With out ganking, high sec would just be boring

Since this thread has been reopened, I just want to say that I enjoy there being ganking in High Sec, and yet I am likely the main ganking target.

I spend a lot of time in High Sec hauling and reselling things, running lvl 4 missions, and mining. My own lazy playstyle is somewhat dependent on others ganking. Ganking makes enough friction in hauling items that there a price differential for me to take advantage of between the trade hubs.

Ganking gives me a reason to fly my transport, and not just auto pilot it. Ganking makes mining just a little more fun, as I watch local. Ganking adds spice to my lvl 4 mission running, even when I just park my marauder and murder the rats nilly-willy.

The day that there is not just a little chance that I will lose my ship doing what I am doing is the day that I will be too bored to bother to play EvE.


Only complaint I have is multiple accounts making crime punishment systems completely irrelevant. There is no way to fix this issue. Unless you want to track IP addresses or something.

Are you bothered by miners who use multiple accounts?

Yes! This is the most single player driven mmo I have seen in a while. The go to solution is make another account instead of join a corp and make friends.

I get why the devs dont care. Money is money.

But dang the fear of trusting others makes this game feel like you might as well get a private server to do anything. Just make more accounts. Bored? Make a gank account and gank your own ship set to auto pilot!

Edit:…i could totally make myself look like a badass on zkillboard by killing alts i make…

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Do you think it should be easier to kill people in Highsec, so that there is no longer a need to run so many accounts? Or do you think it should require dozens of people to defeat a single Orca? Or should one person be able to solo gank a jump freighter?

No idea. I do not think there is a fix. It is built into the core of this game and human nature. Unless you want to use a birth certifate to verify every account to prevent people from making more characters.

Like I said, I do not think there is a way to fix it. The game is what it is.

Maybe there is no problem with multiple accounts?

At which point go ahead an open up private servers/single player mode.

People run multiple accounts, and PvP other people running multiple accounts.

So multiple accounts per person does not equate to a “single player mode”.

The patch that change Industry make it a requirement to run multiple pilots and even multiple accounts that also contain multiple pilots.

By making ship hulls easier to produce would lead to less focus on needing multiple accounts.

I’ve seen numerous Fenrir kills where the ship is worth 10 times the cargo it is carrying. Something supremely absurd about that.

Have you forgotten, you’re playing EvE Online.

Expect the absurd.

Expect the crybears the defend the absurd. Expect them to whine and cry to CCP about adding absurd new mechanics and remove the functional.

OK, whats the problem then? Moving a freighter with a scout and web alt is virtually risk free.

Ive done that…

Do you have actual proof?

Cause there are so many misleading statements and

Example of showing proof that back up claims mentioned. So where is your proof please?

or name calling on these forums that really need to show actual evidence of the events to align with [Crime & Punishment] forum guidelines.

Until they suicide gank the web alt, and then you are in the same position you were in before, which is how I lost my 3rd freighter. I guess the answer then becomes have more than one web alt?

Don’t bother arguing mate, he/she/they whatever fully swallowed the James 315 narrative and now thrives on, and lives for these types of conversations.

Just ignore them.

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Seem you’re doing something wrong or just lazy.

Another tactic is to join the ganker community, see the enjoyment, effort, skill, and logistics of it. Then they become your friends and your freighter can afk all day long.

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What if I like defending the ganking playstyle despite never doing it, yet still want them to shoot me?

■■■■, am I gonna have to yell anti-ganker things to make sure the universe feels dangerous.


Hello @Daelus_Orion

Not sure is this is in response to me or CowRocket, but I thought I would jump in as well. I can’t say exactly what happened, but my tactic is to bring a battleship set up as web and logi. Something that cannot be killed quickly by catalysts, thrashers, or even tornadoes, and can be multipurpose. To be fair though I am currently in a small corporation, and I would have a hard time talking lots of people to actively escort my freighter in high sec so a uncorped multiboxed scout, and a friend with the battleship is the max I bring on a high sec run.

That is really bad luck if you have been taking precautions, and still have had your freighters killed multiple times in highsec. I have been lucky (knock on wood) in that I have never had an attempt made on mine, and I see unescorted freighters jump around frequently. Of course, I tend to go from Jita to the backwaters of Dodixie, Hek, and Rens, so maybe I am just in quieter neighborhoods.

Just curious, did these attacks happen near Jita or Amarr? Did you notice your freighter being scanned ahead of time? I am curious on the details, any information shared could be helpful to avoid this.

@CowRocket_Void is on to something here. At the risk of sounding like an old cartoon, Knowlege is power! I have a fascination of MacGybo’s videos, and love watching them. Watching his videos makes me appreciate the patience and skill involved in ganking.

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