any way shape or form. As history has proven over and over and over, everyone says they enjoy hardcore, then they get griefed, and quit. And the entire MMO just dies because its a neverending repeating history driving everyone away, everyone but the few griefers, whom then also quits because there is barely anyone left to grief.

Eve has multiple hardcore zones, Nullsec, WH, Lowsec. Highsec doesnt need ganking, in fact, highsec needs ganking to be completely removed in its entirity. Remove concord and just force safety to yellow or above in any system that is 0.5 or above, and free up server resources whilst at it.

Then maybe, maybe Eve Online can start to grow rather than spiral down in the cesspit of dead and forgotten games, its too late for new content to carry the playerbase, the new player ground is shattered by systematic gankers. Eve will never grow as long as ganking in highsec exists. So enjoy paying 20B isk to plex your account in 2 years. Because even the returning players remember why they quit, and its even worse now, and turn away.

20B ISK? :rofl:

Try $19.99. Seems like 20 more years of CCP profiting to me!


Yet another 2 year old account with zero killboard, lecturing to us about the perils of PvP.

Have you ever undocked ? I just find it comical the way we get so many posts about the sheer dangers of highsec and how any PvP in it is ruining the gameā€¦consistently from people whoā€™s killboard ( or complete lack of any ) indicates they have never undocked and never encountered any of the dangers they speak of.


If you look at the stats for a group like Safety, thereā€™s really no indication that there is any less ganking going on than there used to be. In fact, most months so far this year have had more value of kills than in 2021 or 2022. Thereā€™s a slight trend to fewer actual ganksā€¦but more expensive targets.

I would argue that fewer shuttles being ganked arises from fewer people actually using shuttles. I tend to use a Sunesis or a fast align Gnosis as my ā€˜shuttleā€™.

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Citation needed.

Iā€™d love to see the demographics on this.

Please provide, or else youā€™re still making stuff up.


I like how they make ā– ā– ā– ā–  up, with no verifiable evidence, and actually believe that itā€™s somehow true.

Makes me giggle every time.


Because you sucked

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Like a little girl?

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Well, I am a 12 year old girl serving multiple consecutive life time sentences in a federal prison for blowing up pixilated internet spaceships.


If this that is the case of your RP then we will scratch the above maintaining a dialogue part above as we are not into barbie movies of any type, so we can never be your Ken!

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No mate, according to the whiny cry-bears in game and on the forums, Iā€™m a 12 year old girl serving multiple consecutive lifetime sentences in a federal penitentiary for blowing up pixilated internet spaceships.

According to them, what you do in game is the exact same thing you do in real life.

But if you must know, I RP as a middle aged man who has 1 wife, two kids, two dogs, a cat and 2 1/2 trashcans possessing a mortgage on a pedestrian ranch style house at the end of a cul-de-sac and happens to be a mid level manager at a big box department store located in middle of a mundane suburban town, where absolutely nothing interesting happens, ever.


Rhetoric question brilliant noob, canā€™t detect sarcasm? Who is not too bright hereā€¦

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Most gankers suck.

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Why do you need to ask that? I sense a loaded question.

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I dont believe someone who is paying nothing for the game should get to play the game.


As someone who also RPs as a middle age dude in his free time, getting the second garbage can was a game changer. Made it so much easier. Have you ever rented one of the big dumpsters for your driveway for a week so you can just throw everything away? Itā€™s amazing! If you havenā€™t, highly recommended.


Gankers do make HS fun.

Why is this a debate?

Whatā€™s really fun to see is a FAILED gank and I saw those before.

  • One of my incursion buddys always talks about how people attempted to kill his Vargur (worth easy 10bil in modules) they never got to 50% of his shields. :joy: All because he was awake and not afk traveling.

Know anti ganking 101, fit your ships smart, check local, donā€™t haul billions in a slow/fat target, know the common gank areas (often in 0.5 systems), and anything else you can think of to be safe.

Also realize HS space is very bigā€¦ You donā€™t need to be next to a trade hub to play the game. If you go to the other regions in HS space you probably decrease your chances of being caught and killed by a lot.

There are ALOT of PVErs/whales than there are gankers. You really think the mainstream ganking groups will go 40-60 jumps from jita w/o a lead? I donā€™t. Gankers kill the weak, the slow, and the easy to get.

This is what I observed over my EVE career running incursions/PVE/Indy.

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