Won't someone please think of the Krabs!

It sits on the bottom, covered in protection stuffing food in its maw.


" It sits on the bottom, covered in protection stuffing food in its maw. "

True, but…

It is also food to others. And if over-farmed it dies off.

One can hope

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It’s almost like we would help those carebears if we kill them and knock them out of this self destructive PLEX loop. Just an idea.


Wait, so this thread is about how “millennials” are broke, and can’t pay for a game that cuts into their McDonalds run after crushing a nug…?


I think that’s what the OP was saying. Others disagree. BTW, what is a “nug”?

nug is the good stuff you stuff your bong with. the best part of the plant.


You mean the kids of the millenials? Are you stuck in the last century?


Yeah, if you read the OP post, it references “Millinials” in the head lines, three separate times. BBC, Atlantic and Forbes. Hence, my reference.

Also note that milinials were born between 1981 and 1996. So a span of 23 to 36 years of age. And the the Guardian is referencing to age groups between 18 and 29 which INCLUDES the later part of the millinials, 23 to 29 years of age.

Which this is what the articles are addressing and the basic band width of the game is comprised of such.

Now i am going to go with the idea you mis-interpreted my comment and posted out of context.

EDIT: Also working with average of people have kids…Mom 26 and Dads 31 for their first kid. So as an average of millimials kids playing this game… mean that the kid is between 5 and 13… no where near the working age to worry about being able to pay for debts and a game…

Therein lies the rub.
At one time when the term “Carebear” was used, people assumed highsec. Dravclad, that gentleman and scholar of Eve, made the case that it was in reality nullsec that had the biggest carebears.
I have convoed with quite a few gank victims in highsec and the majority of them didn’t care. Hence the rub.
The highsec bears factor in suicide ganking. There might be a scrub now and then who has a tantrum, but most of them didn’t care.
Nullbears on the other hand, while acting like they crossed the membrane into “end game” by going to nullsec, are now wailing and gnashing their teeth over having to do what, fly something cheaper? Not being able to fit solely ISK-making modules? The added risk could mean flying cheaper. That means less ISK hoovering. Or they could fly expensive and lose a ship occasionally. How will that be factored in? Should I use this faction fit carrier to grind rats for a gajillion ISK an hour and lose it after it pays for itself three times over or would be be better to use something cheaper, make only a kajillion ISK an hour, and lose it after it pays for itself 10 times over?

The worst part is, it’s probably not going to be a bloodbath with wrecks and corpses all over the place. Whereby a chance of loss is factored in an considered in highsec, nullbears are freaking out over a potential loss. That’s how safe they were behind the intel channels and cap blobs that drop on a neutral right when everybody else is docking up.

That highsec was even a “thing” was, in my opinion, reflective of poor nullsec play potential. I have played since 2006 and suicide ganking was always something that could be done. But only after the blue donut, cap and BLOPS drops, and bubble-o-rama became default nullsec did highsec suicide ganking - preceded by can flipping/Ninja salvaging and wardecs become so prevalent. Wrecjk abandonment was the end of TEARS practically overnight. But the problem was cast in nullsec long before that.
This change, I don’t expect to be as big as the nullbears are claiming it will be. But it’s a start. And ultimately it’s not so much a PLEX Loop as it is a self-entitlement loop. I still have much salt from my days busting incursions by mom-popping. Yeah, they actually just grind the sites letting the Sansha mom lager and if you go pop it ahead of time, you get messages that would make even CODE flinch. Were it up to me, there would have been a timer on the incursion mothership and if it’s not take out in that time, NOBODY would get any reward.
Imagine the salt if they ever implemented that. It’s not PLEX, it’s entitlement and snowflakery.


Why is he not in a coalmine or doing an unpaid internship in Tescos? ARE THE WORKHOUSES SO FULL?!


Channeling your inner Ms Scrooge this morning are we?



  1. Krabbing becomes important to generate ISK for PvP ships, krabs dont buy pvp ships though, pvpers buy pvp ships…

  2. Without ISK for ships no PvP happens. That’s it, it’s over… cept pvpers will always make isk either buying plex or running sites/mining/abyssals - a pvper in most cases still has to pve too you know… its actually simple logic… and its also a great way to bait.

  3. And who builds those ships? my industrial toon or the people in jita as every null alliance ive been in rarely sells cheaper than jita even when imported apparently industrial only players dont like the protection pvpers get them… probably why people are moaning about not having the safety of local.

  4. Krabbing is part harvesting part construction. It’s required, and a major part of the game for a reason. Or you’ll have no ships to PvP in… which again, krabs dont use cus they dock at the hint of a neut in local but its ok; us pvpers have industrial toons so dagaf.

  5. PvP obsession is a major problem IMHO. Out in Null it’s a team that survives… a team that pvps to protect each other and defend their space… how are you missing that point??

  6. Krabs are targets like everyone else. it shouldnt be an issue but some people want to act like it will cause problems. If too many Krabs go down then the cost of ded modules goes up when we sell it, allowing us to spend even more on our pvp ships to whelp.

FtFy 'cus you seemed to have some mistakes there.


Jesus wept.


ikr how can someone be THAT blind.

Skill training and a deeply embedded super-rich oligarchy aren’t the only barriers to new players. The mutual distrust between players and constant scrutiny of killboards are just as much an entry barrier as anything else. Hell, a lot of corps require what is essentially a comprehensive background check. A player’s mistakes are visible FOREVER. New players are dropped into an environment that’s hostile in every way and expected to learn or quit on top of all that.

A few months ago I made a thread about an alternative set of characters called Sigma Infomorphs. These were player-controlled Rogue Drone imitations of Capsuleers permanently subjected to the authority of a Hivemind. Instead of training up skills they automatically know how to use whatever they have. To compensate for this they have no economy and no currency. That way the game plays more like a survival game and isn’t subject to the same gerontocracy system that the normal gameplay loop is.

It’s not like it has to be Rogue Drones either. Playable Triglavians that operate outside of established norms would be interesting too. I think something like that would go a long way toward acclimating new players and entertaining old players looking for a challenge. They can play and experiment until they figure out what they’re doing without their screw ups being immortalized or their skill points going to waste.


Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #217: You can’t free a fish from water.

“nugget” . . . of THC releasing combustible material, often packed into the “bowl” apparatus of a pipe or “bong” device

It’s weed, mang!


Krabs either build or do other PvP when not krabbing. Or both. But the source is resources farmed.

The market has shifted. There is less spending power out there in the real world now. Which is the crux of the problem. Less PLEXing requires more Krabbing, or there is no resource.

Out in Null the Locals build huge amounts of stuff. And Jita is also like that. It’s called a ‘sandbox’.

Not actually true. Some Krabs fly & fight. That’s the breadth & depth of EVE’s potential. Assuming they haven’t been put out of business.

Unless they are out of business. Why do you think the real world money will just keep coming?

Building doesn’t work that way. Again you assume teh magic ISK supply will just keep coming. And in a Sandbox everything is built by players, assuming they are not out of business.

I’m seeing a b0rk I have to patch up. #JustSayin