2017/11/13 - Post Downtime Login Issues

Crap- not a second time in week to type in account details x N

goddammit. Now I have to type account details EVERY TIME I log in. get rid of the F launcher and get back the .exe

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Can you detail the EVE Portal issue you are experiencing?

This is just unacceptable. I already had to re-add my significant number of accounts twice in the past month. Now had to remove accounts one by one and accept EULA, closed launcher - and guess what happened? Yup, every single account gone.

Fix your ■■■■.

Please restart the Launcher and try again; the Launcher will fetch updated content from the Login Server. Please let us know if the issue persists.

I have two (2) accounts, one will log in and the other will not. It comes up “Launch process started” and just sits there

this Podorozhnik has helped to me right now.

Does not work for me. Can type in username and password, then nothings happening exept the two fields are empty again. Launcher keeps forgetting both accounts.
Restarting launcher has no effect at this time, doesnt download anything.

So lets see… the fix was to clear out all the work I did to set up my accounts after the ‘improvement’ you made to the launcher, which to be fair was working absolutely fine for me, and it insists on my accepting the new EULA for which I have to manually scoll all the way down to the bottom of the bull that is EULA and at the moment it then gives me NO button to accept… GG CCP way to go to waste a considerable amount of my time

ps: you know maybe this is a sign from the universe that I could have a considerable amount of spare cash and a huge chunk of free time back

Please contact Customer Support so they can assist you.

way above i posted you can accept the eula on the webpage and in my accounts that did the trick make sure to clear your browser history each time you login an account to accept the eula then just restart the eve laucher no need for accounts to be removed or changed

Yeah but to be honest I lost interest when I couldn’t log in after already having set all this ■■■■ up once

Okay, i had to restart the launcher about 10 times, but now it seems to work…

  1. click the license field
  2. press tab key several times

Well, that was easy. I took only a lot of time, nerves, launcher restarts, clicking invisible buttons to accept changes you actually cannot physically read because someone, somewhere, thought this is good idea. Good idea to make confusing, badly implemented luancher because all good games like League of Legends have one as well. And when we’re on top of this make QA obsolete. Don’t test anything. This is brandly new chunk of code, everything should work out of the box. Code reviews are for scrubs, more code more subs.

Excellent work guys, keep it up.

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Thank you woxow for the tab key hint, as otherwise I just wasn’t getting tlo the EULA

Guys… how can i accept the EULA again if i can’t scroll down far enough to see the ACCEPT button?

EDIT : Thanks for tab key hint.

Seems on a second attempt, I managed to pass through without accepting the EULA.
One thing I did though was logging into the web site (accepting the EULA in the process). Maybe a clue.

Lol, the clue is fix the bloody Accept button.

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For the ‘EULA window is too small to show the ACCEPT button’ issue, I also noticed that happens when my Launcher Layout is set to ‘Display login above news’. I used the Open Settings, ‘Display login to the right of news’ to get a longer login window, and now the Accept/Cancel buttons show up.

edit: One alt did have the issue where I couldn’t scroll to bottom, and also did not display the Accept button even though I made the login area longer. However either the X or Cancel button (which did show) closed the EULA and I just logged that alt back in again and the proper window EULA window showed.