With out ganking, high sec would just be boring

Okay, back to the topic title,

I have to completely disagree. At least from my own perspective.

I have had tons of fun in high sec without a thought to ganking, if it didnt exist that would not change anything about my fun in high sec with this character at least. I have never fit any ship I’ve flown on this character to avoid being ganked, with one exception. Hauling. In the few instances I do that with this character.

On the inverse, the most stressful and by far least likable thing I do in this game is worry that I am going to lose stuff when I am moving my freighter or hulk around. I have not yet found a steady enough/high enough stream of ISK income to be able to willy nilly replace a several billion ISK ship, and so anytime I have a character out in a freighter or orca, I stress about being ganked.

On the characters I do PVP in, I have lots of fun losing ships. Even/especially in expensive ships, because the stakes are higher, and I am into it.

But when I am flying an expensive ship, with no recourse or possibility for an equal outcome, I am only stressed and have no fun doing it. Flying a freighter is no fun what so ever, and I have absolutely allowed that to hold me back. I have spent countless wasted hours moving ships one by one, or a small few at a time because I am too worried about being ganked to use the freighter to move them all at once. That wasted time is not fun, and no one would think it is, unless you really were a psychopath. (Which I do not believe the vast majority of in-game pirates are)…on the inverse, that wasted time is SO F’ing boring. I do understand that loss is part of the game, but I also know that the majority of players I know personally that have quit, haven’t done so because of some change CCP made, it is because of the stuff that happens in game that isn’t fun.

I personally have never had fun losing a ship to a gank, which I have lost plenty to. It has only ever been stressful and unwanted. But like I said, I have had fun losing an expensive ship to a fight. Whether that fight was fair or not.

I absolutely abhor the argument that comes up about this game is about this or about that, if you don’t like this or that, go to another game. Anyone who says that sounds like an idiot to me. There literally is no other game in the world like EVE Online. Which is why those of us who are here, are still here, even with all of the problems and issues, even when CCP ignores us and does their own thing that messes up the game worse. Even when we do meet toxic people in game and feel frustrated and upset. There simply isn’t any other game like this.

Sure there are other space games, and other MMOs, but nothing like EVE. So it makes sense that people have opinions or gripes about one play style or the other, and suggesting that people leave to go play another game is profoundly unproductive. The less people that play the game, they less CCP cares about us, and the more they have to focus on the bottom dollar. I mean, think about it, adding Alpha was a way to bring more players to the game, and having them locked out of the really cool stuff is an incentive to get them to pay for the ability to use the cool stuff. They need players paying as much as we need other people in space to fight with.

And that is just my 2 cents…I’ll see myself out.


Get a job at McDonald’s.
Work for one hour. Quit.
Get a billion isk. Easy money.
Pay someone to haul for you.
Stop whining so much.

So don’t do it.

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So you’re answer is RMT…you need an award for that level of intelligence.


If you are so smart, how come you can’t move your ships… in Highsec?

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I literally explained why I “don’t” like using a freighter, not why I “can’t”. You’re comments bring nothing to the table, you start with suggesting RMT to solve an in-game problem, and then prove your inability or unwillingness to pay attention to what is actually said, and instead you immediately jump on the band wagon and try to put me down for expressing a very real and shared experience in game.

So I’ll explain it again, I am stressed about losing my ships and items to a gank against my freighter, so instead I pilot them one at a time, or only a small handful in smaller haulers. I am very aware that is a me problem, and never said it wasn’t. I was simply stating the facts. And those facts are that ganking is only stressful and unfun to me, and the work arounds to ganking are boring or time-consuming. Which partly is a direct argument to the title of the discussion that “With out ganking, high sec would just be boring”


Yes, you said you are too scared to try.

That means you can’t do it. Can you?

It sounds like you are afraid of gankers, and rather than facing the challenge, you are complaining and wishing the game was easier.

Why don’t you extract your freighter skills, and use that to hire someone to help you?


I literally never said I was too scared to try, nor did I ever say scared at all, only that I was too stressed. I don’t enjoy the stress that comes with flying the freighter. So I don’t do it. I have both successfully and unsuccessfully transported stuff with the freighter. I did not enjoy the stress when I did it successfully, and absolutely hated it when I’ve been ganked.

I also never complained/wished the game was easier. I also did not suggest that there should be no ganking, nor did I suggest anything be done against ganking. I stated my experiences, and that I disagreed with the notion of is being boring without it. I have voiced my opinions against it in other discussions, and I do think there needs to be a better balance, not that is should be removed outright, but none of that was discussed here.

Once again, you are riding the bandwagon with nothing to add to the discussion, simply because my part of the discussion is obviously not Pro-ganking, you are attacking my experiences.


Is there a difference?

Without ganking, you would have less stress (fear), and that would be boring.


I get that sentiment. It’s why I happily pay Red Frog Freight to move large quantities for very reasonable prices. I’d be far more stressed if NPCs started pulling stunts like that in high sec, e.g. autothysian lancers ganking me on gates and in belts.

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There is a huge difference. Stress and fear are not inexplicably linked. While they are often experienced together, you absolutely can be stressed without fear. In this case specifically, in order to fly the freighter successfully and avoid ganking properly, you must perform extra tasks. Whether that is an alt scouting, paying attention to local, multibox webbing, what-have-you…that is more work and more stress. When I am moving ships in a T1 hauler, I don’t do any of that and I’ve never needed to. I’ve never had my hauling character ganked in anything smaller than a freighter. Probably because there simply isn’t any ISK to be had and a T1 hauler can be much better tank fit, much less time to warp. So it is easier to do it that way…

In fact that is the opposite of true for me…

Boring - means not interesting or tedious…

so you see, being able to fly a freighter to it’s fullest extent would be much more interesting to me and far less tedious…


Are you lazy?

I’m not sure what your problem is.

If you don’t like flying a freighter, then you should probably hire a professional.


No, I’m not lazy, I generally multibox on the regular regardless, but I do it for tasks I find interesting and fun. Moving stuff is not really a fun task, even if it were perfectly safe to do it in a max cargo freighter, that still would not be a “fun” task, moving stuff around new eden is a necessity, not an enjoyable task, it is made far less enjoyable when I might lose all that stuff along the way. I would rather spend the majority of my time and ISK in PVP or PVE or Mining, I don’t want to spend my ISK on other people moving my stuff and I don’t like losing the ships in transit. If I want to fly my ships into battle and I lose them, cool…but losing those ships and items in a freighter sucks…no matter what the circumstance of the loss is.

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I believe you!

I wish free isk would just fall from the sky.

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How is it free ISK? Spending my time mining is not free, spending my time running missions or anomalies is not free.

Every new point you bring in sounds so ignorant.

But I shouldn’t be surprised, I mean you are a ganker. So you would feel that way. It’s much easier for you to take other people’s stuff and you obviously think that RMT is the way to go, once again, you add absolutely nothing to the conversation.

So I am done responding to you, I don’t know why I thought you would be capable of intelligent conversation after your first response, but congratulations. You successfully trolled me, you got what you wanted; to waste my time.

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If you have time to move ships one by one, your time can’t be worth that much. Let me know if you ever work up the courage to undock that freighter.

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Why do people play open-world PvP games and then complain about “stress”? It’s like going to a rave, and complaining about bright flashing lights and people rubbing against you. Stress is a fundamental component of the EVE Online experience. If someone just wants to “chillax,” there are other games for that.

This guy is saying how there are no other games like EVE, and then complains about the one aspect of the game that is arguably the most responsible for making EVE so unique. It makes no sense.


I just want to get easy stress-free isk, I don’t want to work for it.

Then they should do what you suggested. Buy plex. Geesh, this dude is one lazy and scared bean.

Whining that he can’t play the game that he doesn’t want to play anyway. And when he’s playing it he doesn’t want to be bothered with actually playing it because he’s too scared stressed.

Why do these people hang around? Stardew valley is right up his alley. He can get it on steam.

I find it very stressful when my war targets shoot me in high-sec. I think the game would be less stressful and more enjoyable if I could kill them without worrying about losing my ship.

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Hello @Daelus_Orion

I am not sure where you are flying your freighter. I think this may make a difference. As someone who hauls a bunch of stuff, I understand about your freighter anxiety. Of course I and many others have highlighted the basics (tank your freighter, bulkheads no cargo expansions, check the map for ganking hot spots, scout ahead, and fly with a friend with logi, web, counter bump ship. I will say I feel a lot better about hauling expensive stuff when I have my friend with a battleship set up as logi, webber, and bump).

If you are really stressed though, it may be better to use a DST if you can and make a couple trips, or fly the ships out yourself out of the hot area to a place where you can collect them with your freighter for the rest of the trip.

These are all good strategies, and I do them myself. Luckily I have yet to loose a freighter, but I always worry a bit when I haul a lot of stuff with it to and from Jita. Good luck man, fly safe!