With out ganking, high sec would just be boring

You and I both know it’s just not the same.

I made a joke in another thd on how that course helped in game getting ppl to do what I wanted instead of doing something smart. One born every min and all that. :grin:

True for bluffing and calling at least.

Yellow loot, boy I haven’t done that in a long time. :wink:

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Unlike ‘he who cannot be mentioned’…who was commenting on the huge battle in Finanar today ( in which I was involved ) in a Twitch channel as if he was there and knew what was going on. There’s me actually risking my battleship…while ‘he who cannot be mentioned’ is a Twitch warrior and probably not even logged in.

The entire backstory to he-who-must-not-be-named history was exposed and why he spent the last [redacted] years being bitter, salty, and trolly on the forums. Apparently back in [redacted] there was patch that took away his ability to multi-box multi-fleet afk mining. After that, he went nuts on the forums trying to destroy everyone else’s joy.

It was in Aiko’s latest post (the one with the streamer that “brings in new players” just to be abusive and rude to them and can’t figure out why people are mad at him.)

My favorite part was when he was pretending that so-and-so followed him into Elite Dangerous (after he explained that he only plays in solo mode) and biffed it to a low level npc (he couldn’t even shake off the interdiction…) and tried to blame it on so and so.

Apparently He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was in that twitch chat encouraging that streamer to be nasty to noobs. [redacted] years of utter loathing and hate for this game.

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He spent most of today’s twitch making totally untrue attacking comments against Blackflag and Wrecking Machine…which is sickening to watch as I was actually there risking my battleship while he was likely docked in some station miles away. You couldn’t get a better example of actual risk versus waffle and hyperbole.

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What would he know?

He doesn’t even play the game and his game knowledge is [redacted] years old.

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I’ve been away today and missed all the gossip.

There is no gossip, the forums are completely dead now.

(ZAERA arrives with a MIGHTY BANG)

They were until now.


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This is a point that I have often made, and is why ganking has such a negative impact on player count.

To avoid being ganked takes up a lot of time and effort as I did exactly what you do and only do so because I have time to spare. So it really does kill off casual hisec players.

Well said, intelligent post.

I also liked how you stuck on that point despite the multiple attempts by the pro-ganking crowd to drag you off that point. Avoiding ganks is boring and tedious in the main, though I do admit to moving stuff during their 15 minute timeout and had setup logistics hubs either side of choke points where I could move things through them one by one before continuing on with a freighter on the other side.


Why don’t they play on the casual server?

The missions are identical, so why not use Singularity for casual play?

Or is this really about wanting easy AFK isk with no challenge or risk?


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Because they want the PvPers to validate their gameplay by buying their PvE products, thereby increasing their relative wealth (which isn’t possible on the test server), but they don’t want to validate the PvPers’ gameplay in return by in a way sharing their resources through acts of occasional loss.

Whenever I was part of larger groups with “industrial wings” and such, those players who only did industrial activities never flat-out provided a portion of their production to the players who fought; they had to be taxed by force (not physical force, but in the sense that they couldn’t opt out, and would otherwise lose access to the fertile farming soil), and they whined and complained about it all the time.

Carebears want 100% of the income, without caring or even acknowledging that PvPers need to have an income as well.

This is why killing them without their consent is fair. Just like PvPers can’t opt out of gratifying carebears via market transactions unless they take proactive measures to avoid doing so (such as by engaging in PvE themselves), carebears shouldn’t be able to opt out of taking losses unless they take proactive measures to avoid losing their assets from attacks. That is true equality.


Selfish little creatures

re website you mentioned.

Content stickiness might be a subject worth reviewing.

Check your evemail inbox for a paper that was used the time Google started it’s websearch.

The issue is that there are no meaning behind building faction rep outside of very few perks.

Interesting, thanks! But knew most of that already. Last site I built for profit ranked 7th/8th (?) regionally and 14th nationally. :smirk: But I moved 10 yrs ago and need something for this economically depressed local. lol

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So you’re nulsec where loot is grey/white or you have no interest in looting the battlefield as it is not part of your Nulsec Alliance Roll?

If I was invited I would loot for such an Alliance.

You could, you know, go to high sec and ninja loot/salvage all the dirty mission runners that leave trash lying around.

Oftentimes they even leave their trash collection bins lying around and every once in a while you’ll find one that gobbled up their owners multi-billion isk ship wreck. Probably biffed it to a burner or something.

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Frostpacker had already won Highsec.

We looted outside Jita 4-4 yellow loot and never even was targeted a few hundred km out from docking.

I am ready to be invited NOW to Goons and sorry that I turned them down the first time. I did reply with that my allegiance was with Princess Aiko but then she turned all nasty on me and blocked access to Why Was I Ganked


my application

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Helloo forum😀

I disagree. Feeling safe doesn’t mean feeling bored. There’s been plenty of time where I undock to go ratting that I don’t give one neuron’s worth of a thought to ganking. I know it’s there in permanence but it isn’t the deciding factor on how I fit my ship. I doubt a good fit will prevent or stop someone who wants to gank me as there is no “evasive maneuvers” in a gank and it’s only avoidable before not during.
So I have nothing against ganking ( I think it’s a good thing ) but saying that Hisec would be boring without it is taking ganking to levels it doesn’t belong. For me, without ratting, Hisec would be boring.

Fifie pew-pews