With out ganking, high sec would just be boring

That’s a rather dubious way of looking at it…as there is no reason for a person to turn safety red until they have developed the skills acquired by skill books. I’ve yet to hear of anyone being ganked by a corvette. A 1 day old noob is highly unlikely to be ganking anyone.

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Errrm…started ganking on day 1


“Wow I went another day playing the game and having fun without the exhilerating thrill of being ganked. I dont know how I can go another day of enjoying gameplay unless somebody interrupts it for me”

  • Absolutely nobody in High Sec
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That’s somewhat of a false dilemma you portray there. Being ganked may not be fun…but avoiding being ganked definitely is fun. Highsec would be utterly boring without that risk. It’s exciting undocking from some hub with hundreds of millions worth of stuff. There is cunning involved in making my ship fast align, high EHP, cloakable, undock bookmarks…yada yada.

  • You can use corvette’s to pull concord (requires safety red)
  • Using the free 1 million skill points new alpha players could easily go ganking (requires safety red)

Practically all the major players in the ganking circles multi-box (requires omega). So making safety red an omega only mechanic, simply prevents new players from trying out ganking and potentially subbing multiple accounts once they get a taste for it.

It was a short sighted band-aid to appease carebears, at the expense of potential revenue and what made EVE a true sandbox game in the first place.


Thats brilliant but Im talking about jumpships, not bridges.

Do try to keep up 007

Jumping is a mechanic of the game.

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Incorrect, it’s an ability you learn via skill books and training. Just because you are omega does not automatically grant you the ability to use a jump drive. The same can not be said for setting safety to red.

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So your suggesting that the free skill points that are first issued to a brand new pilot are done so without a Capsuleer’s consent and that everyone who first creates a pilot should start with a zero slate while maintaining the ability to apply said skill points to how they wish to mold their Pilot?

Being able to lock oneself to the starter Region would be a better suggestion!


True, but then it is equally true that people who are not paying for the game should not get all the perks of the game. Alpha is supposed to be a free ‘trial’ period…not some exploit for free ganking of people who are paying for the game.

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That should end after two weeks.


It comes down to PvP’er and Miners in HiSec.
If you just want to mine in Eve while sitting with a beer HiSec is the place. You don’t get the best ISK unlike no security realms and there is limited Industry that can be done for a profit, still many miners choose it and enjoy just sitting back and listening to the crystals hum.
Gankers in HiSec are lazy PvP’ers who can’t make it in no security realms, where there are ships that fight back. They want CCP to make it easier for them to prey on miners, so they can sit back an kill off defensless ships where HiSec is the only place where there is supposedlty security.
I think they are cowards and lazy but I’m not a PvP’er just a miner.
BTW: when you require a 2B+ ISK ship like the Orca to be stuck in HiSec for over 2 minutes or allowing bumping for 2 minutes there are easy ways to gank which will in turn make miners leave Eve, but hey, I don’t think big like CCP who know all things except for what laid back miners want.


I honestly don’t believe they do. I think people see all the PvP combat adverts, join the game for that, and then get sucked into mining ad infinitum. If you’d asked them when they joined if they’d like to join a mining simulator I think most would say no.


We know.


There, fixed it for you.


Ability = mechanic

Youre just arguing semantics because you dont have anything else.

Unless you are calling adding skill points to an Omega skill “content” and then Im afraid its beyond semantics and into madness.

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You mine people. What is the difference between rock pixels and player pixels? They kill defenceless rocks and you kill defenceless players. Aiko you are a miner. With meaningless pvp stats earned with zero risk.


Oh shut up.

Miners aren’t defenseless.


I see HS gankers as kittens.

that”s right Sargon

Kittens meowing (too much cuteness) - All talking at the same time! - YouTube

Delicious tears.

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Ah, the worn out ‘zero risk’ meme. It could only ever come from people who have never actually ganked.

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