WOW! Just....WOW!

It’s hilarious how crazy off topic this discussion has turned into.

I still don’t see anything that suggests any party involved used an exploit other than hurt feelings.

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I like a good conversation. And no hurt feelings. If I can regain lost assets legitimately, then I will try.

I dont know. 18 alts is a one man camp.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I like how you still dodge any and all attempts to show that there was an exploit.

That’s fine. It’s a sandbox, people can play as they want.

A mostly solo playstyle does not mean a player cannot be social when they wish.
chat channels
NPSI fleets
fleeting up with others for a specific activity

Even small groups can be quite fun, however.

There are corps that are a looser affiliation of players who all mostly do their own thing but know they have people to group with when needed/desired.
Maybe try a larger corp - worst that can happen is you decide to leave it.
In any case, perhaps this may help:

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It’s not up to me to decide. I presented by case to ccp security. They would have th eknow-how to tell if an exploit was used or not.

LOL!!! Speaking of a–holes.

Someone flagged my a–hole comments. Get real people. But then again most of the western world have become language fascists so I’m not surprised.

Long live the 1st Amendment in the US. Free Speech FTW. My rights dont end where your feelings begin. But then again we are talking Iceland here, so who knows where the mods will take this. I’ll probably get banned.

If you were being an asshole, you deserved it…??

This only applies in instances where the government (state or federal) attempts to suppress your speech and generally does not apply when a private entity is doing so.

But it is cute that you think you can wave that around like some kind of magic charm that’ll suddenly make it okay for you do be a dick online. :joy:

Thank you for that link.

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Are you forum stalking me, bro? Maybe I should report this.

It’s not my fault you made two different posts complaining about similar things. You shouldn’t have spammed threads if you didn’t want people to comment on both, bro.

They were not camping, they were positioned for you specifically. That you died was very likely not bad luck but planned while you were still multiple jumps out, after the scanner identified you as a loot piñata.

You still project your mistake on others. It was your fault, only yours. I know this may be harsh, but the sooner you realize that every loss in EvE is solely your own fault and avoidable by the right measures (if you want to avoid it), the faster you gain complete freedom and control of your play.


You guys need to get away from the idea that I’m blaming anyone. I posed a question about the legitimacy of the way it was done, that is all. I’m not blaming anyone.

Curiously I got this in game mail from another player…

From: *******************
Sent: 2019.05.23 21:09
To: Muriel en Daire,


I read your post on public forum regarding recent gank which happened on your route through Uedama.

The fleet which hit you are not bots. They are well known and multiboxed by one guy who is specialized in this sort of ganks. He has over 20 accounts but controls all of them manually - he was even streaming live his operations for long time enough to demonstrate how he manages to do it.

There are more multiboxed fleets operated under CODE. alliance… Rackners (Advanced Tear Harvesting V), Gate Tax Collectors (Gate Tax Collection Agency).

They all operate on major trade routes - especially 0.5/0.6 systems like Uedama or Niarja Just check zkillboard for these systems to see who they are.

There is no easy counter play to that - the best option is not to be there when they are active.

Even if you properly fit and tank your ship these fleets have enough firepower and money to use more powerfull ships if needed that they can destroy your ship until CONCORD responds.

You can scout your route with alt or carry packaged shuttle in your cargo and go check before jumping in.

There is a also public intel channel Gank-Intel where people report warnings about ganking activity. Some people (like my corp) actively monitor most dangerous sytems and can provide status or scout when needed. Please note that this is intel channel only (read MOTD for rules) and for discussions there is another channel: Anti-ganking

There are many individuals who fight gankers in high-sec. The biggest organization so far is HighSec Militia who organize regular fleets with ECM and logistics to jam gankers and repair attacked ships. But they can’t be everywhere and nothing will help if your ship will be destroyed in single shot.

If you need any more info about security feel free to mail or convo me.

Fly safe!

My second post where features/suggestions based on this post.

This only applies in instances where the government (state or federal) attempts to suppress your speech and generally does not apply when a private entity is doing so.

WRONG!! This is coming to a head soon concerning social media cencoring people based on poiltical views both in Europe and the US. But this is a different topic altogether.

Well, no, when people took the time to explain why this was your mistake, you come back with “But this is a suggestions board”.

Thing is, its a suggestion board for actual problems.

When you say things like “Hey, I put my Iphone in the Microwave because some poster said it would recharge my Iphone in 2 hours, and it destroyed my phone. Can I add a suggestion for Apple to start making iphones that can be charged using a microwave, so this doesnt happen again? Or at the very least, make them microwave-resistant”, people are going to point out that this is your mistake, and its not up to the company to fix your mistake.

You were shown a twitch livestream, where he shows you how its done.

Here, incase you missed it:

Okay, well, good luck taking CCP to court, I guess.

Oh lord, another one who dictates what are “actual problems” and what aren’t. Ever heard of quality of life improvements? The cloning upgrade requirements of yesteryear was not an actual problem either…was it? But it was changed nonetheless.
So whose permission do I seek to post on this board…yours?

Okay, well, good luck taking CCP to court, I guess.

Dont be stupid. You took it out of context.

Most QoL suggestions dont begin with “I made a mistake, CCP please make the game easier”.

No one is saying that youre not allowed to post.

But post ridiculous things, be prepared to be ridiculed.

Then why bring it up.

Most QoL suggestions dont begin with “I made a mistake, CCP please make the game easier”.

Me versus a one man 18 ship gank in high sec is a mistake? Im sure you would have been able to survive it…right?

But post ridiculous things, be prepared to be ridiculed.

Likewise to your worthless replies that add nothing to the topic.

Then why bring it up.

Because I can. Anything else your highness wants to know?

Yes, i would.


Do you wear boxers or briefs?

Thongs with skid marks.:kissing_smiling_eyes: