You have to fight for what you believe in

Shut your damn mouth and combat the common enemy instead of enslaving those who you say had better help you fight it.


We have been for the better part of a century, yet a bit over a decade ago we were stabbed in the back. One year ago it was proven the Minmatar have been continually poisoning our wells since by fomenting rebellions, and going so far as to take advantage of a Blooder attack on our territory, making them complicit.

We do not have the option of shrugging off the continual insults and threats any longer. Floseswin is a warning shot of what is to come if the provocateurs get their way. Heed the lesson, swallow your pride, and cease those offenses and perhaps we may rethink our methods of negotiation.

Oh, please. I know you’re not allowed to think for yourself, Meatpuppet, but no, nobody was complicit in the Blooder attack on Thebeka. Stop your illegal slave-raiding, and maybe you’ll have a leg to stand on… but probably not.

For something that is illegal, the greatest leaders of New Eden seem to have a difficult time stating it plainly.

Perhaps the militia wars started by the Elder Fleet had some unintended consequences for the instigators. Fitting.

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As if it started then. Stars, you become more incredibly dull and empty-headed by the day, Meatpuppet.

Then if the war never stopped, finish it already.

You seem grumpy today, Newelle.

Ever hear the phrase timing is everything? Your warning shot is taking place when as you put it, we should be coming together to address this imminent threat. As far as your leaders act, “let’s let the cluster burn because our feelings were hurt.” You have quite the timing to show your displeasure in us. Let Amarr burn, I’ll be busy helping the State and the Federation since they seem to hold some common sense. Watch the hands you bite, someday they may offer you food.

One day we should organize some pacific discussion session without the chance that would degenerate in another argument especially in these kind of threads that could start with a good purpose of exchange of opinions…

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You did notice that, but didn’t notice how Arrendiot was blatantly insulting him with her half-witted remarks?

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