I love gang pvp dont get me wrong I just dont enjoy solo hunting.
At least he was trying to help people. What have you done ITT other than act like an ashhat?
I miss solo hunting, prefer small gangs but I’m not up to speed in yrs now so it doesn’t matter much now.
Send your troll insults and complaints to CCP’s customer service, they get paid to deal with that crap.
Notice “as of March 20th” in that article…this started happening - oh I don’t know 2 days ago - so obviously a new issue.
I have actually put time into finding solutions to this issue and getting a little tired of ppl who have not/ can not put the time in to find a solution spreading false information and slowing down the process. If I seem like an “ashhat” to you then so be it.
I have no reason to reach out to them, would be a waist of time. They wouldn’t even know what to do if I gave them the answers.
Oh? Ok…so why didn’t you just tell the person your solutions, then? If you have the solutions why not post them all over? I’m sure folk would appreciate it. Certainly it cannot be that you don’t want to put the time into doing so…you have made it clear you don’t like when people do that.
I ask you to post your solutions you have found to the vexing issues your fellow players face.
So…were 6 days into what some of us are experiencing as either no log in or lagged out pointless login. I’m checking back to see if I can somehow miraculously play the game tonight…nope. Surely there will be at least some new update from CCP as to why this is ongoing…nope. We’ve one Dev post whos tip is if the first button doesn’t work, try the other one, it works for some ppl.
Can we please get a no nonsense answer as to why we’re experiencing this? One day = we’re looking into login difficulties, Six days = something is going on and we’re not telling you. How is this all connected to a DDoS attack from a week ago? Communication please!
Launcher fails
Login blocked
Login fails
Chat broken
Lag (not local connection)
Connection lost (DC’d)
Okay this is my first post ever but I uninstalled EVE due to being frustrated trying to log on. I reinstalled and now after launcher fail I logged in using window above and was able to log in. Now even my chat works but I am only in station. Maybe this may work for some of you.
I’m still having these issues from Ohio, USA. Clicking ‘Connect’ after the initial failure did work after a few tries. However, everything in-game lags so much that it’s basically unplayable.
I’d also like to say that whoever is behind these DDOS attacks deserves to be maimed.
Jack I live in Michigan, did you uninstall like I did? Just a note but staying logged in seems to be a problem now lol
the same thing here far the last 48+ hours
I mean, it seems pretty obvious that this has been the issue for days now. Likely another case of CCP spending the bare minimum for a “good enough” solution for EVE. Don’t wanna risk any of that mobile game development money. Or maybe rebooting Project Nova for the 5th time.
^^^^ Absolutely THIS!!! A little clear, no-nonsense communication would be lovely. It would silence the people spreading garbage and conjectures, and give people an idea of where things stand. I guarantee that if CCP doesn’t start communicating, their customers will by simply walking away.
The broken chat is not a new issue, that page is about port 5222, that’s what CCP is requesting to be opened.
I made 5 jumps with out a disconnect now my chat is working am logging off on this subject going to go play
Is the chat still not working or is it just me?
Really CCP how about an answer to my question…what is the real problem. i am tied of being angsty and angry and all that. Just TALK to us , quit with the apologies and handwringing it is beyond tiresome at this point .
what is the problem and what exactly are you doing about it. that is what you really need to answer.
A group of us in NZ, EU, Aus and most of USA can login with any issues.
We do have a few on the West coast that can login, but have no chat. Some tried using mobile data connections and got in with full features, but they want to multibox…