I wont claim an eve is dying or something here, start with that. Im not even quitting, so no, you cant have my stuff.
But i want an honest opinion about what would be basically your “new player experience” when starting eve, and if this would make you keep playing. SOMETHING did back then, would it still be there? Or… would you just go, and why?
I may start with my opinion on this topic. Today, im not sure if i´d still be attracted to eve as a new player. Now lets see what would be MY “new player experience”, and why i think it would turn me off:
I´d start because i heared its an actual hard mmo, where people can do insane stuff like owning things that requires a lot of effort and people. Id probably read about titans and how they are so big that youd need to buy gametime and sell it the worth of thousands of dollars just to get it. (Im talking about a new player starting, so no discussion about this being correct). As a great fan of dark souls and other games that arent quite easy, and as a fan of mmos and generally not just ending stories , that would probably already catch me, but project discovery would do for sure then. So, lets go and Register!
Register: Okay, wow, one big "play for free " button. click …
Log in with facebook? Mh. At this point id think this cant be the “Hardcore mmo”, this play for free stuff and a login with facebook sound more like candy crush. If i havent already read about it, probably that would be the end of my journey because it already screams “Easy f2p game with lots of p2w”, but hey, theres still people quitting because its too hard, so ill just give it a try.
Sooo… well. download. Partial download? meh, ill just give it few more minutes and look into the forum. oh look, a new forum is currently in work, lets see!
To keep this on topic ill not explain why getting a achievement for liking someones post in a forum would nearly bring me to edge of uninstalling again because this again shouts easy f2p game.
Okay… start the game! Mhh… races… Choose and wow, what an character editor! its so… wow, its awesome. Can i do more with my char? Strange, i thought its only spaceships… why didnt i read about this yet? Well, whatever. Awesome!
After… like one hour of getting my char good id really wonder how detailled and great the character editor is.
Okay, start the game then!
Well, and instead of a sandbox, im thrown into a tutorial. Okay… wow. this is… difficult… and the windows are strange… but i guess thats complexity, huh. Well. lets see…
Id start questioning why this “Hardcore sandbox” starts with an mini campaign instead of just throwing me to an open world and let me decide, what´s my goal. Hm. And after getting the basics, id encounter another problem: It hangs, when you do it before she´s finished telling you to do it.
So id REALLY start questioning what i heared, because currently, i saw “free to play”, facebook, forum achievements and a tutorial thats nothing like the game i heared off. However, lets just say that doesnt make me quit.
Now lets see. Okay. im docked and… Hum, what now. Lets see what buttons i have… “captains quarters”, sounds interesting.
Whooo! my char runs around! lets see… wow, theres my ship and… lets go down… A TV with ingame news, several options to make and stuff? wow, does this game really include a whole walking part? Mh, theres the door.
"Station atmosphere not yet…"
Mh, okay, so they´re just patching this in, hu, lets see some research…
And after some Research id find the next dramatic discovery. They didnt touch this since 7 YEARS? You can create a character in an awesomly detailled editor just to run in this… jail? And the reason were protests, after they wanted to introduce clothing worth 50+ bucks? What the fur is this?
Id probably think that i didnt really expected a walk around game and just start wondering if they actually care for the game. So far i saw a tutorial that wont let me come further if i speak to fast and wasnt even close to an sandbox, and an character editor/walking around part thats just… half finished, since years now. well, press the captains quarters button again and just ignore it… with an feeling like im starting an dead game, considering im already seeing things not properly implemented.
Well, lets see. Career agents it leads me now, so lets do it!..
At some point, i´d probably get an question about it. I mean, its still complex after all. So lets see what chats i have!
Mhh… the “Rookie” chat… sounds good… - but as i´d hear that this is the chat only for rookies, and the help chat is another, i´d probably look forward to this. So, time to go to “Hilfe” (as im a german player).
Well, now that would be… A bunch of people discussing stuff, and a very harsh tone. Id wonder, isnt this moderated? As this would be my FIRST question after seeing the stuff in there, id get the following answers: "Not really ;;;; sometimes a guy comes in here"
Mh. My feeling intensivies. Half finished stuff, bugged tutorials and missing chat moderation? wow, this seems abandoned. Lets question that BEFORE i continue at all.
Probably i’d get anwers like “dont troll” “its offtopic” and “no, its still active”. offtopic, mh? Now id ask where a general chat for that questions and talk is then. German, if possible. “They removed it, werent able to moderate it anymore. Theres this inofficial chat [link]”
And wow, that would be shocking. Again: They removed it? they didnt want to moderate? this keeps seeming dead, man. And after atleast the german inofficial channel is an ABSOLUTELY catastrophe, i´d already wonder if i kept playing. Till now, my new player experience was, that this game lacks developers and the community are pure psychos - and i didnt even finished career agents yet! And id be turned off by the lack of an capital like “if i dont do anything, i show off and chatter there”. Theres just… space, a help chat with semi-psychotic guys and a chat with purely psychotic guys.
So, for the assumption, lets say i keep on because im still interested in this sandboxy thingies. after finishing my career agents, id ask “Do i have to do that, or is this a pure tutorial?”, and probably people would say “You should do career agents and probably sister alitura, but you dont need to. Do whatever you liked from the career agents, or find another way”.
And they would link me this awesome “what to do” map, where i´d think wow, so THATS the sandbox!
Now, it gets really strange. On onehand, id probably notice: Soloing eve is meh, and id probably get that through forums. So, whats the “guild” here?
And man, thats the next problem. Asking this in help would result in “offtopic” and other comments, that are far from friendly. Id probably say i dont ask for a specific one, i just want to know the basics. What should i look for, etc. Where´s this big ass stuff that dragged me into the game?
Well, and i´d read about wardeccs. I probably dont want to go into null and low on my first days, even though i´d surely already read that everywhere is pvp. One thing id think is awesome - its always dangerous, i smell a bit of the hardcore sandbox!
But what does a corp provide me exactly? I can already compress and reprocess stuff on public citadels. There are a lot of non-corp people providing help for mining too, so… if im in for that, it´d just be more dangerous being in a corp without me seing a clear advantage.
Missions? mh. Id ask, and get, that you can do missions with others, but it doesnt change and rewards are just split, so better solo them.
PvP?`Yeah, probably. Not on my first day(s) though.
So… to avoid wardeccs on my first day(s) id just stay solo.
However, i´d notice how low amounts of isk that generates compared to prices. “well im at the start” id think, but then… id notice the “buy plex and kickstart your career” thing.
And at this point, as a new player, id probably quit.
Because my experience yet was:
- Its a game that uses register with facebook, free to play and such things to make me play.
- It has half-finished stuff, tutorials far away from the game reality, and closed chats due to lack of moderation that makes me think they arent really working on this game.
- What i saw yet was nothing like hardcore sandbox, more like farm your quests or do some pvp (which i wouldnt have tried at that point)
- And it would seem like they´re just trying to cash me out by either make me grind or buy their plex.
The sad part is: This is not what eve is. There´s a reason im playing it now, and since years. Reasons like actually get a grab of the market (and plex), to notice where its hard, to try out pvp, to go out from highsec, or find out what to do there. Experiencing the sandbox. Experience what makes eve not just another game.
But thats not what probably would have been my new player experience.
In short, i want to tell you what kept me in eve back then:
Registering was normal, and there was a help and a german chat - help was helpfull, german… kinda psychotic, but hey, its the general chat, eh?
Starting the game was “F you, theres a spaceship”. Uhm okay, its a sandbox after all, and im stranded here, trying to make myself a career. Great, i love sandboxes! (yes, the lack of an tutorial would improve my “hardcore mmo” point and actually get me a like, and there where career agents back then too, which i ignored tho)
A corp was helping, as public citadels werent existing and the lack of a tutorial also made me hapilly join some guys before knowing what a wardec is or something. I mean, i dont have any idea whats going on, im glad i managed to move.
The game wasnt free, facebook-login didnt exist and plex werent shoveled in your face. I think i noticed one month in the game that you can buy plex to kickstart your career. There wasnt even any ingame shop, either.
And the vision, man! They just added building on planets? wormholes? they are working on a shooter LINKED WITH THIS? they are… working on walking in stations? Man, im so excited what the future will hold, lets start farming and fighting and getting experience for this future, when i may one day be able to use the isk to buy myself clothing!
Well, these days i can, he?
I know, it was a VERY long post. But i want to make you understand what my feeling as a newb would be these days. And most important: Why i would probably not start eve.
TL;DR: I wouldnt start with eve these days as my first experience would be a “cheap f2p facebook game” instead of what eve actually is.
And in this sence: CCP, please decide if you want a hardcore sandbox or an accessable mmo for the masses. Im not sure if any of those would currently get the feeling this is the game for them.