You are all looking at price rises wrong!


ccp has been moving in a direction away from making mining easy or profitable. Why would they design any of what you’re suggesting?

LOL, is this the new falsehood now, all nullseccers are bots?

Ya, they definately won’t get more from me. I recently subbed a fourth account to help get my assets up, but, to be honest I have been bleeding isk for a few years and just paying more for the extra accounts and less rewards. At best I will go back to three accounts, which means I pay the same per month. At worst I will unsub all but my main account or just go alpha altogether. Not sure the drops, content is there fore me anymore. They certainly won’t get more and most likely will get less.

The problem is they cater to the top Elite Eve Players and not the base and most of the players. CCP is so out of touch with what the rest of us need, or want. Even the big Alliance bosses are out of touch with the average player. They only thing they know is war and whipping their people to mine and produce. CCP and Alliance Bosses don’t know nothing about PVE, drops and so fourth unless they have a farmer somewhere that is farming the crap out of drop sites. I have seen so few drops from combat sites in the past few years, and I don’t want to sit there and mine all day long, if I am not making isk I can’t afford to go on PVP fleets to loose what I don’t have. Null lacks special drops in just about every one of the sites and the ones that do drop are shat. If they seem to think that Risk vs Reward is the name of the game they are strangling the players. Not all players want to sit there and risk millions of isk to get the pochven rewards. They need to get back in touch with the base, not just the new player and not just the large group players, because solo play and small PVE groups used to be a thing, it used to be fun. But they have strangled the game play and most players can’t afford to risk everything for the high rewards. My ship losses in Null are far more expensive than anything I get from Null as reward. They even nerfed Abyssals where the reward used to be worth the risk. That was a high dollar buy in as well. If you think this is salty get out your knife and fork out because its a reality for most players.

oh stop that , all the crabs in big alliances are PVE rich players , its part of the POWER dynamic
mitans don’t want a bunch of dirty poor PVP veterans
he want a bunch of super rich clueless billionaires
the question who wins a PVP alliance VS a industrial alliance is so old and the answer is tie industrial one OFC , they can do 1000 t34s for every panzer you make sauerkraut
you know what a big alliance cant do? defeat a GOD like free being that don’t want to hold sov
embrace your shack in the woods and your DIY boom stick

Right, more miners, because we all know how they love to ship up, and get in fleets to protect their assets? So they sub more miner alts and all the PVErs and PVPrs graudally leave the game, but, thats okay because they have miners to fill their spots with subs. Then one day you have the same number of logins but, half the people in seat. Those people get bored and leave the game as well and the bottum drops out. They might want to get a grip before that happens, because to lose one or two players with a couple accounts is okay, but, to replace the many whith less butts in seats and alts is dangerous. Hey EVE is a cruel grindy place, why shouldn’t CCP also take risks with their finances just like their players do?

I guess most are not as elite as you.


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