There are literally less than a dozen people wishing for CQ in this thread. Any other threads on it attracted so little attention they dropped off the first three pages of threads almost immediately.
Math is hard, I know, but that’s not even 1% of 1%, much less 5 of 5.
Was not about WiS, it was about not getting any meaningful updates for almost 2 years…only to get CQ and overpriced cash shop for vanity items.
I could name up to 18 other veterans besides myself that are waiting for the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey expansion to go live…cause it offers WiS, WoP, and FPS alongside with flying spaceships…and we are all multiboxers.
I could name up to 20 other ppl that have already quit EvE for places like Star Citizen, Dual Universe, and No mans sky.
I know of many, most i no longer have contact with so i could not name them all these days that were multiboxers, content creators, gankers, miners and indultriasts that have quit EvE permanently after the SUmmer of Rage debacle and closing of Dust514 whom waited for an actual EvE Universe to appear…but eventually gave up on that dream as hope dwindled away. These ppl did not leave really over changes done by CCP, but because of lack of development by CCP.
To say interest is lacking @Kezrai_Charzai ,you could not be more wrong. CCP is sitting on its laurels and EvE is slowing dying to asphyxiation as a result.
btw Elite Dangerous does not require a monthly subscription.
They will not. EvE online pretty much aligned with transhumanism …
Also there is serious difference between caharcter you see as flesh and blood and interact to enviroment that way and just see yourself in a pod and a picture.
EvE online is a game that so many ethical values undermines andnunethical things encouraged and supported… lying … stealing backstabbing …scamming ect ect…
They made that once … which was actually good marketing strategy … but it was something doesnt fit with whole story …
You’re still just using this thread as the yardstick for community enthusiasm which is just nonsense. It’s frequency of threads and persistence of threads over time and number of individuals across all threads and elsewhere (in game, YouTube, other websites) that counts.
Not even close to being true. You’re just making up your own history of events to fit your own agenda. Absolute nonsense.
Again, figures plucked out of thin air based on nothing but your imagination. There’s no factual basis for these random numbers you throw around. That you just changed the numbers from 5% of 5% to 1% of 1% because you felt like it says it all, lol
But this is what you say about everything you think.
Been here with you before, everything you think is the ‘we’ and the ‘majority’ and your (personal, subjective) ‘experience’ represents everyone, while what anyone else thinks is the ‘one’ and the ‘minority’ and their ‘experience’ represents nothing.
Well having spoken to lots of people i haven’t found many who used the feature or that many who were even interested, which lines up with the numbers CCP published, i mean at this point you’re the ones claiming CCP lied about the actual usage, which makes literally no sense as they don’t require our permission to remove a feature or really need a reason to change something in their game, its like the excuse the flat earthers that the government is hiding that the earth is flat, to literally no end lol
Its all well and good to ask for it to come back, but trying to claim CCP lied about the actual usage numbers is just grasping at straws
Every time they made changes to art rendering, they had to update the CQ - it was an entire separate system awkwardly bolted into the EVE engine rather than part of the core code. The 6-8 month estimate was for rebuilding the system from scratch to actually be part of the EVE engine instead of a separate entity. They posted a very in-depth explanation around their decision making process; I am on mobile and cannot readily search/link it right now, but a quick Google search for Eve Online Captains Quarters should pull it in the first page of results.
Is there anything, besides CQ, that wasn’t / isn’t part of the core code?
When they add stuff, like this present Guardian’s Gala, do they add them to the core code, even if it’s a temporary event?
I remember that CQ would never work with WINE whereas the core of the game did. Once I bought a decent laptop I did have a look at CQ and take several snapshots, but that stuck door…
The Gala is an event that runs entirely within the EVE game engine - it uses existing functionality of the client to deliver the experience. While a patch is required to start this type of event, that’s mostly a matter of pushing out updated reference files to the client to display the daily event prompts and populate additional graphics (such as SKINs and event redemption queues).
Captain’s Quarters used an entirely different graphics engine from EVE Online, because the EVE graphics engine is built around rendering spaceships and space environments vs avatars. The engine can be modified to add in the necessary technical rules for rendering avatars and build the features that would allow an avatar to walk around in a room, but it is, as CCP explained, a 6-8 month effort (or longer if they run into execution issues that they don’t readily know how to solve due to not being experts in mobile avatar rendering).
But didn’t they succeed in rendering all that stuff since it was already ready for players to use and players did use it?.. Hadn’t they already done the majority of that work since it worked ?
I’m sure it wasn’t finished to anyone’s satisfaction but according to screenshots it looks to me that they had gone past the major hurdles since players used it.
I do not feel like re-creating the entire dev post from CCP from memory. Google ‘EVE online captains quarters’ and the very first result is likely the CQ retirement announcement. Read that. It should answer most general-knowledge-level queries.
What actually “says it all” is that you can’t math out that 1% of 1% of EVE players means about a couple dozen players, which is roughly how many you see clamoring for a return to Captains Quarters. I’m fine with CQ, I used it, I would use it again (although rarely, since there was nothing useful you could do in it).
The issue is that it’s a completely separate development effort that adds nothing to the core game of ships in space. CCP can’t even develop the core features of the actual game, much less bolt on entirely different systems and get them to work. Heck, they can’t even get their chat system to work reliably, something every other MMO has mastered for decades.
If you want the actual numbers instead of my “made up” facts, please refer to the original devblog. It shows exactly what you’d expect for a gimmick experience unrelated to the game: initial modest interest while the minority of players who want to wear cool pants in their spaceship game check it out, and then gradual abandonment as everybody figures out it’s useless and gives up on it.
Yes, people gave up on it because it was useless, and it was useless because CCP made it that way. Since they couldn’t make it useful even when they had full teams working on it, there’s little hope they could do a better job now.
I read it while eating my morning croissant and drinking my honey-sweetened tea… I took a look at the graphs and tried not to spill my tea as I scrolled text with one hand and sipped out the hot cup.
3% is way too low to even bother opening a compile program. I understand why they dropped the dream of Walking in Station, seems like damn near nobody wanted to walk. I don’t blame them, why walk when you can warp in one of those beautiful ships.
Time to wake up to the reality. My clone is forever stuck either in a capsule or in a clone bay sigh
What was it about the great honor of being a Capsuleer? I forget now. I do know one thing, I wouldn’t want to be a Capsuleer in real life! Being trapped in a steel thing forever isn’t my idea of fun. Just leave me to tan and sip on Ethanol on the rocks while I watch the sun set on a beach on Khanid Prime.