With out ganking, high sec would just be boring

MacGybo’s information about survivability, fits, bookmarks, etc, are essential viewing for new players looking to stay alive longer.

EDIT: part of the fun for me is reducing risk, damage mitigation, etc., i.e. not being the slowest runner in the group when the bear is chasing you.

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All 3 freighters I have lost were near Jita, 2 while heading toward Jita, and 1 heading out of Jita. The first one was definitely my fault, I was a serious newb in game. No alts, no scouts, no webs. Just slow boating with cargo expanders and more than 2 billion ISK in ore and ships, I had owned the freighter for less than an hour when it happened. “I had it coming” as they say. The second one, was just a crappy situation and crazy bad luck. I had a corp mate webbing for me and he DC’d in Uedama. It was too late, the freighter was in warp and I didn’t make it out alive, it was the most frustrating too because they bumped me off gate and there was no fleet there, I was bumped for over 3 hours before they finally blew up the ship. The 3rd time, like I said, the web alt I was running was ganked and that was that. I even had a scout ahead, and from what I understand, the gank fleet jumped into the previous system while I was in warp, and then came through the gate with me. So even though it was clear on the other side when I hit jump, they were with me on the other side. It happened so fast, I didn’t even realize it. I clicked warp, flipped over to the alt and clicked on the freighter to target and boom, the webber was gone. I almost thought I was going to make it to the next gate, I was almost into warp before they bumped me. I don’t know if they were messing with me, or trying to get it together, but the anxiety was crap.

After that third loss I didn’t replace it for a while, and then I had another close call and pretty much parked it at destination. I always tried to pay attention to the pilots at gates as I went along, didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. But the biggest problem is that I have never made enough ISK to feel like losing one wasn’t a huge deal.

I know I still have a lot to learn about the game as a whole, and definitely about running the freighter. I was always told to run the cheapest webber fit frigate you could to get the job done…Ive never thought about running a battleship or anything bigger for it. I definitely need to do a bunch more research into this.



Sorry to hear about your bad luck. Thanks for sharing your stories. I prefer the set up with by friendly battleship when I am flying the freighter because I can use it as web, logi, or to counter bump. It does sound like a DST is a better fit depending on how big your income stream is.

Better luck, fly safe. 07


The game wouldn’t be worth playing if it was easy.


The game had become very easy as of late in highsec for even I had looted someone elses gank outside Jita 4-4

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Te stories are great. Good that you could see where you’d made mistakes and I can see why you’ve decided that freighters aren’t for you any longer.

As a general question, what’s a more interesting and challenging game:

  1. The one where you lose 3 freighters to gankers and those experiences drive your game choices, or
  2. Ganking didn’t exist and the stories, not memorable at all, become “I autopilot my freighter around highsec and nothing ever happens”?

Sorry I can’t brag I’ve never been ganked.

But my last thrill in game was getting chased by a couple of cats on the new pipe while in a new dst fit I was unsure of. Outflying/out thinking the gankers, getting out of the clutches of danger can be just as much of a thrill as popping a worthy opponent. :wink:

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getting chased by a couple of cats on the new pipe

I wish I could pretend to be a cat again.

What’s preventing you from pretending and make-believing now?

I am actually a real cat.

Aiko can confirm.



There are all sorts of ways to defeat an opponent in eve, (eve being everyone vs everyone. Something CCP forgot) be the market, manufacturing, etc. Technically being classified as a ganker, I still have fun outwitting my own kind.

Maybe try outwitting other players yourself might help with your game experience?

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Iceacid used to pay me a billion isk for 15 minutes of cat play. He would meow and be hungry and jump on things, and I would ignore him. Unfortunately, he ran out of money, and he hasn’t been able to be a cat for quite a while.


Without ganking, highsec would become boring;. I agree that it goes a long way

that single wardec many moons ago resulting in the loss of a couple of Athanor

Fast forward to the present where deception is strongly in play to the very point where

fantasy had taken control of battle on their side is seems

As not even a high ranking Amarrian citizen, known to be a regular to the Amarr Empire when asked, once stated in local;

not even familiar with that name


The slander that comes from that unknown ganker (refer above) side never has proof that anything like that sort of cat play? ever existed.

The actual catplay had never even started yet? and today above it seems very likely that Aiko Danuja is just acting very jealously to try and deceive us.


What we can take away from this is that Aiko is jealous that Frostpacker’s isk funds are not coming her way and that Frostpacker is now supporting other Pilots who are recognized by New Eden Citizens and who are doing great activities to help pilots like the EvePandora mission is doing.

Sorry Aiko, can not see myself roleplaying in your cat fantasy anytime soon.

Sorry Mr. Frostpacker, but the truth has been revealed. Aiko is the epitome of truthful princess goodness, and would never stoop as low as making up fish stories like that. She only speaks truth.

It’s okay, this is a safe place. No judgements here. (Or at least from me, because your cool. Get it? Teehee!)

Back to the cat play. I get it. Well, no I don’t. I do role play, but never as a cat before, and one being neglected by an owner to boot. But you do you! Perhaps you can find someone else that offers the same service at a discounted rate? It probably won’t be up to the same high quality ignore standards as the fair princess, but you know, in pinch it might suffice?

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High Sec for you might be boring, but for those who engage in other activities, mining, mission running, etc. it really isn’t boring because of what they are doing for fun.


Really great stuff for this thread and the etc… could include PI materials? Cause Planet Industries is so fun,

He does have a point though.

I find snooker boring as hell to watch, but millions do watch it.

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Unfortunately scanning down a potential mining barge is as boring as hell!

So is mining with a mining barge. Unless it’s a bait barge, then it might be interesting.