With out ganking, high sec would just be boring

That’s because obviously baiting is obvious baiting.

You need to be more subtle about it.

Ganking is childish and ignorant.


So incorrect, the knowledge that highsec should never be safe as it was designed like such and by ganking it creates awareness for new Pilots to think twice about their cargo before undocking.


It’s OK, I don’t mind that some people view my opinions as incorrect.

I doubt they designed HighSec with the purpose of making the players feel that it’s supposed to be unsafe to fly, otherwise they would have just given HighSec a security status like Null. Ganking is emergent gameplay, which means the developers didn’t put it in there on purpose.

It doesn’t. It doesn’t create any awareness except the awareness that ganking is childish, a pain in the butt and ignorant. That’s what I’m aware of concerning ganking.


Helloo forum😀
@Nienna_Nannie, I can understand that you think Ganking is “childish” or “a pain in the butt” but why is it “ignorant” in your opinion?
I mean I can see how it’s a pain and childish, it cuts short any plans you might’ve had before it happened and it’s a game after all and players may act childish sometimes, especially when they’re ganked.

Fifie & Ganking

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Because gankers attack anybody, being ignorant of what that player may be going through, ignorant if it’s that player’s last ship, ignorant if that player will just quit afterwards or be broke of isk, which is the same thing.
They even attacked Mike Azariah, he helps newbros and cares about new players. They don’t care about anyone but selfishly gank anybody they can. That’s not a “playstyle”, it’s opportunist ignorance.


Mike doesn’t help newbros.

He pretends to help them.

Big difference!


No such thing.

The game has a nifty button that dispenses free ships at every station! Imagine that!

Not our responsibility to manager their emotions for them. If they quit over the loss of a pixilated space ship they probably shouldn’t have played in the first place.

Stop victimizing them. You aren’t helping them by capitalizing on their inability to manage their own emotions to push your anti-pvp agenda.

Not possible. The game offers a button that dispenses a free ship at every station to help them generate isk. Image that.

Why are you victimizing EvE players? What’s in it for you? Are you a [redacted] alt?

What are you doing to help “new bros” besides using their losses to push your agenda.

You pretend that mike is some sort of poor that doesn’t have funds to help himself. Like he doesn’t understand the core nature of the game. Why are you victimizing him?

Do you have any idea the amount of donations he receives from players so he can run his magic school bus.

And why are you pretending that pvp pirates don’t care about new-bros? The amount of time and isk donated to new players to get them back on their feet after they bravely enter low sec for the first time is staggering. What have you done for them except virtual signal on the forums?


I do recall.

You removed two posts for violating forum rules (I have screenshots) and replaced them with some bizarre diatribe, and I’m quoting you here, “best of the best of the best” which made no sense given the conversation.

So don’t pretend that you’re off the hook here and I’m the “meenie.”

And is that the best counter argument you can offer:

Make a slight about the elderly and senility?

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What a load of silly nonsense. The very fact that there are different security levels and different Concord response times in highsec makes it blatantly obvious that there being something to respond to is built into highsec.

On a scale on which your posts win first prize.

Just another person with no killboard whatever who wants to lecture everyone from their vast experience of Eve, I agree totally with Aiko…a person with zero killboard, no kills or losses, has nothing worth listening to on any subject as there is nothing that demonstrates that they have ever undocked.

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As long as I am not off the hook and I am going to take what is owed to Frostpacker!

We are told to Fly safe. Wonder why we are always told this? Umm perhaps it is a warning about how we treat our New Eden Assets?

There is more at play in New Eden that revolves around working to people’s disadvantage behind their backs than both you or (I/we) can even begin to understand.
Therefore we are aware of nothing other than to what we discover ourself via undocking.


Nicely said.


And here I was laboring under the misconception that you blocked me.

Had a change in heart, or did you forget to switch accounts?

Link where Fife declared that I was blocked!


Thank you🤗 very gracious of you… so, what’s the prize? 100isk, 100SP?

It’s more of a joke than anything else. It’s a PvP game with ganking in it. Twice the dread and… Fly Safe? :rofl:

Well, I do owe Iceacid Frostpacker a big ol’ Civire bear hug!

Okay Smartie Nannie how else should the news letters end with at the bottom?
Should it read have a safe and enjoyable trip?



Are you sending the message that you are the Sigma male?

Something like that, yes.
But it looks like the ISD is trying to tell me that I’ve overstayed my welcome so bye and have fun, sir.
@Fifie_Brindacier love your attitude. Take care!

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Now, about that bear hug I owe you!

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