Dont they have a constitutional mandate to protect property from unlawful damage?

And arent Police forces in the United States also under rules set at the state level which may include this?

Even if not, which would be fair, I dont know much about US law, then the absence of a function they share in common with police in some countries cant be used as a basis for similarity of function and purpose otherwise, no?

All wrecks should be yellow, even the NPC ones, even in highsec.

What about criminal timers for shooting indestructible objects, what is the point of that ?

Do you mean like gates?

Yeah I guess, is there anything else that gives you a criminal timer ?

Do you mean a suspect timer?

I dont really know because I dont pay attention between it and the limited engagement timer

No, they can’t.

… fifty posts later.

Sorry. :frowning:

Iirc this was done because of the practice of tanking sentry turrets while suicide ganking.

You have a dedicated tanking ship at the gate, which aggresses the gate one tick before the gank happens …
… causing the sentry turrets at the gate to begin shooting the gate-aggressor.

This way, for thirty seconds until the turrets switch target automatically … (iirc 30 seconds)
… ganking ships can dish out their full dps-potential until CONCORD arrives …
… compared to quickly getting shot down one by one before CONCORD arrives.

The gate-aggressor only received standings losses against the empire owning the gate.

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They have a mandate to destroy criminals.

That said, its easy to shrug off the catalyst losses. Too easy. Reducing CONCORD response times could be a nice solution CCP.

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Actually, all of their mandates are property-based, unless theyve started podding folk.

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Funny when you put it like that. There’s no punishment directed at the actual offender, just what they happen to be sitting in at the time. In real life terms this would be punishing a murderer by crushing their car and then waving goodbye to them as they drive away in another one.

Hilarious really :smiley:


But… The crime isnt murder either, its property damage.

Its like the punishment for intentionally ramming a dump truck with a smartcar is having your smartcar exploded.


Depends, its murder if the gankers pod the victim, which they do sometimes, right?

The Concord response would be the same, they don’t escalate based on ship destruction alone vs ship destruction and murder of Capsuleer.

So I can ram you wiht my smartcar AND kill you and still just have my smartcar exploded :rofl:


Yeah and CONCORD dont actually cover the killing as an apexidic crime, FacPo do, which is why I can murder someones pod, lose my ship to concord and be cool until I go somewhere where my standing took the hit.


Exactly :slight_smile: CONCORD exist to stop Capsuleer conflucts killing too many Civs. They dont really care if we kill each other or theyd have basically banned guns in HS.


CONCORD doesn’t consider a capsuleer being podded as murder - you cannot murder immortals. A pod is more property. CONCORD doesn’t distinguish between the two for purposes of retribution mechanics. Pod kills do get an extra security standing hit, for faster progress toward a criminal state, but that’s all.


Despite the floating frozen ‘corpse’.

So they basically don’t care what we do to each other, but they care about what we do to each others space ships?

A curious Police force indeed.

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Well, like I say, its really more to protect the Empires from us.

A capsuleer with no ship is only a danger to the economy and I think ours is seperate from theirs.


There is a corpse, but the entity that inhabited the corpse is still very much alive - using a new body.

Within the context of New Eden’s setting, it’s perfectly logical - this is a dystopian society where not only are the few wealthy and powerful, but literally immortal. Capsuleers cannot be jailed or killed - thus, the only form of punishment for them when they commit crimes is destruction of their assets in retribution.

Attempts as drawing parallels between CONCORD and present-day real-world police are inappropriate because these are completely different functional environments - societal norms in New Eden are nothing like Earth (present or past) due to the literal immortality of the Capsuleer sect - of which all PCs are members. CONCORD upholds agreements between the Empires, they do not serve the general public; CONCORD exists to punish those who interfere with lawful business in Empire space; they react to offenses as a deterrent, not with the intent to detain and rehabilitate offenders.


So nothing stands on the way of them starting podkilling criminals where appropriate then.


Well, nothing more than is already stopping them just podkilling casualeers in general.

If podding capsuleers is a crime, why dont CONCORD respond when the Triglavians or Edencom do it?