Wow, so much has changed

An eternal chasm of endless choice works better for some people than others.

Dude, just accept that it’s not for you and move on. Wtf are you doing here? are you trying to convince people who absolutely love this game to share your point of view? that’s not going to happen, you’re wasting your time.

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I will start by saying. You are flat out wrong about the PLEX. If you look back at the history of PLEX, it has been pretty stable in the past year, sitting around 1.4-1.6bil for 500(1mo) PLEX.

As for inflation of ISK, well… inflation is natural, it happens. Just look at the US economy. in 1987 an average car was about 10.3k USD, now in 2017 it is about 35k.

Most of the changes CCPs has done over the years have been better in the long run. But Eve like every game, is not for everyone. As it changes this becomes a slightly different game. People will either like it or dislike it and move on.

Strange post.

As a miner (not every day but most days) I’m not seeing the destroyer gank squads you are. They are not in my experience much of a problem. When I mine, I mine peacefully to my hearts content, or at least to the limit of my Cargo Hold. So do all the other miners I frequently share a belt with. The game is very far from ‘unplayable’ in this regard.

Sure if you mine in 0.5 systems like Uedama or Niarja that also happen to be CODE strongholds then you are asking for trouble. Then again, you are asking for trouble in any game if you go ill-prepared to a dangerous area with a weak character.

There’s a fundamental flaw in your thinking that will stop you enjoying the game, that being:

High Sec was never supposed to be considered safe. Safer. Not safe.

Even 1 day old Rookies know this. We tell them this every day in Rookie Help.

As for the connection problems, I’ve never had any. I know that’s anecdotal, but then so are your problems.

So, in summary, it sounds like someone ganked your mining ship and upset your safe space mentality and this, coupled with your personal connection problems, has made you decide EVE is a bad game.

I have to agree with this to be honest:

So you based your entire belief on the word of others in local but won’t listen to people here? Did you experience any actual alpha ganking? I’m confused because everyone here seems to say They have had no problems with ganking, yet you refuse to listen to that but the miners in local are a valid source? That doesn’t make sense.

Look, I know it can be hard to get back into a game that has changed. We all fear the change and the struggle. Yet you seem to ignore all the good. Miners are valued more now. Their activity is tied to defense indices in nul and so they are on demand. Plus the moon goo changes mean that to make income in nul, you no longer have passive towers but need actual miners.

Honestly it’s really been a good time for those miners who actually adapt to change and start branching out. May be instead of being scared off by local disgruntled miners, you could… Join a nil group and grow? Embrace the change and see what new is put there?

Or… Be solo but try a new approach… Gas mine with the new cloak t2 expedition frigs on wormholes. Ninja mine with them in nul. It really is a fun time to mine, if you engage and try the game. If, on the other hand, all you want to do is mine in hi sec, find a quiet spot a d do it. Many miners have and had no trouble with gankers.

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This guy is part of the reason why free speech will eventually be banned.

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I’m a returner, enjoying many of the new things since coming back.

I agree on the points of buying time in a way that wasn’t possible. The long term achievments are pretty much void now, it’s more a competition of money than it was before.

I really hope this pays off long term for CCP since I hope game will continue although some of its original soul is gone (also for the better).

I don’t see all salt here. You can critize some parts while still like/love others.

That’s a tad harsh. It really is. The reality is… This is a person who is worried. What they enjoyed has changed. They react and well… It happens so often in the world. It’s our job, if we wish to be helpful, to help these people off the perceived edge they think they are standing on and remind them that there is good mixed in with the change.

That isn’t a reason to ban free speech. Rather It’s a great reason to embrace the freedom because gives us the chance to speak up and help others.

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As for the whole skill injector thing…

CCP admitted it had a glut of skill points. It was the only one of the 3 resources in this game that had very little sink. Isk, plenty of sinks between taxes, LP exchange, etc that reduce isk and help stop inflation. Minerals, the constant cycles of destruction are a sink.

Skill points… The only sink left was the loss of skill when killed in a T3 cruiser and that wasn’t enough. Instead of returning to the cold clone grade system which sucked, CCP added injectors and they work. As for people saying pay to win with skills…

Have you actually priced out the cost? If I want to skill inject into an orca at this point which is one skill to 5 and 2 skills to 1… It’s 6 bil isk. That isn’t pay to win for anyone except maybe CCP if I buy and sell PLEX for that 6 bil. And all so I don’t have to wait 9 days? I’ll wait like so many others will. And what would an orca gain me? A transport ship that differs a little from a bowhead but still needs more to mine or boost. That’s not winning anything.

Injectors are for the impatient and well… Eb e has always been a game for the patient. Stop stressing about them, they aren’t going to effect you negatively. In fact, you may find they help. That useless skill you trained to 5 but don’t need… Extract it and sell the injectors to some fool who thinks it’s pay to win. You’ll be ahead terms of isk and better off while they sit around wondering why they can’t win just because they now have Cal frigate to 5.

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I am still shocked to this day at how complacent people have become and how indoctrinated that have gotten into how they define pay2win. I sure hope people like you are in the minority, or we’ll all be paying $1 in gold each time we fire a gun in a videogame in 5 years time.

“skill buying” is really no different than character trading. Those skillpoints that person bought still had to be trained by someone somewhere. Plus there’s a giant skillpoint “tax” on older players using these… so really the injectors are not as bad as character trading, because with character trading you could instantly buy a rorqual pilot without any SP tax… and you’d have the added benefit of having that rorqual pilot as a separate character

I agree theres some downsides to it… like not knowing if that 4day old character is in a titan or not… but otherwise its not “pay2win” any more than it was before.

As someone who’s never injected either of my main characters, i take pride in my earned skills as well. and i’ll still never inject these chars. I did however inject a JF alt cos *shrug* my main char already trained it legit and i didnt want to re-train it slowwww… i would have had to buy a JF alt and not kept the cool char name i made. would that be any better?

As for the free2play stuff… its awesome. its a great way to get new players addicted, and to keep old friends together when people cant afford their subscription. Now anyone can login to their char whenever they want and see whats going on.
Sure gankers might use alphas but not as much as omegas. The alpha gankers didnt add much extra risk.

Wow that was a wall of text. But it seems to me that you are missing a few key variables here.

First, skill points are not “pay to win” not only is there a max cap on all skills, but the actual percentages given by most of them is quite small. Especially the differences between 4 and 5 when compared to the sp investment. Injectors allow players to speed things up and actually enjoy playing the parts of the game they want too. Before, you might have to spend months sitting around to train into fleet doctrines, and that is still an option. But if you have the isk you can go out and having the kind of fun you want.

Also, as someone who spent the majority of his eve career as a HS care bear. It has never been safer. There have always been gankers, and the best way to stay safe from them has always been to go somewhere that they aren’t. Difference is that back in the day, most regions and certainly every trade hub had their own, highly active gank squads, these days all those pilots are mostly part of code, and only really active in a handful of systems… HS is huge, if your getting ganked leave the 30 or so systems they actively patrol and mine in any of the hundreds of other ones available to you. If a beach is known for its shark attacks, and despite having hundreds of equally good beaches to choose from you insist on swimming at that one. Don’t bitch when you get bit.

Finally, plex hasn’t been under 200 mil in the entire decade I’ve been playing. The cheapest I EVER remember it being was 500m (correction apparently there was a magical 9 month drop between ~August 09 and ~may 2010 where prices dropped below 300 but not lower than 250.), take off those rose coloured glasses. The prices have gone up because player income has gone up, it has never been easier in the history of eve to earn a plex, solo HS mining just isnt one of those ways anymore. But obviously hundreds of other players have figured out ways to do it, otherwise demand, and the prices would drop. game has changed a lot in the past decade. There is only one person to blame if you fail to adapt to those changes.

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sure it’s harsh. that’s how life works. feel free to try to educate him regarding the mistakes in his logic and perception. he clearly shows a tremendous amount of reason in his words and is totally not irrational with his emotional drivel. go ahead, good luck. you people are insane.

If you are bored in a situation where others are having fun, doesn’t that signal to you that the issue is your preferences, and not the game?

I knew a guy from my old neighborhood who collected stamps. He was very interested in it, and would show me his collection and tell me the history of various stamps. I wasn’t interested in it, but I didn’t think there was something wrong with him or stamp collecting, I just realized it wasn’t for me.

Gamers are notorious for being super judemental about things, and while it’s understandably human, it’s still pretty dumb. Simply put, EVE just isn’t your thing, nothing is wrong with that, but you should not pretend that anything anyone could change would make a difference.

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It is just how I see it, because like I mentioned we can all get to the point that anyone can, and this game particularly isn’t one where money wins you fights.

Sure, you get to “win” faster but… In fact I don’t want to repeat what I said in the second post.

Game A: Buy an exclusive character or gear with a clear edge in everything where F2P or even subbed people can’t get - P2W
EvE: Buy money. That’s it. - Pay 2 Progress.

And what does me being in a “minority that believes this is not P2W” have to do with a “future where you need to pay to shoot guns”? If anything the minority you mention is the one who will actively fight against that.

At least the WoW community gets it:

Many free to play games have microtransaction systems where you can purchase stat boosts or gear or what have you. Not all of them damage the game terribly (since you can earn the cash shop items ingame with effort and perhaps a bit of luck), but then there are others that you cannot be competetive in without cash shop items, because the bonuses are simply THAT good.

The latter type of game is the ‘pay to win’ stereotype. If WoW was a pay to win game, you’d be able to spend cash on a new tier of PvP/PvE gear that wasn’t available on vendors or in raids. Those that had it would then have a big advantage over those that didn’t. Until they released the next patch with the next set of cash shop items…etc.

I buy skill injectors with isk because in a pvp game you can always out play others
Just another way for one player to advance faster than another player through skill and hard work
As for the alpha death squads
High sec is SO SAFE the existence of ONE alliance dedicated to ganking miners, who don’t even operate across all of high sec, generates so much FEAR AND SALT just at the mention of their name
that high sec must just be about the safest it has been for years.

I can remember fleets of new players mass invading missions and just stealing everything in sight, gankers were a cost of doing business, and if you didn’t get war decced as soon as you formed a corp you were doing it wrong.

edit- if you are staying in the game Ill put a contract for a large skill injector up for you, for 350mil, just because, while I think you are upset about nothing, I’d rather you stayed and gave it a shot, eve mail me in game if you are interested.
Also, all of your skill points that you paid for with your sub, are now refundable, if you would rather have a half price extractor to redistribute some of these (another advantage you have over new players), let me know, and Ill sort that out instead.

Lots of love


EDIT: offer is for OP obviously

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They can’t fly any PvP ship and the ones they can fly will be ■■■■ fit because Alpha skills. Secondly stop winging about how impossible the game is, loads of other miners are mining right now and doing fine while you complain here.

^ Fair point this annoys me too.

I just dont understand how free ship vs free ship is somehow not fair?


And a bad bitter vet at that. It dawns to me you always were bad at EVE and have clearly failed to have fun. So kindly move on, the door is that way >>>

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