The Hunt for Komi Valentine is Over!

Komi starts a public video stream. She has an unexpected grin on her face.

"Well, dear Hunters and especially dear @Xuxe_Xu

I have to inform you about the recent events. After @Xuxe_Xu claimed the killing of 170.000 Slaves in my name, I considered suicide. I will not deny that, and it took a lot of friends counsel to keep me off that dark path.

However, there was one single spark of hope. What if this all was just a sneaky game by her to get rid of me? I’ve talked to some holders, and they ensured me, that it was very unlikely for a holder to kill that amount of slaves just because. As the former CEO of the Tribal Intelligence Agency I used my network to start an operation, that I will now reveal:


Xuxe Xu is blackmailing me. She wants to kill me, and If I don’t do what she says, she threatens to abuse her power and jettison millions of slaves into space: Link

I cannot accept that. This is why I started this Operation. The goals are:

  1. locate Xuxe Xu (she is probably in the Domain area) Maybe she doesn’t do this job herself, but has henchmen to do it.

  2. observe her and find out if she really jettisons slaves !!

  3. If she does… interrupt her business and rescue as many slaves as possible

    If you observe her, I need a log on whatever she does for at least 24h every action needs to be noted ( undock, jumping system). If she posts officially and I have evidence that she didn’t undock on this day, or wasn’t jettisoning slaves, I will pay 1 billion ISK to the person that provides this evidence. If you are a group observing her, I will pay every member accordingly to the times noted in his log :wink:
    Additionally I will pay a fair price for every slave you can rescue, if she jettisons them!

Suspects last known location: Vouskiaho III - Hyasyoda Corporation Mineral Reserve

As reported by multiple independend Agents, Miss Xu did not Jettison slaves today. She wasn’t even flying a ship with that much cargo capacity. She was heading from Vouskiaho III - Hyasyoda Corporation Mineral Reserve straight to Jita 4-4.

[ 2020.05.23 07:21:33 ] Agent T > /emote activates her comm. “She is docked at Jita IV - Moon IV - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant, and has been for the alst several hours. She has had no opportunity to do so.”
[ 2020.05.23 07:21:53 ] Agent T > As i followed her to the station, and am still here, I can confirm that she has not left.

She has lost all credibility with me and my Minmatar brothers and sisters and I will not react to any attempted killing of slaves in the future committed by her or other capsuleers!
I discussed this with my Minmatar supporters, and I will not be responsible for any deaths other then those I commit with my own hands!
You underestimated me, Miss Xu and now your reputation is one of a liar and simple minded phony.

You were close to breaking me, but now I returned with more strenght than ever before.
I just wanted to inform you, that blackmailing me is unacceptable and I have the support of the Minmatar public.

@Archer_en_Tilavine I will reply to your questions today. Sorry, I had to confront this trouble with Ms Xu.

Your CSM Candidate Komi o/

// the video stream ends

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