This figure has no statistical merit and is based on nothing but your imagination. You haven’t done a survey or a poll or collated data from these forums, from in-game or from across the entirety of the world wide web over the course of the nearly 4 years now since CQ was removed.
You just made this up.
More than a ‘couple of dozen players’ have expressed an interest in having CQ back this month alone, yet alone over the whole of the last 4 years.
I’m not interested in anything you have to say while you continue to throw random nonsense made up ‘statistics’ around as if they are facts. I can only begin to imagine how deluded you must be to think making things up is going to form the basis of an intelligent conversation, but you’re wrong. As soon as I saw you were still making things up I stopped reading. I didn’t even read past the sentence I just quoted.
But some people used it, like it or not, so it wasnt useless.
It was not entirely what most people wanted. You can say that even about EDENCOM ships right now. There is so much things that would be used so much more if only CCP would listen.
Well by all means start a proper poll and survey the entire EVE playerbase, i very much doubt you’re going to get the answer you want and even then most peoples actual reaction to the feature will differ after experiencing it, lots of people might say they want it, but once they see how much slower it makes every station interaction they will likely stop using it
WiS doesn’t provide any actual ingame benefit so its not likely to be worth maintaining given the work involved, especially given most people will revet back to the standard interface to avoid jumping through hoops just to do simple basic stuff like swapping ships etc
Sure, but a feature used by 1% of a playerbase isn’t really worth maintaining, its cost versus benefit and if there isn’t a way to justify the cost
Sure for the handful of people that used it and would use it the feature probably seems amazing, but for the majority of the playerbase its just another thing to add client bloat
CCP think ONLY IN MONEY… NEVER in quality of life. I dont back to EVE at CCP change theyr idea about… Captain dont give MONEY to CCP. So… ll not back and im far for a long time…
me to
taking it of was a error by ccp
people like the social and customization stuff
just look at mobile
a glorified chat room that you can buy furniture and decoration and call other people to see how amazing your avatar is = a lot of mobile games
maybe is not what eve is about but would attract a lot of people
maybe even some mini games , chess etc
i would like it
You’re not alone. Been wanting cap quarters back ever since they removed them, from time to time it’s nice to get outside your ship. I know when podded you are outside your ship, but walking up that ramp seeing your baby parked there ready for war gives you that feeling of pride. Make the quarters customizable as well, so when you come back from an intensive fight that may have taken you hours, would be nice to sit down and kick back with a Quafe and just watch a bit of telly ya know.
“It was crap because it didn’t get the focus it deserved so they removed it. I don’t want it because it was crap”. But what if they actually DID put in the effort it deserves, then it would (possibly) not be crap and would actually have a use and thus BE used.
Apart from that there’s nothing wrong with adding extra content, even if one personally doesn’t like it others might which means more players. Especially as not having a moving avatar, like with “normal” MMOs, is a hard sell to someone new to EVE.
They should make industry part of Capt’n Lounge, accessible through a “door to Industry” or a “crafting station”
Matter of fact, they should make Reprocessing, Market and the button to change clothes part of the Capt’n Lounge.
But that’s just what I think.
A barely mentionable tiny percentage of the playerbase cared about it, not enough to be worth supporting it and bloating the client, yes some people loved it, but the overwhelming majority didn’t care about it
Its almost like they are a “for-profit” business or something
There wasn’t any quality of life in captain quarters, every single docked action would have taken far longer to perform in CQ than just by using the current hangar, its just a simple fact
It still wouldn’t be used much, like i’ve just said above, nothing in CQ would be done as fast as it could in the current hangar, it would require more resources to run and take longer to load while bloating the client and increasing maintenance costs and QA time to test
Who says it would only do things that are currently in the game, why can’t they introduce avatar-only play styles or options? It’s almost as if you trying really hard to talk it into the ground.
Because for most people those still wouldn’t be worth it, if its not benefiting your internet spaceships its likely not going to get used, there isn’t anything to talk in to the ground, its already dead and buried, i could call it the greatest thing since sliced bread but it would still be dead and still wouldn’t be coming back, so i instead choose to look at the feature from a realistic viewpoint and see the flaws it had that very likely helped the feature be sunset
So cool, you could probably go and dance around on a dancefloor 99% of EVE won’t see or won’t care about, there isn’t really any avatar gameplay that would add much to the game for most people who are here for internet spaceships
90% of the crap you’ll read on this forum is opinion. I don’t pay much attention to grandstanding and boasting. I do like your posts though. You’re right on point 99.999 percent of the time.