Let me teach you to prevent you from Dunning-Kruegering accidentially. There are a lot of people who know a lot about the whole topic, and as someone who spent, and occasionally still spends, a lot of time with this, I will allow myself to condense it all into one post.
It has never been about understanding the game, or about learning the mechanics. It has never been about “good vs. evil”, and never been about “being able to hunt them and shoot them”. These were all facades. Reasons they gave about one particular thing their hate channeled through. An attack vector.
In the past, they found something they disliked and got loud about it. Eventually CCP gave in and changed, or nerfed, the game play they have objected to. Then, within only a few months, a new generation came and repeated the process. Unbeknown to the past changes did they ask for changes, because the old changes were not good enough. A problem of perception, where those who join in later perceive the status quo as “the norm” and deem it as “bad”, or “wrong” for reasons.
Any complaints have never been about the reasons. They also have never been about the in game activity. These are all just what they manage to express on the surface.
The true reason, which all these people share, is that they object to the idea of self responsibility and the fact that there are people who are better than them … in what way ever. They treat the game as an extension to their real life, because it affects their feelings.
They live in a world where they were told that they are special, a hero, have greatness. They believe in authority and protection. They believe that their words are of importance and they believe they are entitled to what they want.
You will find shades of the above spread around everywhere, in different concentrations. Most afk cloaky threads have examples of them. Bumping and freighter ganking threads are also overrun with them. War declarations, too, are where they reside and keep up a discussion about an issue only they actually have … while succeeding in making it look bigger than it is by constantly baiting weak minds into talking with them.
On the forums, as in the game, you will find people who seem to be your friend at first …
… but will show their ugly faces once you start disagreeing with them in certain topics.
Usually these center around “self responsibility”, “new players”, and “survival”.
It all boils to this:
If it actually was a connected group of like minded individuals, we would call it a conspiracy … but it is not. They are not actually a connected group, yet they are like minded individuals. They share the (passive) aggressiveness and the insults. They share the abuse of definitions and meaning. They move goal posts, keep finding new reasons again and again, they “think of the children”, they outright lie just to get you to agree with them.
They abuse other peoples’ willingness for discussion to make it look like it is actually a serious topic worth conversing about, yet no actually serious discussion every actually takes place.
They share the hate for those who are better than them. They share the hate for those who confront people with their inferiority. They share the hate for those who wish for new players to grow up learning how to survive, instead of being protected by an omnipotent Big Brother / God / CONCORD / whatever.
They are weak, overly sensible and disconnected from reality. Too sheltered, too spoiled, too self entitled. They have been raised into believing that they are important, special, that they matter, that their opinions matter, that they will be successful, that they deserve it, etc. etc. etc. In such realities one does not end up as a self responsible adult, no. You end up as a spoiled, immature brat who is used to hiding behind someone while screaming his lungs out about how bad the others are.
All of the above or some of the above. Some more than others, some less than others. Yet, on a base level, they are all alike. MindShare. (© @Sibyyl )
That is why there is a thread asking for ships to kill gankers;
That is why people ask for a change of bumping mechanics;
It is why there are a handful of people making a lot of noise about afk cloaking (fuck RMTing renter trash);
Why you will always find topics centering around “self responsibility” without ever actually touching the subject directly.
And it is why we have the status quo.
And what is left in the empty pot, after boiling it all down, is that for them it is personal. It is an ideology. They both demand and require that others agree with them, and when you do not, then you are a bad person. They also will never stop, simply because there are already so ■■■■■■■ many of them, that it is simply not stoppable anymore.
Go find and talk to these people who want to fight “bad guys”.
Go create a group.
Go try and fight the gankers, war deccers and or bumpers.
You will learn that there is a huge amount of incompetence hiding behind egos unwilling to accept that they are being bested. Every single day. As soon as you have found successful tactics, and as soon as you have managed to actually get people to listen to you and do as you say (good luck with that), more and more people who want to “fight back” will join in.
And on the forefront, soon enough, there will be those who take it all very, very personally.
I am too tired to go proof reading again, so I apologize if I mixed up paragraphs. Soon it is midnight and after investing a good 15-25 minutes into this post … quite fun … I am calling it a day.