2018/08/08 - DDoS Attack!

is it still DC’ing

Well, today I enjoyed the most Low-Sec ‘Thrilla in DED 5/10 Sansha’s Nation Neural Paralytic Facility’ with my Loki, before I scrolled this forum. What the hek is happening? One DC in Low-Sec while flying towards, 2 DC in the DED complex (and thanks not in the last room and there were only explorer neutrals in local), 2 DC while moving back.


There is a new wave of DDoS attacks since last night midnight and these are still on going. One can see their effect on the player population here.

Well, previously I thought that only Chat Log and Heimatar market are using Cloud Platform. I see now, that there are bunch of capsuleers with Cloud registration. :thinking:

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Server down?

I know you have to and I want to emphasize that this is really appreciated. It might not be clear due to some trolling or overly angry people taking more space, but there are many players who really understand the amount of personal commitment you guys are putting in and how exceptional and remarkable this very open and direct line of communication is. Thanks.

But you know what? If you had said: fck it, I’m not going to miss out on this beautiful summer night after working my ass off all day - I’d close my Launcher for the night and be okay with it.

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You received a detailed and prompt response yet chose to fixate on the fact he’s somewhat frustrated by the lack of trust from players in this thread? Guess what, CCP employees are just as human as we are.

Given some of the caustic comments made by players looking to assign blame when the situation isn’t that simple, I don’t blame CCP Explorer for his flippant remark at all.

You then go on to misquote Falcon, misrepresenting what he said, to support you accusation that CCP’s communication has worsened in recent months. Don’t you see how hypocritical this is? Also, backpedal much?

As someone who started playing back in 2006 the change I notice most here on the forums is “entitled” players antagonising/accusing CCP rather than trying to understand the issues they’re facing. It shouldn’t be a case of “us” vs “them” when we ALL want to continue enjoying playing EvE.

So how about you (and by that I mean, collectively the whiners) HTFU or GTFO.

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How about stop finding excuses for their lazy behaviour?


If you’ve actually been here since 2006 then you know damn well that up to 2017 there wasn’t any issues like what’s been happening here in 2018. Obviously some or even all of CCP’s recent program changes have opened up the servers to attack.

Also all paying customers have the right to voice their concerns and disappointment about the service they’re receiving.


A quick google shows DDoS attacks on EVE in April 2016 apparently linked to a fight, in June 2013 that totally closed the servers for hours, June 2011 servers 100% down for 5 hours, and about 4 other dates where there is discussion of DDoS indicating that probably a smaller attack happened. And that’s on page 1 of google once I filter it down to times between 2010 & early 2017.

So, stop talking rubbish.

I really don’t give a crap what you supposedly found on google.

What has been happening here in 2018 is way out of control compared to the few times you found listed for the 7 years prior.

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What, you mean the servers staying up in 2018 rather than being 100% closed for 5 hours is way out of control? How terrible, obviously we should go back to when the servers got shut down instead.
Get off your high horse and actually read what you are writing here.

Yes, There are more DDoS attacks in 2018, oh jee, what a surprise, the reasons for why it’s easier and more common have been covered already in this thread. It’s not any kind of new vulnerability, it’s a basic weakness the internet itself has and always will have. There is no way to design around a DDoS attack. It’s a pure capacity overload thing.

Heh, anything can shut down the servers for 5 hrs, doesn’t have to be a DDoS attack.

Anyway, I still stand by what I previously said - there’s been a hell of a lot more issues happening within the past few months compared to the past 10 years prior to 2018.

By the way, a multi-million dollar company that conducts an Internet business should have top line security protocols already established and working.

fun fact
so, the server has already issues how it is already. so YAY since updates in the past few months made everything worse how do you think will it be when the new patch comes? xD

Woke up this morning, started logging different toons in to update skills and runs some R&D missions. Everything working great.
A couple hours later I was playing around on one toon and wanted to log one in to check stuff in Jita.

Can’t do it. Launcher gives the “Can not refresh token” error.
Close launcher. Reopen it. Try again. Same error.
Close launcher. Reopen it. Try a different toon. Same error.
(Continue running the one toon that was still online).
Close launcher. Reopen it. Try different toons. Same error.
Repeat. Repeat again. Repeat again and again.

Then the one toon that was actually working gets the “socket closed” message.

Now it’s been a couple of hours and I can’t get ANY of my toons to log in at all. They ALL keep getting the same “Could not auto-refresh token” error.

Kind of odd considering that there are now over 22,000 people online.


lol, no. As usual you are talking out of your arse. The new chat system is a huge self-inflicted wound by CCP, but overall patch quality and server stability are better than before.

Read all the various threads about log in and stability issues for the past 6 months before posting your drivel.

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There’s over 28k people online in Tranquility but i can’t login with any of my accounts for the last several hours. ‘Could not connect to login server’.

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No need to be rude just because you are an entitled whiner who doesn’t know how bad things just to be.

Funny how CCP yells DDoS attack every time a major fight is going to happen. Nothing related to a lot of people wanting to log in and watch hundreds of titans shooting each other. Nope. Must be mean people hogging the servers, that’s the only explanation, folks. And we should all be thankful of CCP’s ISP, that blocks large batches of IPs during this “attack” and then forgets about it.