Your year in EVE!

Also no email. Can these be made as a set URL to a dynamic page for our account or something? Or have a link for that page put on our account info page?

I have dozens of accounts linked to 5 or 6 different emails. It would be much preferable to not have to use email to view these and if there was a separate one for each account.


Loved the video CCP! Thank You for all of the hard work and updates. :slight_smile:

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Guys i dont have a mail yet what does that mena and how to get another one send to me


WTB email

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" You listened to ‘Precious Ore’ 50,000 times "

Actually I’m surprised I’m in the top 15% of miners.

The wait is killing me

sips coffee

Starship troopers is epic. Haven’t read the book though. I’d love to make a char based on that haha.

I wouldn’t hold your breath. Even if you get one, there’s a good chance they’ll put one of your unused characters as the prime.

My “main” was a character that’s been in omega less than a week and looking at the stats in my little movie, the characters that were in omega for the full year weren’t even noticed by the poorly coded algorithm.

Well done, CCP. You are everything I expect you to be.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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nothing yet for me either…

i get all the other emails. but the 1 that might be worth looking at… i don’t get… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I still haven’t gotten mine either, I am looking forward to it so I am impatient

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How do you resubscribe to e-mails? Still haven’t seen an answer to this…

Well if that’s the case then the work CCP did on the videos was a waste of time…

Course that remains to be seen since I haven’t received mine yet…

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Same here… I got the Video on 6 of my 7 Accounts but the “Main” Account got nothing :confused:


Sadly I don’t get one for my ISD character specifically :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I had some good frags on Golem

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My main account was in alpha state for a couple of days an I didn’t get e-mail, I bought omega today. Is there any chance to get my video?

I don’t get the mail :frowning: @CCP_Swift


What time period does the data cover?
This tracks your data from 1 December 2020 to 30 November 2021

Do I have to be Omega the full time to get this?
So long as you had Omega status for one month in this period, the video would have been created for you

also no email … 14 accounts on the same email, never unsubscribed to updates, fulfilling all the requirements and not a single email for any account. An account specific link in your own account info would be much appreciated instead of the seemingly very unreliable e-mail delivery method.


Guess I have to wait for the new year, too.