Pretty similar to me… might want to rethink it for next year.
It’s almost as if it were intentional. Almost.
No, I’m positive this was happenstance. There’s no way the two could be connected. Chalk it up to a 1 in 1,378,431,675,900 chance. The math is correct.
Is that a Triglavian symbol where the tie knot is? And what is he drinking? Has the color of fuel blocks
He cracked a skill injector open, poured it out into a cup made of PLEXiglass, and is slurping up his RMT (without wearing a condom).
It’s one of my favorite books because of the uncanny amount of parallels it has with my own life.
is… this seriously a question?
it’s obviously a reference.
The face in the drawing reminds of him only because of the rest of the image.
The same face in a different setting wouldn’t.
A problem only arises when the face actually resembles him enough that he would be identifyable even in a different setting.
I’m sure it’s the Jita 4-4 Exec Suit.
It’s badly done. Looks like crap. I could’ve done that a million times better.
CCP can’t even hire a good artist.
I can’t believe they’ve used the picture of DiCaprio.
I wonder if he knows… Will contact him and ask.
Prove it.
Because YOU ask? What do I owe you that I have to prove anything to you?
I don’t even owe you an answer. Be glad you got one.
You said you can make one that’s a million times better.
Why would you make the such a claim when you don’t want people to believe you?
Man, you are one bitter little goblin, aren’t you?
Why? Because I refuse to be treated like a dog?
At least people like dogs.
Might be a step up for you.
You said you can make one that’s a million times better.
Why would you make the such a claim when you don’t want people to believe you?
… and how fragile is your ego when you feel treated like a dog by the two simple words: “Prove it.” ?
If you actually could make one a million times better … (or even just by a little bit)
… you would show me what’s up and actually prove it.
But you don’t.
Because you can’t.
You would have been better off if you either hadn’t made the claim …
… or if you would actually put your money where your mouth is.
Yea… Only YOU people are allowed to act like douchebags, right?
When YOU do it it’s “trying to help someone” but someone does it to you you go cry to momma.
Can dish it out but can’t take it.
Don’t waste my time, troll.