Wormhole Police MOST WANTED Criminals

Didn’t wanted to repeat the same word twice in that same sentence, it would feel… too demanding. :wink: :smirk:

I demand that you if your going to give Karen advice for demanding services and refunds, you need to be demanding.


:smiling_imp: :popcorn: :dealwithitparrot:

How dare you correct my spelling and punctuation. I demand to see your supervisor, grammer nazi!

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Sigh. I’ll get the cream jar.


No, you didn’t.

Visit the WHPD Twitch Stream WEEKDAYS To earn Justice Points, interact with WHPD or DROP A DIME on some Dirtbag! Our 100% non-anonymous Drop-A-Dime program allows Ordinary Citizens to take their Karen Complaints RIGHT TO THE TOP!

If you are interested in Performing Community Service alongside The Wormhole Police, Please visit our Discord to sign up. The Meme Fleet departs on Sunday at 17:00 New Eden time from Caldari space. Reserve your spot in advance and get right with THE LAW!

Dirtbags from the week ending 2022-07-15 - See top post for current wanted list.

1.@Uhtreddd - BRAVELY Served his Community Service - The Karens were not impressed.
2.kuv kuv - Failed to perform community service.
3.@Mochi_Sake - Failed to perform community service. Currently on the run.
4.Asban - Performed Community Service - GOT RIGHT WITH THE LAW!
5.@Perceus_Finch - Failed to perform community service. Currently whoring on the TopTen
6.dark hay - Performed Community Service - GOT RIGHT WITH THE LAW!
7.Penitent FitzCovert - Failed to perform community service. The Karens have forgiven him!
8.@Ruubz_Raubzen - BRAVELY Served his Community Service - The Karens were not impressed.
9.@Evie_Kouvo - Failed to perform community service. The Karens have forgiven her!
10.Patito Patito - BRAVELY Served his Community Service

Yes, I did. My twitch name is not Ax’l Thorne.


We had over 100 people on stream last night. I’m not sure who’s stream you watched but it wasn’t mine.

Try sticking around for more than the first 5 minutes maybe?

It was about 5 minutes, tbh. Though staring at the wormhole for about 5 minutes was mesmerizing in of itself, the music was…. Not to my taste. I could have muted, but I decided to leave because I was just burning time anyway. And decided to troll you because you’re so cool about letting trolls come out from under their bridges and muck up your thread.


Still, pretty cool that you do this. Keep up with the fun!

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You’re slipping…

Try again and stick around. Wormhole life is a slow burn. The show is fun and lighthearted. From Karen Complaints to Avatar Roasts… The show is more about where the audience takes us and my commentary than actually playing the game. Sometimes I even kill something… Not sticking around to the end caused you to miss an opportunity to win a KILL VINNE giveaway. The winner sold the KILL VINNE at auction for 1.25 billion ISK!

Try again.

You be right, my friend.

Think of it as a TiDi battle… just in wormholes. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Watch the whole thing next time. :stuck_out_tongue: Until then you don’t even have the right to complain… or to demand. :wink: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:

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This is NOT Epic Douche Salt miss… If you want Epic Douche Salt you have to watch this video.




:joy: :rofl: :joy:

That video salt is probably enough to supply the Morton Salt Company for a decade.

He is as its getting hard to find miners that are afk in a wh for him to shoot lol

We CRUSHED Records this week!

  • New Karen Complaints record - 42 on @CCP_Convict (Previously 27 held by RushLock)
  • New Karen Complaints Single Day Record - 28 on @CCP_Convict
  • There were a total of 130 Karen Complaints lodged against New Eden Pilots this week!

Visit the WHPD Twitch Stream WEEKDAYS To earn Justice Points, interact with WHPD or DROP A DIME on some Dirtbag! Our 100% non-anonymous Drop-A-Dime program allows Ordinary Citizens to take their Karen Complaints RIGHT TO THE TOP!

If you are interested in Performing Community Service alongside The Wormhole Police, Please visit our Discord to sign up. The Meme Fleet departs on Sunday at 17:00 New Eden time from Caldari space. Reserve your spot in advance and get right with THE LAW!

Dirtbags from the week ending 2022-07-22 - See top post for current wanted list.

  1. @Uhtreddd - BRAVELY Served his Community Service - The Karens were not impressed.
  2. @Perceus_Finch - Failed to perform community service. WHAT A DIRTBAG!
  3. @Ruubz_Raubzen - Served his Community Service - The Karens refuse to forgive!
  4. Ara Moliko - BRAVELY Served his Community Service - Karens Have Forgiven Him!
  5. danthebartender - Failed to perform community service because he got lost.
  6. ManFace MissileTits - Failed to perform community service
  7. @Cat_McCavity - Bought a fake moustache, Is currently at his hideout!
  8. @kjeezy - Failed to perform community service - MURDERED OFFICER VINNE!
  9. Erador Sul - Failed to perform community service
  10. @Ashley_Traynor - Thinks Community Service is for Teh Poors. Too Good for that ■■■■.
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