I know that EVE Online has and will always be full of trolls, and that any topic started that mentions opinions about the state of things will be trolled for sure and that no staff will bother trying to keep it civil, but I feel like speaking my mind on some things.
Firstly, I’d like to say this free to play, and pay to win thing ruined the game for me. I spent years, skilling up with +5 implants and all, knowing that even though players could buy ISK and spend money to buy characters from other people, they couldn’t just instantly get the skills they wanted maxed out whenever they wanted, and I felt accomplished when I got shields armor hull maxed out and made my Skiff a ball of indestructible shield that made people think “Uh, nope, I’m not attacking him, lets pick someone else in the belt”. I spent years training up to use a Rorqual even, and the very instant I completed, I was racing against someone else in the alliance to do so, you guys release buyable skill points, and that very same day at least 5 accounts maxed out 27+ years worth of skill points right then and there, and everyone who has jobs, started just buying skill points. CCP made tons and tons and tons of money that day, it sure was a great get rich quick scheme. It still works now, because giving players more ways to win by throwing money at you works. Now there’s nothing to accomplish by skilling the old fashion way, you can’t be better than the people who just dump their loads of money into the game.
Secondly, adding onto this. You now have the game set as free to play, while enabling players to pvp in this free to play mode. I hear the December update is going to be even worse, where it goes free pvp to the extreme. Suicide gankers in highsec were a problem before, and now you intend to make the game unplayable for anyone who doesn’t pay real money. I sincerely hope miners go on strike and eve industry shuts down causing a total market collapse as a result, but I doubt it will happen. Your free to play mechanism only supports gankers, it doesn’t support anyone else. You make mining seem like the most horrible thing anyone could ever do in free to play mode, its horrible! But suicide ganking miners is super easy, so easy people even do it to miners when its not even worth it, where the ganker loses more than the miner does. I mean, really? That just proves the game isn’t for those who enjoy mining anymore, because clearly you’re trying to phase out industry by making industry the worst thing to do in the game. Like you’re trying to make 95% of the game pvp battles. Why bother having highsec anymore? Its worse than nullsec now, its roming death squads of newly created ganker accounts playing with free destroyer ships just warping from belt to belt looking for targets. I survive longer in nullsec because I know whats enemy and whats not, highsec, everything’s an enemy now. This’ll never change of course, because CCP supports this, making the game unplayable in the areas that were supposed to be considered safe.
No, lets not bother making lowsec and nullsec more valuable, lets just invite free accounts to suicide gank miners in highsec to force them out of highsec! And add more ISK flow to the game raising inflation up rapidly! I remember back when PLEX, was 1 item, and cost 200 million ISK. Now its been split uselessly up into 500 items and costs a total of 1.6 billion or so last I checked. Have you done anything to try and limit inflation? It certainly doesn’t seem like it.
Third, I’d like to mention I liked the previous forums better, this new thing seems bleh, unintuitive and basic. Like a lazy forum remodeling. Just my thoughts here on this.
Fourth! In all the years this game has been getting updates, you’ve still never enhanced the connection protocols? Come on, this is ridiculous! One single packet gets lost, and the game stops responding to ALL packets, but doesn’t tell the player this, it takes at MINIMUM 60 seconds before the game MIGHT tell the player they lost connection. Even if you know you lost connection, you can’t quit or relog, because “quit game” does NOTHING. You have to end the game in task manager just to re-launch it hoping you can get online before you enter “safe warp” or are destroyed by an enemy. I mean if you don’t realize you lost connection till 5 minutes later when the game finally tells you, you’re generally ■■■■■■. All because the game can’t handle connections properly. Any decently coded game can handle packets being lost, but I guess that means EVE may not be properly coded.
I mean, just my observation. I play other games just fine, if I lose connection for a second or two, the game waits for me, keeps me connected to the server, sure I may stop doing things during that time but I don’t sit there and wait to get booted 5 minutes later and have to reconnect. EVE is the only game I’ve ever encountered that can’t handle a slightly unstable connection. I’d understand, if I had extreme packet loss and a very bad connection, but I’m simply having slight dropouts lasting 1-2 seconds tops every 15-45 minutes. Something any game should be able to handle. I can’t help it that the hardware is broken and that its expensive to replace. But you can help it, by coding your game to handle these dropouts in a graceful manner.
I tried getting back into the game, but when I got back on, I heard from locals that its gotten worse for miners, and that the game is getting ridiculous. Made worse by the fact that I an be sitting there and suddenly I find that none of my actions for the last minute have been doing anything, I have to alt tab to end the game in task manager in order to reconnect because bad coding. I can’t be a miner in highsec cause of the free player suicide gank problem, I can’t be a miner in null cause of the connection problem, I can’t do what I enjoy, because you’ve destroyed it with your pro pvp only get rich quick updates. Next, you’ll just add the option to buy any ship in the game with real money! You’ll have the slogan “Can’t find your ship for sale where you’re at? Buy it with real money!”
I don’t like where this game is heading, I didn’t like where it was heading when I played in the past either.
I took a year vacation cause of the issues in the game. The only time I ever really enjoyed myself, was when I was in TEST. Best group of people I’ve ever been with. I just can’t get a feel for it anymore, free to play pay to win schemes going off the charts.
Anyway, have fun trolling my topic into oblivion, I’m sure the pvpers will be the first ones here to bash it all up. Followed by Goonswarm and their naturally bullyish members. Hey, I don’t mind how much you hate me or put me on watch lists for hunting and harassing. I’m abrasive, whether you like it or not I say whats on my mind.
EDIT: Oh yea, forgot to mention the closure of EVE Gate, which I used to use to show people I play eve and invite them to join me too. Thanks for that. Now I’ve got no way to show them my in game profile and stuff.